TT:operatingPeriodRef trainPart

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Scheme description / Schemenbeschreibung

Position of operatingPeriodRef in the XML-Tree / Position von operatingPeriodRef im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The Element <operatingPeriodRef> is used for referencing the operatingPeriod for the trainPart.

Das Element <operatingPeriodRef> referenziert die zum trainPart gehörige Verkehrsperiode.
Please, be aware of the semantic constraint(s)!

Attributes of operatingPeriodRef / Attribute von operatingPeriodRef

  • ref: This refers to the id attribute of the associated <operatingPeriod> element.

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • ref xs:IDREF, mandatory
  • startDate xs:date, optional (deprecated with version 2.2); shall be lower or equal endDate if both are used.
  • endDate xs:date, optional (deprecated with version 2.2); shall be higher or equal startDate if both are used.

Semantic Constraints / Semantische Beschränkungen

Private-cloud-icon.png Semantic Constraint "CO:002":
Any starting time stamp (as it may result e.g. from a combination of startDate and startTime) shall be lower or equal any ending time stamp (e.g. endDate) if both are given.
Proposed on November 12th 2018
Approved on March 21st 2019
FIXME: add Link to discussion!
Please, recognize our guidelines on semantic constraints

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

Normal reference to the operatingPeriod for 'daily':

<rail:operatingPeriodRef ref="TGL"/>
  • See also
  1. How to indicate midnight overruns in railML®
  • iRFP Dresden: selection of examples for operationg periods in German
  1. iRFP-Informationen und -Beispiel zu Verkehrstagen in railML® (external link, May 2012, 🇩🇪; by Dirk Bräuer, iRFP Dresden)

Notes / Anmerkungen

Child element specialService is deprecated from railML® 2.2 on. An individual operatingPeriod for each trainPart should be referenced instead. See ticket #158.

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.