From railML 2 Wiki
Revision as of 17:02, 3 April 2022 by RailML Coord Documentation (talk | contribs)
A checked version of this page, approved on 3 April 2022, was based on this revision.
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railML® 3 Wiki – RailTopoModel® Wiki |
XML Trees For railML® versions from 2.3 onward |
XML Tree for railML® 2.5
- <railml> version, xsi:schemaLocation
- <metadata>
- <organizationalUnits>
- <infrastructureManager> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <vehicleManufacturer> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <vehicleOwner> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <vehicleOperator> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <customer> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <railwayUndertaking> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <operationalUndertaking> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <concessionaire> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <contractor> code, description, id, name, rail:lang, role, subLevel
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <infrastructureManager> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <projects>
- <project> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <alternative> code, description, id, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <phase> code, description, endDate, id, name, rail:lang, startDate
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <revision> code, description, id, initialProjectRef, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <objectsRevised>
- <objectRevised> ref, xsi:type
- <revisedBy> code, date, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <checkedBy> code, date, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <approvedBy> code, date, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <projectArea> ref, xsi:type
- <project> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <organizationalUnits>
- <infrastructure> code, description, id, name, rail:base, rail:lang, rollingstockRef, timetableRef, version
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <metadata>
- <infraAttrGroups>
- <infraAttributes> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <owner> infrastructureManagerRef, ownerName, uic-no
- <operationMode> clearanceManaging, modeExecutive, modeLegislative
- <trainProtection> medium, monitoring, trainProtectionSystem
- <electrification> frequency, type, voltage
- <maxTrainCurrent> maxCurrent, type, validFor
- <powerTransmission> style, type
- <axleWeight> meterload, value
- <gauge> value
- <clearanceGauge> code
- <speeds>
- <speed> etcsTrainCategory, profileRef, status, trainCategory, vMax
- <epsgCode> default, extraHeight
- <trainRadio> broadcastCalls, directMode, networkSelection, publicEmergency, publicNetworkRoaming, radioSystem, textMessageService
- <generalInfraAttributes>
- <generalInfraAttribute>
- <attributes>
- <attribute> name, value
- <attributes>
- <generalInfraAttribute>
- <infraAttributes> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <tracks>
- <track> code, description, id, infraAttrGroupRef, mainDir, name, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <from> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <to> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trackDescr>
- <trackTopology>
- <trackBegin> absDir, absPos, absPosOffset, id, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <connection> id, ref, xsi:type
- <bufferStop> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <openEnd> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <macroscopicNode> flowDirection, ocpRef
- <trackEnd> absPos, absPosIn, absPosOffset, id, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <connection> id, ref, xsi:type
- <bufferStop> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <openEnd> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <macroscopicNode> flowDirection, ocpRef
- <mileageChanges>
- <mileageChange> absDir, absPos, absPosIn, absPosInOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <mileageChange> absDir, absPos, absPosIn, absPosInOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <connections>
- <switch> absPos, absPosOffset, clearancePosOffset, code, controllerRef, description, id, length, lockRef, model, name, normalPosition, ocpStationRef, pos, rail:lang, remoteIndicated, remoteOperated, trackContinueCourse, trackContinueRadius, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <connection> branchDist, course, id, maxSpeed, orientation, passable, radius, ref
- <crossing> absPos, absPosOffset, clearancePosOffset, code, controllerRef, description, id, length, lockRef, model, name, normalPosition, ocpStationRef, pos, rail:lang, remoteIndicated, remoteOperated, trackContinueCourse, trackContinueRadius, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <connection> branchDist, course, id, maxSpeed, orientation, passable, radius, ref
- <switch> absPos, absPosOffset, clearancePosOffset, code, controllerRef, description, id, length, lockRef, model, name, normalPosition, ocpStationRef, pos, rail:lang, remoteIndicated, remoteOperated, trackContinueCourse, trackContinueRadius, type
- <crossSections>
- <crossSection> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, ocpCenterSide, ocpRef, ocpTrackID, pos, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <crossSection> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, ocpCenterSide, ocpRef, ocpTrackID, pos, rail:lang, type
- <borders>
- <border> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <border> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <trackBegin> absDir, absPos, absPosOffset, id, pos
- <trackElements>
- <speedChanges>
- <speedChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, etcsTrainCategory, id, mandatoryStop, name, pos, profileRef, rail:lang, signalised, status, trainCategory, trainRelation, vMax
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <speedChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, etcsTrainCategory, id, mandatoryStop, name, pos, profileRef, rail:lang, signalised, status, trainCategory, trainRelation, vMax
- <gradientChanges>
- <gradientChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, slope, transitionLenght, transitionRadius
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <gradientChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, slope, transitionLenght, transitionRadius
- <radiusChanges>
- <radiusChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, geometryElementDescription, id, name, pos, radius, rail:lang, superelevation
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <radiusChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, geometryElementDescription, id, name, pos, radius, rail:lang, superelevation
- <tunnels>
- <tunnel> absPos, absPosOffset, code, crossSection, description, dir, id, kind, length, name, pos, rail:lang, resistanceFactorFreight, resistanceFactorPassenger
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <from> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <to> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <crossedElements>
- <crossedElement> code, description, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <crossedElement> code, description, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <tunnel> absPos, absPosOffset, code, crossSection, description, dir, id, kind, length, name, pos, rail:lang, resistanceFactorFreight, resistanceFactorPassenger
- <bridges>
- <brigde> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, kind, length, meterload, name, pos, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <from> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <to> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <crossedElements>
- <crossedElement> code, description, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <crossedElement> code, description, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <brigde> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, kind, length, meterload, name, pos, rail:lang
- <levelCrossings>
- <levelCrossing> absPos, absPosOffset, angle, code, controllerRef, description, dir, id, length, name, ocpStationRef, offset, pos, protection, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <crossedElements>
- <crossedElement> code, description, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <crossedElement> code, description, id, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <levelCrossing> absPos, absPosOffset, angle, code, controllerRef, description, dir, id, length, name, ocpStationRef, offset, pos, protection, rail:lang
- <ownerChanges>
- <ownerChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, infrastructureManagerRef, name, ownerName, pos, rail:lang, uic-no
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <ownerChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, infrastructureManagerRef, name, ownerName, pos, rail:lang, uic-no
- <operationModeChanges>
- <operationModeChange> absPos, absPosOffset, clearanceManaging, code, description, dir, id, modeExecutive, modeLegislative, name, pos, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <operationModeChange> absPos, absPosOffset, clearanceManaging, code, description, dir, id, modeExecutive, modeLegislative, name, pos, rail:lang
- <trainProtectionChanges>
- <trainProtectionChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, medium, monitoring, name, pos, rail:lang, trainProtectionSystem
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trainProtectionChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, medium, monitoring, name, pos, rail:lang, trainProtectionSystem
- <electrificationChanges>
- <electrificationChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, frequency, id, isolatedSection, name, pos, rail:lang, type, vMax, voltage
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <maxTrainCurrent> maxCurrent, type, validFor
- <electrificationChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, frequency, id, isolatedSection, name, pos, rail:lang, type, vMax, voltage
- <powerTransmissionChanges>
- <powerTransmissionChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, style, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <powerTransmissionChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, style, type
- <axleWeightChanges>
- <axleWeightChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, meterload, name, pos, rail:lang, value
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <axleWeightChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, meterload, name, pos, rail:lang, value
- <gaugeChanges>
- <gaugeChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, value
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <gaugeChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang, value
- <clearanceGaugeChanges>
- <clearanceGaugeChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <clearanceGauge> code
- <clearanceGaugeChange> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, name, pos, rail:lang
- <geoMappings>
- <geoMapping> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, id, name, pos, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <geoMapping> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, id, name, pos, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <trackConditions>
- <trackCondition> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, length, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trackCondition> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, length, name, pos, rail:lang, type
- <platformEdges>
- <platformEdge> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, height, id, length, name, ocpRef, parentPlatformEdgeRef, pos, rail:lang, side
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <from> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <to> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <propPassengerInfo>
- <mediaResources>
- <textFragments>
- <textFragment> rail:lang, verboseness
- <audioFragments>
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textToSpeechTemplate> xsi:type
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textFragments>
- <mediaResources>
- <platformEdge> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, height, id, length, name, ocpRef, parentPlatformEdgeRef, pos, rail:lang, side
- <serviceSections>
- <serviceSection> absPos, absPosOffset, cleaning, code, description, dir, fueling, height, id, length, loadingFacility, maintenance, name, ocpRef, parentServiceSectionRef, parking, pos, preheating, rail:lang, ramp, rampType, side
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <from> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <to> absPos, absPosOffset, ocpRef, pos
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <serviceSection> absPos, absPosOffset, cleaning, code, description, dir, fueling, height, id, length, loadingFacility, maintenance, name, ocpRef, parentServiceSectionRef, parking, pos, preheating, rail:lang, ramp, rampType, side
- <speedChanges>
- <ocsElements>
- <signals>
- <signal> absPos, absPosOffset, code, controllerRef, description, dir, distNearestDangerPoint, function, height, id, maskableATC, maskableRoute, mountedOn, name, numberOfLamps, ocpStationRef, pos, positionAtTrack, rail:lang, ruleCode, sigSystem, sight, signalBoxOcpRef, stationOcpRef, switchable, trackDist, type, virtual
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <speed> kind, switchable, trainRelation
- <speedChangeRef> ref, xsi:type
- <etcs> level_0, level_1, level_2, level_3, srsVersion, switchable
- <levelCrossing> ref, switchable, type
- <trainRadio> switchable, trackConditionRef
- <catenary> switchable, trackConditionRef
- <line> ref, switchable
- <milepost> lineRef, mileageChangeRef, shownRemark, shownValue, switchable
- <braking> switchable, trackConditionRef
- <trainProtectionElementGroupRef> ref, xsi:type
- <baliseGroupRef> ref, xsi:type
- <signalGroups>
- <signalGroup> code, description, id, name, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <signalRef> ref, sequence
- <signalGroup> code, description, id, name, rail:lang, type
- <signal> absPos, absPosOffset, code, controllerRef, description, dir, distNearestDangerPoint, function, height, id, maskableATC, maskableRoute, mountedOn, name, numberOfLamps, ocpStationRef, pos, positionAtTrack, rail:lang, ruleCode, sigSystem, sight, signalBoxOcpRef, stationOcpRef, switchable, trackDist, type, virtual
- <trainDetectionElements>
- <trainDetector> absPos, absPosOffset, axleCounting, code, controllerRef, description, detectionObject, dir, directionDetection, id, medium, model, name, ocpStationRef, pos, posInTrack, rail:lang, virtual
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trackCircuitBorder> absPos, absPosOffset, code, controllerRef, description, dir, id, insulatedRail, name, ocpStationRef, pos, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trainDetector> absPos, absPosOffset, axleCounting, code, controllerRef, description, detectionObject, dir, directionDetection, id, medium, model, name, ocpStationRef, pos, posInTrack, rail:lang, virtual
- <balises>
- <balise> absPos, absPosOffset, code, countryID, description, dir, groupID, id, linkReactionAscending, linkReactionDescending, linkingAccuracy, name, ndx, pos, rail:lang, staticTelegram, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <baliseGroup> code, description, id, name, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <baliseRef> ref, sequence
- <balise> absPos, absPosOffset, code, countryID, description, dir, groupID, id, linkReactionAscending, linkReactionDescending, linkingAccuracy, name, ndx, pos, rail:lang, staticTelegram, type
- <trainProtectionElements>
- <trainProtectionElement> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, medium, model, monitoring, name, pos, rail:lang, system, trainProtectionSystem
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trainProtectionElementGroup> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <trainProtectionElementRef> ref, xsi:type
- <trainProtectionElement> absPos, absPosOffset, code, description, dir, id, medium, model, monitoring, name, pos, rail:lang, system, trainProtectionSystem
- <stopPosts>
- <stopPost> absPos, absPosOffset, axleCount, code, description, dir, id, name, ocpRef, platformEdgeRef, pos, rail:lang, ruleCode, trainLength, trainRelation, verbalConstraints, virtual, wagonCount
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <validForMovements> kind
- <signalRef> ref, xsi:type
- <stopPost> absPos, absPosOffset, axleCount, code, description, dir, id, name, ocpRef, platformEdgeRef, pos, rail:lang, ruleCode, trainLength, trainRelation, verbalConstraints, virtual, wagonCount
- <derailers>
- <derailer> absPos, absPosOffset, code, derailSide, description, dir, id, kind, lockRef, model, name, pos, rail:lang, ruleCode
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <derailer> absPos, absPosOffset, code, derailSide, description, dir, id, kind, lockRef, model, name, pos, rail:lang, ruleCode
- <trainRadioChanges>
- <trainRadioChange> absPos, absPosOffset, broadcastCalls, code, description, dir, directMode, id, name, networkSelection, pos, publicEmergency, publicNetworkRoaming, radioSystem, rail:lang, textMessageService
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trainRadioChange> absPos, absPosOffset, broadcastCalls, code, description, dir, directMode, id, name, networkSelection, pos, publicEmergency, publicNetworkRoaming, radioSystem, rail:lang, textMessageService
- <locks>
- <lock> absPos, absPosOffset, code, controllerRef, description, dir, id, keyStorageRef, name, pos, positionAtTrack, rail:lang, trackDist, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <lockedElement> hasKeyByDefault, ref
- <lock> absPos, absPosOffset, code, controllerRef, description, dir, id, keyStorageRef, name, pos, positionAtTrack, rail:lang, trackDist, type
- <signals>
- <infraAttrGroupRefs>
- <infraAttrGroupRef> ref, xsi:type
- <impairmentSections>
- <impairmentSection> areaRef, code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <additionalRunningTime> absDir, value
- <impairmentSection> areaRef, code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <propPassengerInfo>
- <mediaResources>
- <textFragments>
- <textFragment> rail:lang, verboseness
- <audioFragments>
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textToSpeechTemplate> xsi:type
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textFragments>
- <mediaResources>
- <track> code, description, id, infraAttrGroupRef, mainDir, name, rail:lang, type
- <trackGroups>
- <line> belongsToParent, code, description, id, infrastructureManagerRef, lineCategory, name, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <lineDescr>
- <trackRef> ref, sequence
- <locallyControlledArea> code, controllerRef, description, id, name, ocpRef, ocpStationRef, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trackRef> ref, sequence
- <controllerRef> ref, sequence
- <line> belongsToParent, code, description, id, infrastructureManagerRef, lineCategory, name, rail:lang, type
- <operationControlPoints>
- <ocp> abbrevation, code, description, id, name, number, parentOcpRef, rail:lang, timezone, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, type
- <controllerRef> ref, sequence
- <propOperational> ensuresTrainSequence, operationalType, orderChangeable, remoteControlled, simultaneousEntry, trafficType
- <uptime> endDayOffset, from, mode, operatingPeriodRef, until
- <relation> priority, type
- <from> line, ocp
- <to> line, ocp
- <averageDelayTime> value
- <propService> airport, bus, goodsIntermodal, goodsLoading, goodsMarshalling, goodsSiding, passenger, service, ship, tariffpoint
- <propEquipment>
- <propPassengerInfo>
- <informationArea> ref
- <mediaResources>
- <textFragments>
- <textFragment> rail:lang, verboseness
- <audioFragments>
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textToSpeechTemplate> xsi:type
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textFragments>
- <propOther> chargeFrontier, frontier, status
- <additionalName> rail:lang, type, value
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <tsi> check, country, location
- <area> name, number, zip
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <ocp> abbrevation, code, description, id, name, number, parentOcpRef, rail:lang, timezone, type
- <controllers>
- <controller> code, description, id, model, name, parentControllerRef, rail:lang, routeSetTime, swVersion, technologyType, type, typicalThrowTime
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <ocpRef> ref, sequence
- <trackVacancyDetectionArea> ref
- <localOperationalArea> ref
- <workZone> ref
- <controller> code, description, id, model, name, parentControllerRef, rail:lang, routeSetTime, swVersion, technologyType, type, typicalThrowTime
- <speedProfiles>
- <speedProfile> basicSpeedProfile, code, description, endDayOffset, endTime, etcsTrainCategory, id, influence, maxAxleLoad, maxMeterLoad, name, operatingPeriodRef, rail:lang, startTime, trainProtectionSystem, verbalConstraint
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <tilting> actuation, maxTiltingAngle, tiltingSpeed
- <braking> airBrakeApplicationPosition, brakeType, minimumBrakePercentage
- <path>
- <ocpRef> ref, sequence
- <speedProfile> basicSpeedProfile, code, description, endDayOffset, endTime, etcsTrainCategory, id, influence, maxAxleLoad, maxMeterLoad, name, operatingPeriodRef, rail:lang, startTime, trainProtectionSystem, verbalConstraint
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <routes>
- <route> approachPointRef, approachSpeed, code, conditional, description, entryRef, exitRef, id, name, overlapEndRef, overlapValidityTime, proceedSpeed, rail:lang, releaseSpeed, releaseTriggerHead, releaseTriggerRef
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <switchAndPosition> flankProtection, switchPosition, switchRef
- <overlapSwitchAndPosition> flankProtection, switchPosition, switchRef
- <releaseGroup>
- <trackSectionRef> flankProtection, ref
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <route> approachPointRef, approachSpeed, code, conditional, description, entryRef, exitRef, id, name, overlapEndRef, overlapValidityTime, proceedSpeed, rail:lang, releaseSpeed, releaseTriggerHead, releaseTriggerRef
- <operatingRules>
- <operatingRule> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <childRule> ruleRef
- <objectRef> ref, xsi:type
- <operatingRule> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <genericAreas>
- <genericArea> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <location>
- <limitedBy> ref, sequence
- <genericArea> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <infrastructureVisualizations> rail:base
- <rollingstock> code, description, id, infrastructureRef, name, rail:base, rail:lang, timetableRef, version
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <metadata>
- <vehicles>
- <vehicle> adjustableWheelSet, axleLoad, axleSequence, bruttoAdhesionWeight, bruttoWeight, code, description, id, length, name, nettoAdhesionWeight, nettoWeight, numberDrivenAxles, numberNonDrivenAxles, onTrainHead, onTrainTailOnly, rail:lang, resistanceFactor, speed, tareAdhesionWeight, tareWeight, towingSpeed, trackGauge, trackGaugeAlternative, vehicleCategory, vehicleFamilyRef
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <classification>
- <manufacturer> manufacturerName, manufacturerType, serialNumber, vehicleManufacturerRef
- <owner> endDate, ownerClass, startDate, vehicleOwnerRef
- <operator> endDate, operatorClass, operatorName, startDate, vehicleOperatorRef
- <vehicleIdentification> countryCode, uicIdentNumber, vehicleKeeperMarking
- <engine> axleDriveType, haulageLoad
- <propulsion> activationStandstill, additionalRotationMass, code, controlType, description, forwardSpeed, frequency, id, maxBrakeEffort, maxBrakePower, maxRegenerativeVoltage, maxTractEffort, name, numberNotches, power, powerType, rackTraction, rail:lang, remoteControl, reverseSpeed, rotationMassFactor, speedRange, totalBrakeEfficiency, totalTractEfficiency, tractionOffUndervoltageThreshold, transmission, voltage, wheelDiameter, zeroSpeedCurrentLimitation
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <transformer> additionalResistance, assemblyName, count, ferrumResistance, mainInductance, meanEfficiency
- <winding> assemblyName, nominalCurrent, nominalVoltage, primaryLeakageInductance, primaryResistance, secondaryLeakageInductance, secondaryResistance, transformationRatio
- <efficiency>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <fourQuadrantChopper> assemblyName, count, meanEfficiency, meanPhi, meanPhiRegeneration
- <efficiency>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <phi> xsi:type
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <efficiency>
- <link> nominalCurrent, nominalVoltage
- <tractionInverter> assemblyName, count, meanEfficiency
- <efficiency>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <pulsePattern>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <efficiency>
- <tractionMotor> additionalResistance, assemblyName, count, ferrumResistance, mainInductance, meanEfficiency, nominalCurrent, nominalFlux, nominalFrequency, nominalPhi, nominalPower, nominalRevolutions, nominalVoltage, numberPolePairs, rotorLeakageInductance, rotorResistance, statorLeakageInductance, statorResistance
- <efficiency>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <mechanicalLosses>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <efficiency>
- <diesel> assemblyName, availableAuxiliaryPower, count, fuelCapacity, meanEfficiency, nominalPower
- <gear> assemblyName, count, designType, gearRatio, manufacturerName, meanEfficiency, nominalPower, torqueConversion
- <efficiency>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <efficiency>
- <auxiliarySupply> power, powerBraking, powerPhi, powerPhiBraking, resistance, resistanceBraking
- <dedicatedSupplySystem> frequency, maxPower, voltage
- <tractiveEffort>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <brakeEffort>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <tractiveCurrent>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <brakeCurrent>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <tractiveCurrentLimitation>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <brakeCurrentLimitation>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <tractiveVehicleEfficiency>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <brakeVehicleEfficiency>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <rackTraction> number, rackSystem, resilentCogWheel
- <pantograph> controlType, designType, fittedSection, headWidth, maxCurrentDriving, maxCurrentStandstill, orderNumber, positionOnSection
- <dedicatedSupplySystem> frequency, voltage
- <energyStorage> chargingEfficiency, code, description, dischargingEfficiency, id, maximumChargingEnergy, maximumCurrentCharging, maximumCurrentDischarging, maximumPowerCharging, maximumPowerDischarging, meanStorageEfficiency, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <efficiency>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <monitoring>
- <etcs> code, description, id, level_0, level_1, level_2, level_3, name, onBoardUnitID, rail:lang, softwareVersion, srsVersion
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <specificTransmissionModule> code, description, id, name, nationalSystemRef, onBoardUnitID, rail:lang, softwareVersion
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <nationalSystem> code, description, id, name, onBoardUnitID, rail:lang, softwareVersion, trainProtectionMedium, trainProtectionMonitoring, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <trainRadio> code, description, id, modulation, name, onBoardUnitID, rail:lang, softwareVersion
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <radioSystem>
- <otherEquipment> code, description, id, name, onBoardUnitID, rail:lang, softwareVersion
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <etcs> code, description, id, level_0, level_1, level_2, level_3, name, onBoardUnitID, rail:lang, softwareVersion, srsVersion
- <propulsion> activationStandstill, additionalRotationMass, code, controlType, description, forwardSpeed, frequency, id, maxBrakeEffort, maxBrakePower, maxRegenerativeVoltage, maxTractEffort, name, numberNotches, power, powerType, rackTraction, rail:lang, remoteControl, reverseSpeed, rotationMassFactor, speedRange, totalBrakeEfficiency, totalTractEfficiency, tractionOffUndervoltageThreshold, transmission, voltage, wheelDiameter, zeroSpeedCurrentLimitation
- <wagon> additionalRotationMass, auxiliaryPowerConsumption, bearingType, headShape, headSurface, kinematicEnvelope, rotationMassFactor
- <passenger> airTightness, deck, drivingCab, emergencyBrakeDeactivation, tilting
- <places> category, count, description, tapTsiType9039Code
- <service> count, description, name, tapTsiType7161Code, type, value
- <gangway> designType, floorLevel, frontEnd, gangwayHeight, gangwayWidth, position, rearEnd
- <doors> closingTime, entranceHeight, entranceLength, entranceWidth, footStepHeight, lockingSpeed, number, openingTime
- <passengerFlowSpeed> flowSpeed, platformHeight
- <tilting> actuation, maxTiltingAngle, tiltingSpeed
- <goods> freightCarType, freightCarUICType, load, loadArea, volume
- <service> count, description, name, tapTsiType7161Code, type, value
- <auxiliarySupplySystem> frequency, voltage
- <driversCab> acousticSignaller, orderNumber, position
- <rackTraction> number, rackSystem, resilentCogWheel
- <couplers>
- <mechanicalCoupler> couplingHeight, designType, positionOnCarEnd, pullingForce, pushingForce
- <pneumaticCoupler> couplerFunction, integratedOnMechanicalCoupler, positionOnCarEnd
- <electricalCoupler> designType, numberContacts, positionOnCarEnd, positionOnMechanicalCoupler
- <trainClearanceGauge> code
- <passenger> airTightness, deck, drivingCab, emergencyBrakeDeactivation, tilting
- <vehicleBrakes>
- <vehicleBrake> airBrakeApplicationPosition, autoBrakePercentage, brakeType, emergencyBrakeMass, emergencyBrakePercentage, loadSwitch, maxAutoBrakeMass, maxDeceleration, meanDeceleration, regularBrakeMass, regularBrakePercentage
- <auxiliaryBrakes> E, H, Mg, Wb, brakeUse, ep
- <vehicleBrakeOperation> brakeSupervision, decelerationDelay, meanDeceleration, releaseSpeed
- <decelerationTable>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <decelerationTable>
- <mechanicalBrakeEffort>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <eddyCurrentBrake> maxEffort, maxPower, minSpeed
- <vehicleBrake> airBrakeApplicationPosition, autoBrakePercentage, brakeType, emergencyBrakeMass, emergencyBrakePercentage, loadSwitch, maxAutoBrakeMass, maxDeceleration, meanDeceleration, regularBrakeMass, regularBrakePercentage
- <loadLimitMatrix> chassisSpeed
- <loadLimit> maxSpeed
- <railNetwork> name
- <lineClassification> name, payLoad
- <loadLimit> maxSpeed
- <curvingLimitation> horizontalCurveRadius, verticalCrestRadius, verticalSagRadius
- <maintenanceIntervals>
- <maintenanceInterval> code, description, id, maximumIntervalDays, maximumIntervalDistance, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <maintenanceInterval> code, description, id, maximumIntervalDays, maximumIntervalDistance, name, rail:lang
- <vehicle> adjustableWheelSet, axleLoad, axleSequence, bruttoAdhesionWeight, bruttoWeight, code, description, id, length, name, nettoAdhesionWeight, nettoWeight, numberDrivenAxles, numberNonDrivenAxles, onTrainHead, onTrainTailOnly, rail:lang, resistanceFactor, speed, tareAdhesionWeight, tareWeight, towingSpeed, trackGauge, trackGaugeAlternative, vehicleCategory, vehicleFamilyRef
- <formations>
- <formation> bruttoWeight, code, description, etcsTrainCategory, formationCount, id, length, load, name, nettoWeight, rail:lang, speed, tareWeight, weight
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <states>
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <designator> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <state> disabled, endDateTime, endDayOffset, endTime, id, operatingPeriodRef, remarks, startDateTime, startTime, status
- <trainOrder>
- <vehicleRef> frontGangway, orderNumber, rearGangway, vehicleCount, vehicleRef
- <categoryRef> ref, xsi:type
- <trainEngine> trainMaxAcceleration, trainMeanAcceleration, trainMinTimeHoldSpeed
- <trainBrakes> airBrakeApplicationPosition, brakeType, emergencyBrakeMass, emergencyBrakePercentage, maxDeceleration, meanDeceleration, regularBrakeMass, regularBrakePercentage
- <auxiliaryBrakes> E, H, Mg, Wb, brakeUse, ep
- <trainBrakeOperation> brakeSupervision, decelerationDelay, meanDeceleration, releaseSpeed
- <decelerationTable>
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <decelerationTable>
- <trainResistance> daviesFactorA, daviesFactorB, daviesFactorC, daviesMassDependent, strahlFactor, tunnelFactor
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <columnHeader> zValue
- <valueLine> xValue
- <values> yValue
- <segmentTable> functionValueName, functionValueUnit, segmentStartValueName, segmentStartValueUnit
- <columnHeader> exponentValue
- <valueLine> segmentStartValue
- <values> coefficentValue
- <valueTable> xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
- <speedProfileRef> name, ref
- <technicalStopActivity> minimumTime, purpose
- <formation> bruttoWeight, code, description, etcsTrainCategory, formationCount, id, length, load, name, nettoWeight, rail:lang, speed, tareWeight, weight
- <timetable> code, description, id, infrastructureRef, name, rail:base, rail:lang, rollingstockRef, version
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <metadata>
- <timetablePeriods>
- <timetablePeriod> code, description, endDate, endTime, id, name, rail:lang, startDate, startTime
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <holidays>
- <holiday> description, holidayDate
- <timetablePeriod> code, description, endDate, endTime, id, name, rail:lang, startDate, startTime
- <operatingPeriods>
- <operatingPeriod> bitMask, code, description, endDate, id, name, rail:lang, startDate, timetablePeriodRef
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <operatingDay> endDate, onRequest, operatingCode, startDate
- <operatingDayDeviance> holidayOffset, onRequest, operatingCode, ranking
- <specialService> endDate, endTime, singleDate, startDate, startTime, type
- <operatingPeriod> bitMask, code, description, endDate, id, name, rail:lang, startDate, timetablePeriodRef
- <distributions>
- <distribution> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <referenceOcp> event, ocpRef
- <slotGroup>
- <slot> duration, interval, numberOfTrains, startTime
- <operatingDay> endDate, onRequest, operatingCode, startDate
- <operatingDayDeviance> holidayOffset, onRequest, operatingCode, ranking
- <operatingDay> endDate, onRequest, operatingCode, startDate
- <slot> duration, interval, numberOfTrains, startTime
- <distribution> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <categories>
- <category> categoryPriority, code, deadrun, description, id, name, organizationalUnitRef, parentRef, rail:lang, trainUsage
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <category> categoryPriority, code, deadrun, description, id, name, organizationalUnitRef, parentRef, rail:lang, trainUsage
- <annotations>
- <annotation> code, description, id, name, rail:lang, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <mediaCategories>
- <mediaCategory> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <text> rail:lang, verboseness
- <annotation> code, description, id, name, rail:lang, type
- <announcements>
- <announcement> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <mediaCategories>
- <mediaCategory> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <announcement> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <linesTT>
- <lineTT> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <mediaResources>
- <textFragments>
- <textFragment> rail:lang, verboseness
- <audioFragments>
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textToSpeechTemplate> xsi:type
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textFragments>
- <lineTT> code, description, id, name, rail:lang
- <patternTrainParts>
- <patternTrainPart> categoryRef, code, description, id, lastModified, line, lineTTRef, name, rail:lang, remarks, timetablePeriodRef
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <formationTT> formationRef, xsi:type
- <ocpsTT>
- <ocpTT> alignment, ocpRef, ocpType, offset, remarks, sequence, trackInfo, trackRef
- <times> arrival, arrivalDay, departure, departureDay, scope
- <sectionTT> description, distance, lineRef, percentageSupplement, remarks, section, trackInfo, xsi:type
- <alternativeSectionsTT>
- <alternativeSectionTT> description, distance, lineRef, percentageSupplement, priority, remarks, section, trackInfo
- <stopDescription> commercial, guaranteedPass, onOff, operationalStopOrdered, purpose, stopOnRequest, stopPostRef
- <stopTimes> additionalReserve, clearanceTime, minimalTime, operationalReserve, shuntingTime
- <platformEdgeRef> ref
- <trackInfo> platform, track, xsi:type
- <ocpTT> alignment, ocpRef, ocpType, offset, remarks, sequence, trackInfo, trackRef
- <organizationalUnitBinding>
- <vehicleOperator> ref, xsi:type
- <customer> ref, xsi:type
- <railwayUndertaking> ref, xsi:type
- <operationalUndertaking> ref, xsi:type
- <concessionaire> ref, xsi:type
- <contractor> ref, xsi:type
- <origin> ocpRef
- <destination> ocpRef
- <patternTrainPart> categoryRef, code, description, id, lastModified, line, lineTTRef, name, rail:lang, remarks, timetablePeriodRef
- <patternTrains>
- <patternTrain> code, description, distributionRef, id, name, rail:lang, remarks
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <trainPartSequence> categoryRef, sequence
- <patternTrainPartRef> position, ref
- <topologyReference> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <patternTrain> code, description, distributionRef, id, name, rail:lang, remarks
- <trainParts>
- <trainPart> additionalTrainNumber, cancellation, categoryRef, code, debitcode, description, id, lastModified, line, lineTTRef, name, onRequest, operator, processStatus, rail:lang, remarks, timetablePeriodRef, trainLine, trainNumber
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <formationTT> formationRef, length, load, orientationReversed, speed, timetableLoad, weight
- <equipmentUsage>
- <passengerUsage>
- <reservationInfo>
- <booking> bookingNumber, posInFormation, vehicleRef
- <operatingPeriodRef> endDate, ref, startDate
- <specialService> endDate, endTime, singleDate, startDate, startTime, type
- <ocpsTT>
- <ocpTT> alignment, ocpRef, ocpType, offset, remarks, sequence, shuntingTime, trackInfo, trackRef, trainReverse
- <times> arrival, arrivalDay, departure, departureDay, scope
- <connections>
- <connection> connOperation, connType, maxConnTime, minConnTime, nonConnection, notGuaranteed, ocpRef, operatingPeriodRef, samePlatform, trainPartRef, trainRef
- <externalReference>
- <tafTapTsiTrainID> companyCode, core, objectType, startDate, timetableYear, variant
- <trainNumber> trainNumber
- <organizationalUnitBinding>
- <vehicleOperator> ref, xsi:type
- <customer> ref, xsi:type
- <railwayUndertaking> ref, xsi:type
- <operationalUndertaking> ref, xsi:type
- <concessionaire> ref, xsi:type
- <contractor> ref, xsi:type
- <organizationalUnitBinding>
- <lineNumber> lineNumber
- <information> description
- <annotationRef> operatingPeriodRef, priority, ref, target
- <outputLanguages>
- <language> rail:lang
- <activationTime> xsi:type
- <startTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <endTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <startTime>
- <outputLanguages>
- <announcementRef> operatingPeriodRef, priority, ref, target
- <outputLanguages>
- <language> rail:lang
- <trigger>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <manualTrigger>
- <periodic> interval
- <startTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <endTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <startTime>
- <outputLanguages>
- <externalReference>
- <connection> connOperation, connType, maxConnTime, minConnTime, nonConnection, notGuaranteed, ocpRef, operatingPeriodRef, samePlatform, trainPartRef, trainRef
- <statistics>
- <statistic>
- <mean> arrival, arrivalDay, arrivalDelay, departure, departureDay, departureDelay, stopTime
- <median> arrival, arrivalDay, arrivalDelay, departure, departureDay, departureDelay, stopTime
- <standardDeviation> arrivalDelay, departureDelay
- <statisticAnalyses> description, figure, percentage, value
- <statistic>
- <sectionTT> description, distance, lineRef, percentageSupplement, remarks, section, trackInfo, xsi:type
- <alternativeSectionsTT>
- <alternativeSectionTT> description, distance, lineRef, percentageSupplement, priority, remarks, section, trackInfo
- <stopDescription> commercial, guaranteedPass, onOff, operatingPeriodRef, operationalStopOrdered, purpose, stopOnRequest, stopPostRef
- <stopTimes> additionalReserve, clearanceTime, minimalTime, operationalReserve, shuntingTime
- <stopActivities>
- <stopActivity> type
- <platformEdgeRef> ref
- <serviceSectionRef> ref
- <trackInfo> operatingPeriodRef, platform, track
- <annotationRef> operatingPeriodRef, priority, ref, target
- <outputLanguages>
- <language> rail:lang
- <activationTime> xsi:type
- <startTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <endTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <startTime>
- <outputLanguages>
- <announcementRef> operatingPeriodRef, priority, ref, target
- <outputLanguages>
- <language> rail:lang
- <trigger>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <manualTrigger>
- <periodic> interval
- <startTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <endTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <startTime>
- <outputLanguages>
- <originalTrackInfo> trackInfo, trackRef
- <trackInfo> operatingPeriodRef, platform, track
- <ocpTT> alignment, ocpRef, ocpType, offset, remarks, sequence, shuntingTime, trackInfo, trackRef, trainReverse
- <organizationalUnitBinding>
- <vehicleOperator> ref, xsi:type
- <customer> ref, xsi:type
- <railwayUndertaking> ref, xsi:type
- <operationalUndertaking> ref, xsi:type
- <concessionaire> ref, xsi:type
- <contractor> ref, xsi:type
- <annotationRef> operatingPeriodRef, priority, ref, target
- <outputLanguages>
- <language> rail:lang
- <activationTime> xsi:type
- <startTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <endTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <startTime>
- <outputLanguages>
- <announcementRef> operatingPeriodRef, priority, ref, target
- <outputLanguages>
- <language> rail:lang
- <trigger>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <manualTrigger>
- <periodic> interval
- <startTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <endTime>
- <eventTrigger> event, offset
- <ocpTrigger> ocpRef, offset
- <timingTrigger> time
- <geoTrigger> radius
- <geoCoord> coord, epsgCode, extraHeight, heightEpsgCode
- <informationAreaTrigger> event, informationAreaRef
- <startTime>
- <outputLanguages>
- <origin> ocpRef
- <mediaResources>
- <textFragments>
- <textFragment> rail:lang, verboseness
- <audioFragments>
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textToSpeechTemplate> xsi:type
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textFragments>
- <mediaResources>
- <destination> ocpRef
- <mediaResources>
- <textFragments>
- <textFragment> rail:lang, verboseness
- <audioFragments>
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textToSpeechTemplate> xsi:type
- <audioFragment> code, rail:lang
- <textFragments>
- <mediaResources>
- <trainPart> additionalTrainNumber, cancellation, categoryRef, code, debitcode, description, id, lastModified, line, lineTTRef, name, onRequest, operator, processStatus, rail:lang, remarks, timetablePeriodRef, trainLine, trainNumber
- <trains>
- <train> additionalTrainNumber, cancellation, code, description, id, name, processStatus, rail:lang, remarks, scope, trainNumber, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <trainPartSequence> categoryRef, pathStatus, sequence
- <trainPartRef> position, ref
- <speedProfileRef> ref
- <equipmentUsage>
- <brakeUsage> airBrakeApplicationPosition, brakePercentage, brakeType, emergencyBrakeMass, emergencyBrakePercentage, maxDeceleration, meanDeceleration, regularBrakeMass, regularBrakePercentage
- <auxiliaryBrakes> E, H, Mg, Wb, brakeUse, ep
- <topologyReference> endDate, entry, register, startDate
- <tafTapTsiTrainID> companyCode, core, objectType, startDate, timetableYear, variant
- <replacements>
- <replacementOf>
- <operatingPeriodRef> endDate, ref, startDate
- <tafTapTsiTrainID> companyCode, core, objectType, startDate, timetableYear, variant
- <uniqueTrainKey> additionalTrainNumber, scope, trainNumber
- <replacementOf>
- <train> additionalTrainNumber, cancellation, code, description, id, name, processStatus, rail:lang, remarks, scope, trainNumber, type
- <trainGroups>
- <trainGroup> code, description, id, name, parentRef, patternTrainRef, processStatus, rail:lang, trainNumber, type
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <trainRef> ref, sequence
- <trainGroup> code, description, id, name, parentRef, patternTrainRef, processStatus, rail:lang, trainNumber, type
- <rosterings>
- <rostering> code, defaultPostProcessingTime, defaultPreProcessingTime, depot, description, formationRef, id, name, rail:lang, scope, vehicleRef
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <blockParts>
- <blockPart> begin, beginDay, code, description, end, endDay, endOcpRef, fixed, formationRef, id, mission, name, operatingPeriodRef, rail:lang, runLength, startOcpRef, trainPartRef, vehicleRef
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <blockPart> begin, beginDay, code, description, end, endDay, endOcpRef, fixed, formationRef, id, mission, name, operatingPeriodRef, rail:lang, runLength, startOcpRef, trainPartRef, vehicleRef
- <blocks>
- <block> blockGroupNumber, code, description, fixed, id, name, rail:lang
- <additionalName> description, name, rail:lang, xsi:type
- <blockPartSequence> basicBlockRef, dayOffset, postProcessingTime, preProcessingTime, sequence
- <blockPartRef> ref
- <block> blockGroupNumber, code, description, fixed, id, name, rail:lang
- <circulations>
- <circulation> blockRef, endDate, nextBlockRef, nextOperatingPeriodRef, operatingPeriodRef, repeatCount, startDate, vehicleCounter, vehicleGroupCounter
- <rostering> code, defaultPostProcessingTime, defaultPreProcessingTime, depot, description, formationRef, id, name, rail:lang, scope, vehicleRef
- <metadata>
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