Schema description / Schemabeschreibung
Position of alternativeSectionTT in the XML-Tree / Position von alternativeSectionTT im XML-Baum
- Parent: <alternativeSectionsTT>
- Children: <trackRef>, <runTimes>, <xs:any>
Multiplicity / Anzahl
Semantics / Bedeutung
The element <alternativeSectionTT> describes data concerning the alternative path from one <ocpTT> to the next one in the order of the sequence. This includes references to the used infrastructure. The primary path is indicated in <sectionTT>. The alternative paths are to be used in a simulation, short term scheduling, dispatching decisions or data preparation for long term planning when the primary path is not available.
Das Element <alternativeSectionTT> beschreibt Daten, die ausgehend von einem <ocpTT> den alternativen Weg bis zum (laut sequence) nĂ€chsten <ocpTT> betreffen. Dazu gehört die Referenzierung der befahrenen Infrastruktur. Der primĂ€re Weg wird in <sectionTT> angegeben. Die alternativen Weg(e) werden in Simulierungen o.Ă€. verwendet wenn der primĂ€re Weg nicht verfĂŒgbar ist.
It needs to be noted that the usage of <alternativeSectionTT> cannot impact on the arrival time at the next stop. If it is necessary to describe such consequence of using a different path to the next ocpTT then another trainPart needs to be created with an alternative path.
Es ist zu beachten, dass die Verwendung von <alternativeSectionTT> keinen Einfluss auf die Ankunftszeit am nÀchsten Halt hat. Wenn es erforderlich ist, eine solche Folge der Nutzung einer anderen Trasse zum nÀchsten ocpTT zu beschreiben, muss ein weiterer trainPart mit einem alternativen Laufweg erstellt werden.
(introduced with version 2.5)
Attributes of alternativeSectionTT / Attribute von alternativeSectionTT
- section: This describes the used section.
- lineRef: This refers to the id attribute of the associated <line> element.
- trackInfo: This is a free description of the used section track.
- description: This is a free description.
- remarks: This is a free attribute for further descriptions.
- percentageSupplement:
- distance:
- priority: This is to indicate the rank between the different elements, if more than one <alternativeSectionTT> exists. A higher value means that the alternative section is considered later.
- xs:anyAttribute: This provides an extension point for non-railMLÂź attributes in a foreign namespace. How to use it?
Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische BeschrÀnkungen
- section: xs:string
- lineRef: xs:IDREF
- trackInfo: xs:string
- description: xs:string
- remarks: xs:string
- percentageSupplement: xs:decimal
- distance: xs:decimal, 6 fraction digits, length value measured in meter
- priority: xs:integer
- xs:anyAttribute: This provides an extension point for non-railMLÂź attributes in a foreign namespace. How to use it?
Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele
According to the example bellow the primary path from A to B is via track âtr8â+âtr10â and the secondary path is via track âtr7â in the figure.
<ocpsTT> <ocpTT sequence="1" ocpRef="A"> <sectionTT> <trackRef ref="tr3"> <trackRef ref="tr6"> <trackRef ref="tr8"> <trackRef ref="tr10"> <trackRef ref="tr9"> </sectionTT> <alternativeSectionsTT> <alternativeSectionTT priority="2"> <trackRef ref="tr3"> <trackRef ref="tr6"> <trackRef ref="tr7"> <trackRef ref="tr9"> </alternativeSectionTT> </alternativeSectionsTT> </ocpTT> </ocpsTT>
Notes / Anmerkungen
See also How to reference infrastructure.
Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen
Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.