Scheme description / Schemenbeschreibung
Position of vehicleIdentification in the XML-Tree / Position von vehicleIdentification im XML-Baum
- Parent: <operator>
- Children: Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.
Multiplicity / Anzahl
Semantics / Bedeutung
The element <vehicleIdentification> (introduced with version 2.3) contains the information concerning the identification of a particular vehicle as described in UIC leaflets. The complete UIC number consists of 12 digits with different meaning depending on the vehicle type. The identification is typically accompained by the country code and the vehicle keeper marking. Refer UIC identification for tractive stock (external link) or UIC wagon numbers (external link)
Unter dem Element <vehicleIdentification> (introduced with version 2.3) wird die Fahrzeugnummer gemäß den UIC-Vorgaben abgelegt. Die UIC-Nummer besteht aus 12 Ziffern mit unterschiedlicher Bedeutung. Typischerweise wird sie durch eine Länderkennung und den Code des Fahrzeughalters ergänzt.
Attributes of vehicleIdentification / Attribute von vehicleIdentification
- uicIdentNumber: This is the vehicle number according the UIC or similar specification.
- countryCode: This is the country code where the vehicle is registered in letters.
- vehicleKeeperMarking: This is the vehicle keeper marking who is listed as owner in the vehicle register.
Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen
- uicIdentNumber string of exactly 12 digits, mandatory
- countryCode string of 1 upto 3 letters, optional
- vehicleKeeperMarking string of 1 upto 5 letters, optional
Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele
Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.
Notes / Anmerkungen
This optional element is used to provide the information from the vehicle register for a particular vehicle.
Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen
Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.