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Schema description / Schemabeschreibung

Position of timetablePeriod in the XML-Tree / Position von timetablePeriod im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The Element <timetablePeriod> defines a timetable period.

A <train> references a <timetablePeriod> as well as the <operatingPeriod> of a <trainPart>. To prevent chaos, only references to the same <timetablePeriod> are allowed within a train.

Das Element <timetablePeriod> bezeichnet eine Fahrplanperiode.

Ein <train> referenziert eine <timetablePeriod>. Ebenso referenziert jede <operatingPeriod> eines <trainPart> eine Fahrplanperiode. Um Chaos zu vermeiden darf innerhalb eines <train> immer nur die gleiche Fahrplanperiode referenziert werden.
Please, be aware of the semantic constraint(s)!

Attributes of timetablePeriod / Attribute von timetablePeriod

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • id: xs:ID, required
    a string, starting with a letter (a..zA..Z) or an underscore (_),
    followed by a non-colonized and non-spaced string consisting of letters, digits, points (.), dashes (-) or underscores (_)
  • code: xs:string, optional
  • name: xs:string, optional
  • description: xs:string, optional
  • xml:lang: xs:language, language identification, optional
  • startDate: xs:date, optional; if set, endDate must also be set, and startDate shall be lower or equal endDate.
  • endDate: xs:date, optional; if set, startDate must also be set, and endDate shall be higher or equal startDate.
  • startTime: xs:time, optional
  • endTime: xs:time, optional

Semantic Constraints / Semantische Beschränkungen

Private-cloud-icon.png Semantic Constraint "TT:001":
Any starting time stamp (as it may result e.g. from a combination of startDate and startTime) shall be lower or equal any ending time stamp (e.g. endDate) if both are given. Must not overlap with other validity periods.
Proposed on November 12th 2018
Approved on March 21st 2019
FIXME: add Link to discussion!
Please, recognize our guidelines on semantic constraints

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

UnderConstruction.png This page is under construction since February 13th 2025. Task: Extend best practice and example for partial exports and other usage from PDF below after review. Sorry for temporary problems. See the discussion page to find a summary of the tasks and to coordinate the work on this page. Recognize that the content of this page may change quickly. RailML Coord Governance (talk) 11:37, 13 February 2025 (CET)
<timetablePeriod id="tp09" name="TT2009" description="Timetable 2009" startDate="2008-12-07" endDate="2009-12-05"/>

see also

Notes / Anmerkungen

A railML® file may but needs not necessarily to have a timetable period. A railML® file may also have more than one timetable period but each train part (and therefore also each train) can refer to only one timetable period.

railML® files without timetable period do either not have an element <timetablePeriod> at all or only elements <timetablePeriod> without startDate and endDate. If there is no timetable period defined the elements <operatingPeriod> must also not have attributes startDate, endDate and bitMask and must also not have sub-elements specialService.

startDate and endDate may be used together only, so there are no "open" periods allowed. The numerical difference of the attributes startDate and endDate defines the length of the attribute bitMask of the elements <operatingPeriod> (= startDate - endDate + 1). Please, take notice of the semantic constraint.

Eine railML®-Datei kann, muss aber nicht über eine Gültigkeitsperiode verfügen. Eine railML®-Datei kann auch mehrere Gültigkeitsperioden beinhalten, wobei sich jede operatingPeriod und damit auch jeder Zug und Zugteil immer nur auf eine Gültigkeitsperiode gleichzeitig beziehen kann.
railML®-Dateien ohne Gültigkeitsperiode haben entweder kein Element <timetablePeriod> oder nur Elemente <timetablePeriod> ohne startDate+endDate. Wenn keine Gültigkeitsperiode definiert ist, dürfen die Elemente <operatingPeriod> ebenfalls nicht über die Attribute startDate, endDate und bitMask und auch nicht über Unterelemente <specialService> verfügen.
startDate und endDate dürfen nur gemeinsam angegeben werden, nicht nur eines der beiden, d. h. es darf keine „offenen“ Perioden geben. Die Differenz der Attribute startDate und endDate definiert die Länge der Bitmasken (Attribut bitMask) der Elemente <operatingPeriod> (= startDate - endDate + 1).

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.