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Use cases

In this page you learn what is a use case and find a list of railML® use cases.

While the emphasis of the railML®-wiki lies in documenting single elements in a bottom-up approach, we also try to help users to capture the concepts of railML® via examples and use cases in a top down approach.

What is a use case?

A use case can be defined as a single task, performed by the end user of a system, that has some useful outcome[1][2]. It is described as a list of steps (actions or events) to achieve this outcome.

A use case in terms of railML® is an application of data exchange between at least two IT systems in the railway domain, where railML® can be used as a format and language for the data to be exchanged. The aim of the use case description is to formulate requirements on the technical implementation of the data exchange.

What distinguishes a use case from an example is, that examples will typically consist of pieces of railML®-code, whereas use cases will typically be formulated in natural language or Unified Modelling Language (UML). Examples are solutions to use cases.

railML® Use Cases

By category

CO Use CasesIL Use CasesIS Use CasesRS Use CasesTT Use Cases

List of active use cases

View/edit list on the separate source page

Legend (↓)
Directing Subschema
Involved Subschemas
Implemented in railML® version
Implemented in railML® version
Description (EN) Description (DE) Abbreviation Reported by Status
how to interpret the status
IL IS 3.1 3.3 X Interlocking module engineering data
(former: Interlocking engineering)
Stellwerksprojektierung IMED writer: Thales Germany,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS 3.1 3.3 X Network statement of an infrastructure manager Schie­nen­netz­be­nut­zungs­be­din­gun­gen eines Infrastrukturbetreibers NEST writer: Správa železnic (former: SŽDC) / ProRail / Bane NOR,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS RS 3.1 3.3 X RINF Reporting RINF Meldung RINR writer: SNCF Réseau merged into NEST February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IL IS 3.1 3.3 X Routes for timetable simulation
(former: Capacity operational simulation)
Fahrstrassen für Fahrplan simulieren
(ehemals: Leistungsfähigkeit Simulation)
RSIM writer: Jernbanedirektoratet / Bane NOR
(former: Jernbanedirektoratet Capacity Dpt),
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL 3.1 3.3 X Schematic Track Plan Schematische Gleisplandarstellung SCTP writer: Jernbanedirektoratet / Bane NOR,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IL, IS, RS 3.2 3.3 X Integrated Traffic Management System Integriertes Verkehrsmanagement ITMS writer: Thales Germany;
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented September 23rd 2024 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL 3.2 3.3 X ETCS track net ETCS Streckenatlas ETCS writer: Thales Germany,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
ETCS track net: Input for Detailed Design of ETCS Trackside ETCS Streckenatlas: Übergabe der allgemeingültigen Streckendateninformationen (vom Netzbetreiber an den Lieferanten) ETCS-a writer: Thales Germany,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
ETCS track net: Output of Detailed Design of ETCS Trackside ETCS Streckenatlas: Übergabe der Ergebnisdaten der Projektierung (vom Lieferanten an den Netzbetreiber) ETCS-b writer: Thales Germany,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
ETCS track net: Alignment on Topology and Properties of Trackside Equipment Before ETCS Balise Placement ETCS Streckenatlas: Aktualisierung der Streckendaten vor Balisengruppenplatzierung ETCS-c writer: Thales Germany,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, RS 3.2 3.3 X Passenger information at stations Fahrgastinformation am Bahnhof PISY writer: PSI Transcom (20. 05. 15);
reviewer: init
implemented February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, RS, IL 3.3 3.3 X Run Time Calculation Input Data Eingangsdaten für die Fahrzeitrechnung RTCI writer: Jernbanedirektoratet / Bane NOR,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented June 08th 2023 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
Run Time Calculation Input Data – Infrastructure properties Eingangsdaten für die Fahrzeitrechnung - Infrastruktur Eigenschaften RTCI-a writer: Jernbanedirektoratet,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
Run Time Calculation Input Data – Rolling stock properties Eingangsdaten für die Fahrzeitrechnung - Fahrzeug Eigenschaften RTCI-b writer: Jernbanedirektoratet,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
Run Time Calculation Input Data – Timetable properties Eingangsdaten für die Fahrzeitrechnung - Fahrplan Eigenschaften RTCI-c writer: Jernbanedirektoratet,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
TT IS, RS 3.3 3.3 X Long Term Circulation Planning Langfristige Umlaufplanung LTCP writer: IVU & Template:Coordinators,
reviewer: Template:Coordinators
implemented November 30th 2023 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS TT 3.3 3.3 X Posession Management Daten für Betra und Gleissperrungen POMA writer: Siemens Mobility Germany (10. 01. 22);
reviewer: HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft
implemented July 18th 2022 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS 2 Track Geometry Gleisgeometrie TRGE writer: ÖBB Infrastruktur review February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS TT, RS 2 Driver Advisory System (DAS) Fahrerassistenzsystem DASY writer: Siemens Mobility Germany? draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS 2 Railway Infrastructure Recording Erfassung der Schieneninfrastruktur ISRC writer: Bahnkonzept draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, IL, RS Passenger information inside the train Fahrgastinformation im Zug PISV writer: Interautomation (17. 01. 17);
reviewer: PSI Transcom and iRFP
draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, RS A timetable for a competition (call for proposals) Ausschreibungsfahrplan writer: iRFP (21. 05. 15);
reviewer: IVU Traffic Technologies (22. 09. 16)
consolidated February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, RS, CO Adopt vehicle working scheduling to timetable changes Umlauf an Jahresfahrplan anpassen writer: IVU Traffic Technologies (21. 05. 15);
reviewer: HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft
consolidated February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT RS, IS Duty planning and staff shifts Dienstplanung und Personalschichten SHFT writer: ÖBB Personenverkehr;
reviewer: init
consolidated July 18th 2022 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, RS Exchange of formation data Austausch von Wagenreihungen/ Behängungsdaten writer: iRFP (21. 05. 15);
reviewer: IVU Traffic Technologies (22. 09. 16)
consolidated February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, IL, RS Long Term Strategic Timetabling Langfrist-Fahrplanerstellung LTST writer: SMA+Partner (22. 12. 16);
reviewer: HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft (28. 6. 22)
consolidated February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, RS Timetable Information Fahrplanauskunft TINF writer: HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft (13. 03. 15);
reviewer: IVU Traffic Technologies
consolidated, under revision February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS TT, IL, RS 3 Asset status representation Darstellung des Infrastrukturzustands ASSR writer: DLR for IN2Rail project draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL CAD for railway signaling CAD für Zugsignalisierung CASP writer: Railcomplete AS draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL, TT, RS 3 Capacity Planning Kapazitätsplanung CAPL writer: Bane NOR (erstwhile: JBV) draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL 3 Capture schematic visualisation information of track assets Erstellung schematischer Visualisierungs-Informationen von Schienenanlagen draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL, RS, TT Exchange of Logical Train Positions writer: Siemens Mobility Switzerland;
draft July 18th 2022 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL 3 Exchange of planning parameters for interlocking with suppliers Austausch von Planungsparametern für Stellwerke mit Her­stel­lern ISIL writer: Template:Coordinators draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IL IS, TT 4 Interlocking engineering for signalling Stellwerkstechnik für Signalisierung writer: Bane NOR (former: Jernbaneverket Signalling Dpt) draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS RS 3 Maintenance Planning Wartungsplanung MAPL draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS 3 NRE Reporting NRE Meldung NRER writer: ÖBB Infrastruktur draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IL IS 4 Operation and Control Betriebsführung draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
RS IS, TT, IL Operational simulation Betriebssimulation draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS 3 Positioning and Map-Matching Positionierung und Kartenvergleich POSI draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL 3 Railway Simulation Laboratory Eisenbahnbetriebslabor RLAB writer: Czech Technical University Prague draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS, RS Slot ordering Trassenbestellung writer: SMA+Partner (17. 09. 16);
reviewer: iRFP
draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS 3 Speed directory Verzeichnis der zulässigen Geschwindigkeiten SPED writer: Bombardier Transportation draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
TT IS TAF/TAP TSI requirements TAF/TAP TSI Anforderungen writer: ERA;
reviewer: Bahnkonzept
draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS IL, TT, RS 3 Timetabling Fahrplanerstellung ISTT writer: ProRail draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IL IS Hardware and cable plan Aussenanlage und Kabelplan draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
RS IS, TT Traction power supply simulation Simulation der Bahnstromversorgung draft February 3rd 2020 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS Rail Inspection Data Schienenprüfdaten RIND writer:DZSF & ZEDAS draft September 23rd 2024 by User:RailML Coord Documentation
IS TT, IL Traffic Management Plan TMPL writer: Bombardier Transportation implemented September 23rd 2024 by User:RailML Coord Documentation

Red: Writer known; not reviewed
Green: Writer known; reviewed
Priority: "X" means that work is finished, but Use case will be updated when needed by the community. "1" is the highest priority.
Status: How to interpret the status

List of inactive use cases

If you want to reactivate your inactive use case, write a post on the forum. For more information about use cases you can also follow our UC guideline.

Directing Subschema
Involved Subschemas
Implemented in railML® version
Implemented in railML® version
Description (EN) Description (DE)
Reported by Status
How to interpret the status
Why is this UC on hold?
TT ? Automatic Route Setting (ARS)
Automatic Train Supervision (ATS)
Zuglenkung writer: Toshiba Corporation?;
reviewer: PSI Transcom
postponed Currently no demand
IL ? 7 Data prepration for signalling Datenbereitstellung für Stellwerkssysteme DPRS writer: EULYNX postponed EULYNX withdrew from development
TT ? Operational simulation timetable Betriebssimulation Fahrplan writer: Open Track Railway Technology?;
reviewer: SMA+Partner
postponed Currently no demand
IS 9 Railway Infrastructure Visualisation Visualisierung von Schieneninfrastruktur RAIV postponed Only outdated version available
IL IS 5 Site preparation data for Signal Controlled Warning Systems Daten zur Standortvorbereitung für Rottenwarnsysteme SCWS writer: Thales Austria postponed Currently no demand

Red: Writer known; not reviewed
Green: Writer known; reviewed
Priority: "X" means that work is finished, but Use case will be updated when needed by the community. "1" is the highest priority.
Status: How to interpret the status

How to interpret the status

Status Description Participation
railML® community
reporting party
railML® schema coordinator
railML® governance board
railML® schema development group
pre development
outlined The use case has been outlined, a rough idea has been discussed but there is no document, nor draft of one yet. Usually no article about this use case is available in the wiki yet, however, sometimes some basic ideas will have been published ×
draft A member of the community has submitted a draft of the use case description. This draft is available in the wiki and can be found above.
consolidated The submitted draft of the use case description has been reviewed by another community member and the schema coordinator has accepted it. × × ×
in progress The work for integrating the use case requirements into the railML® schema has begun. A working group is discussing the use case and developing possible additions to the schema. Interested parties are invited to join the working group. × ×
implemented The requirements of this use case have been implemented into the railML® schema. The implementation work of the working group is done. However, not all documents have been finished (PDF documentation of the use case). ×
released The previously implemented use case has been fully documented and is thus released. ×
postponed If an unfinished use case is not being updated for several months and no members of the community have expressed interest in following up with it, the use case will be listed as postponed.
×=participates — ☒=is responsible

How to contribute a use case

Generally speaking, contributions to railML® and this wiki are appreciated. For contributing use cases, please follow our UC guideline.
