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Missinginformation.png In this article there is information missing with respect to referencing from parent element trainPartSequence. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion pageCoordination (talk) 09:11, 23 October 2017 (CET)


Schema description / Schemabeschreibung

Position of topologyReference in the XML-Tree / Position von topologyReference im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The topologyReference element (introduced with version 2.4) can be used to refer the underlying topology, which was used to determine the train running path and calculate the runtimes. Specifying the topology register and an optional time period, the attribute entry is used to refer to the external version / variant within the topology register. This assumes that the reading system also knows the topology register and can interpret the version / variant definition. When specifying multiple topology references, these must have a disjoint time period and, combined together, cover at least the operating days of the train.

Mit dem topologyReference Element (introduced with version 2.4) kann für einen Zug die zugrundeliegende Topologie, welche für die Ermittlung des Fahrweges und Berechnung der Fahrzeiten verwendet wurde, referenziert werden. Unter Angabe des Topologie-Registers sowie einer optionalen Zeitperiode wird mit dem Attribut entry die Version / Variante innerhalb der externen Topologie referenziert. Dies setzt voraus, dass das lesende System das Topologie-Register ebenfalls kennt und die Version / Variante interpretieren kann. Bei der Angabe mehrerer Referenzen müssen diese einen disjunkten Zeitraum haben sowie in der Kombination mindestens die Betriebstage des Zuges abdecken.

Attributes of topologyReference / Attribute von topologyReference

  • register: A string value for defining the catalogue, index, or directory where the external topology reference comes from or refers to. Attribute register is used to link a topologyReference with the codelist Registers.xml. See below for a list of the currently registered catalogues.
  • entry: Contains the external key of the referred register.
  • startDate: Begin of the validity period for the topology reference.
  • endDate: End of validity period for the topology reference.
  • xs:anyAttribute: This provides an extension point for non-railML® attributes in a foreign namespace. How to use it?

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • register xs:string, required: Existing string value entries shall be used for the assigned registers and must not be used for other databases.
    For short-time or internal purposes new string value entries can be used additional to those provided by the railML® XSD, but for official data exchange between two software programs it is strongly recommended that each new 'register' entry has to be 'registered' at railML®'s IL schema coordinator (link to the railML® website) and included into the codelist Registers.xml for free.
  • entry: xs:string, required: May be a string or a number depending on the 'register'. This means, some 'register' entries require a pure numeric number and do not allow characters or other signs. This is not forced by railML® so far.
  • startDate: xs:date, optional
  • endDate: xs:date, optional

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

The following trainPartSequence has two references in the UNO topology register. The first one references the external topology version used to determine the train running path and calculate the runtimes from 1 February to 31 August 2017 of the train operating days. The second reference points to the external version used for the operating days from 1 September to 31 December 2017.

Thus, for the train operating days from 1 February to 31 August 2017 the UNO topology version "183000-01012017" is used. For the operating days from 1 September to 31 Decenber 2017 the UNO version "120000-08012017" is referenced.

<trainPartSequence sequence="1">
    <trainPartRef ref="train-part-1" />
    <topologyReference register="UNO" entry="183000-01012017" startDate="2017-02-01" endDate="2017-08-31" />
    <topologyReference register="UNO" entry="120000-08012017" startDate="2017-09-01" endDate="2017-12-31" />

Notes / Anmerkungen

Currently predefined 'register' enumeration entries:

  • ENEE Station code of ENEE database managed (based on UIC (external link)/OSJD (external link) Leaflet/IRS 920-2) by UIC. See the UIC download page (external link) for more details.
  • PLC Primary location code of the Telematics applications for freight (see "TAF TSI - Annex D.2 : Appendix C - Reference Files" (external link)).
  • IBNR Numbers used in some public timetable databases and some customer information systems (EFZ - Europäisches Fahrplanzentrum der DB; Frankfurt/Main). This enumeration entry requires the value to be an integer number.
  • CRD Common Reference Database of ERA (external link)
  • RL100: German station abbreviation database of most German and some European (if served by DB's trains only) stations, maintained in DB's rule Ril 100 by DB Netze (external link)
    "Betriebsstellenkürzel" der Deutschen Bahn; Quelle: Richtlinie 100 (Ril 100; früher auch DS100) der DB Netz AG; weitere Informationen siehe Wikipedia-Artikel (externer Link, 🇩🇪)
  • DB640 Austrian "Dienstbehelf No. 640" of Österreichische Bundesbahnen.
  • SR70 Czech Republic "Služební rukověť 70" (external link), SŽDC Czech Republic national railway infrastructure manager
  • LVV Dutch "Lijst van verkortingen" of Nederlandse Spoorwegen N.V.
  • GAIA French "Gaïa" of SNCF Réseau
  • DRR-BE Belgian "Document de Référence du Réseau" of Infrabel
  • DIDOK Swiss Dienststellendokumentation" (external link) of Schweizerische Bundesbahnen on behalf of Bundesamt für Verkehr (external link) (Map (external link)).
  • DfA Swiss "Datenbank Feste Anlagen" of Schweizerische Bundesbahnen on behalf of Bundesamt für Verkehr (external link)
  • UNO Swiss central topology database for railway systems of Schweizerische Bundesbahnen on behalf of Bundesamt für Verkehr (external link)

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.