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Schema description / Schemabeschreibung

Position of tractionMotor in the XML-Tree / Position von tractionMotor im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The element <tractionMotor> contains all data about the traction motor(s). It can be detailed to the equivalent circuit with the related resistances and inductances.

Das Element <tractionMotor> enthält alle Daten für den/die Fahrmotoren. Es ist möglich bei der Detailierung bis hin zum Ersatzschaltbild eines Motors (zumeist Asynchronmaschine) mit den entsprechenden Werten für Widerstände und Induktivitäten zu gehen.

Attributes of tractionMotor / Attribute von tractionMotor

  • count: This is the number of tractionMotors of the same type installed on the vehicle. The use of different types on the same vehicle is not supported.
    The number is considered for calculation of totals of the values, i.e. the other values shall be for a single machine.
  • assemblyName: This is the descriptive name of the tractionMotor, e.g. manufacturer type.
  • meanEfficiency: This is the mean value of efficiency for operation of the motor. This value shall be used, if no more details are needed.
  • nominalVoltage: This is the nominal voltage in Volts the traction motor is designed for.
  • nominalCurrent: This is the nominal current in Ampere the traction motor is designed for.
  • nominalFrequency: This is the nominal frequency in Hertz the traction motor windings are designed for.
  • nominalRevolutions: This is the nominal number of revolutions the traction motor is designed for.
  • nominalFlux: This is the nominal flux in Volts*seconds the traction motor is designed for.
  • nominalPhi: This is the mean phase shift angle in degrees the traction motor is working with.
  • numberPolePairs: This is the number of pole pairs the traction motor comprises, i.e. a value of '1' means two poles per phase.
  • statorResistance: This is the resistance in Ohms of the stator windings according to the equivalent circuit for the motor.
  • rotorResistance: This is the resistance in Ohms of the rotor windings according to the equivalent circuit for the motor.
  • ferrumResistance: This is the resistance in Ohms of the iron core according to the equivalent circuit for the motor.
  • additionalResistance: This is the additional resistance of one traction motor in Ohms due to non-sinusoid currents (stray loss) according to the equivalent circuit for the motor.
  • mainInductance: This is the main inductance of one traction motor in Henry according to the equivalent circuit for the motor.
  • statorLeakageInductance: This is the leakage inductance of the stator windings of one traction motor in Henry according to the equivalent circuit for the motor.
  • rotorLeakageInductance: This is the leakage inductance of the rotor windings of one traction motor in Henry according to the equivalent circuit for the motor.

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • meanEfficiency xs:decimal, range between 0 and 1 (inclusive borders), maximum 6 fraction digits, optional
  • nominalVoltage xs:decimal, 1 fraction digit, voltage value measured in Volt, optional
  • nominalCurrent xs:decimal, 1 fraction digit, current value measured in Ampere, optional
  • nominalFrequency xs:decimal, 3 fraction digits with minimum value 0, frequency value measured in Hertz, optional
  • nominalPhi xs:decimal, 6 digits and 3 fraction digit within the range of -180 and +180, angle value measured in degree, optional
  • statorResistance xs:decimal, 3 fraction digit, electrical resistance value measured in Ohms, optional
  • rotorResistance xs:decimal, 3 fraction digit, electrical resistance value measured in Ohms, optional
  • ferrumResistance xs:decimal, 3 fraction digit, electrical resistance value measured in Ohms, optional
  • additionalResistance xs:decimal, 3 fraction digit, electrical resistance value measured in Ohms, optional
  • mainInductance xs:decimal, 6 fraction digit, electrical inductance value measured in Henry, optional
  • statorLeakageInductance xs:decimal, 6 fraction digit, electrical inductance value measured in Henry, optional
  • rotorLeakageInductance xs:decimal, 6 fraction digit, electrical inductance value measured in Henry, optional

The optional element can be used once per propulsion system.

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

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Notes / Anmerkungen

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Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

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