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railml: xsi:schemaLocation, version

dc:creator: xml:lang
dc:date: xml:lang
dc:format: xml:lang
dc:identifier: xml:lang
dc:language: xml:lang
dc:source: xml:lang
dc:title: xml:lang
infrastructure: timetableRef, rollingstockRef, version, xml:base, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
dc:creator: xml:lang
dc:date: xml:lang
dc:format: xml:lang
dc:identifier: xml:lang
dc:language: xml:lang
dc:source: xml:lang
dc:title: xml:lang
infraAttributes: id, code, name, description, xml:lang
owner: ownerName, uic-no
operationMode: modeLegislative, modeExecutive, clearanceManaging
trainProtection: monitoring, medium
electrification: type, voltage, frequency
powerTransmission: type, style
axleWeight: value, meterload
gauge: value
speed: trainCategory, status, vMax
epsgCode: default, extraHeight
attribute: name, value
track: type, mainDir, infraAttrGroupRef, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
trackBegin: id, pos, absPos, absPosOffset
connection: id, ref
bufferStop: id, code, name, description, xml:lang
openEnd: id, code, name, description, xml:lang
macroscopicNode: ocpRef, flowDirection
trackEnd: id, pos, absPos, absPosOffset
connection: id, ref
bufferStop: id, code, name, description, xml:lang
openEnd: id, code, name, description, xml:lang
macroscopicNode: ocpRef, flowDirection
mileageChange: absPosIn, absPosInOffset, type, absPos, pos, dir, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
switch: type, trackContinueCourse, trackContinueRadius, normalPosition, model, length, ocpStationRef, controllerRef, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
connection: course, radius, maxSpeed, orientation, passable, id, ref
crossing: controllerRef, length, model, ocpStationRef, type, pos, absPos, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
connection: orientation, id, ref, maxSpeed, passable, radius
crossSection: type, ocpRef, ocpTrackID, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
border: type, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
speedChange: trainCategory, status, vMax, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
gradientChange: slope, transitionLenght, transitionRadius, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
radiusChange: radius, superelevation, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
tunnel: length, crossSection, kind, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
brigde: length, kind, meterload, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
levelCrossing: length, angle, protection, ocpStationRef, controllerRef, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
ownerChange: ownerName, uic-no, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
operationModeChange: modeLegislative, modeExecutive, clearanceManaging, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
trainProtectionChange: monitoring, medium, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
electrificationChange: type, voltage, frequency, vMax, isolatedSection, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
powerTransmissionChange: type, style, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
axleWeightChange: value, meterload, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
gaugeChange: value, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
geoMapping: pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
trackCondition: length, type, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
signal: sight, type, function, sigSystem, switchable, maskableRoute, maskableATC, virtual, signalBoxOcpRef, stationOcpRef, distNearestDangerPoint, trackDist, height, ocpStationRef, controllerRef, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
signalGroup: id, type, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
signalRef: ref, sequence
trainDetector: detectionObject, medium, posInTrack, directionDetection, model, axleCounting, ocpStationRef, controllerRef, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
trackCircuitBorder: ocpStationRef, controllerRef, dir, insulatedRail, pos, absPos, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
balise: countryID, groupID, linkingAccuracy, linkReactionAscending, linkReactionDescending, staticTelegram, ndx, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
baliseRef: sequence, ref
trainProtectionElement: medium, system, model, dir, pos, absPos, absPosOffset, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
line: type, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
trackRef: sequence, ref
locallyControlledArea: ocpRef, ocpStationRef, controllerRef, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
trackRef: sequence, ref
ocp: number, abbrevation, timezone, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
propOperational: operationalType, trafficType, orderChangeable, ensuresTrainSequence
uptime: mode, from, until
propService: passenger, service, ship, bus, tariffpoint, goodsLoading, goodsSiding, goodsIntermodal, goodsMarshalling
summary: signalBox, powerstation, hasHomeSignals, hasStarterSignals, hasSwitches
trackRef: ref, sequence
propOther: frontier, chargeFrontier, status
additionalName: value, type, xml:lang
tsi: country, location, check
area: name, number, zip
geoCoord: coord, extraHeight, epsgCode, heightEpsgCode
controller: id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
infrastructureVisualizations: xml:base
visualization: version, infrastructureRef, id
lineVis: ref
trackVis: ref
trackElementVis: ref
position: x, y
ocpVis: ref
position: x, y
size: width, height
rollingstock: timetableRef, infrastructureRef, version, xml:base, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
dc:creator: xml:lang
dc:date: xml:lang
dc:format: xml:lang
dc:identifier: xml:lang
dc:language: xml:lang
dc:source: xml:lang
dc:title: xml:lang
vehicle: vehicleFamilyRef, axleSequence, numberDrivenAxles, numberNonDrivenAxles, trackGauge, trackGaugeAlternative, adjustableWheelSet, length, speed, towingSpeed, bruttoWeight, nettoWeight, tareWeight, bruttoAdhesionWeight, tareAdhesionWeight, nettoAdhesionWeight, axleLoad, resistanceFactor, onTrainHead, onTrainTailOnly, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
manufacturer: manufacturerName, manufacturerType, serialNumber
operator: operatorName, operatorClass, startDate, endDate
engine: axleDriveType, haulageLoad
propulsion: voltage, frequency, power, powerType, transmission, controlType, maxTractEffort, rotationMassFactor, additionalRotationMass, rackTraction, remoteControl, numberNotches, wheelDiameter, maxBrakeEffort, maxBrakePower, totalTractEfficiency, totalBrakeEfficiency, tractionOffUndervoltageThreshold, zeroSpeedCurrentLimitation, maxRegenerativeVoltage, speedRange, forwardSpeed, reverseSpeed, activationStandstill, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
transformer: count, assemblyName, ferrumResistance, additionalResistance, mainInductance, meanEfficiency
winding: assemblyName, nominalVoltage, nominalCurrent, transformationRatio, primaryResistance, secondaryResistance, primaryLeakageInductance, secondaryLeakageInductance
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
fourQuadrantChopper: count, assemblyName, meanPhi, meanPhiRegeneration, meanEfficiency
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
link: nominalVoltage, nominalCurrent
tractionInverter: count, assemblyName, meanEfficiency
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
tractionMotor: count, assemblyName, nominalPower, nominalVoltage, nominalCurrent, nominalFrequency, nominalFlux, nominalPhi, numberPolePairs, statorResistance, rotorResistance, ferrumResistance, additionalResistance, mainInductance, statorLeakageInductance, rotorLeakageInductance, nominalRevolutions, meanEfficiency
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
diesel: count, assemblyName, nominalPower, availableAuxiliaryPower, fuelCapacity, meanEfficiency
gear: count, assemblyName, gearRatio, meanEfficiency, designType, manufacturerName, nominalPower, torqueConversion
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
auxiliarySupply: power, powerPhi, resistance, powerBraking, powerPhiBraking, resistanceBraking
dedicatedSupplySystem: voltage, frequency, maxPower
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
rackTraction: number, rackSystem, resilentCogWheel
pantograph: orderNumber, designType, positionOnSection, fittedSection, controlType, headWidth, maxCurrentDriving, maxCurrentStandstill
dedicatedSupplySystem: voltage, frequency
energyStorage: maximumCurrentCharging, maximumCurrentDischarging, maximumPowerCharging, maximumPowerDischarging, maximumChargingEnergy, chargingEfficiency, dischargingEfficiency, meanStorageEfficiency, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
etcs: onBoardUnitID, softwareVersion, srsVersion, level_0, level_1, level_2, level_3, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
specificTransmissionModule: onBoardUnitID, softwareVersion, nationalSystemRef, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
nationalSystem: onBoardUnitID, softwareVersion, type, trainProtectionMedium, trainProtectionMonitoring, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
trainRadio: onBoardUnitID, softwareVersion, modulation, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
otherEquipment: onBoardUnitID, softwareVersion, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
wagon: rotationMassFactor, additionalRotationMass, kinematicEnvelope, auxiliaryPowerConsumption, headShape, headSurface, bearingType
passenger: deck, drivingCab, tilting, airTightness, emergencyBrakeDeactivation
places: category, count, description
service: name, count, description, value
gangway: frontEnd, rearEnd, position, designType, floorLevel, gangwayHeight, gangwayWidth
doors: number, entranceHeight, entranceLength, entranceWidth, footStepHeight, lockingSpeed
tilting: maxTiltingAngle, actuation, tiltingSpeed
goods: load, loadArea, volume, freightCarType, freightCarUICType
service: name, count, description, value
auxiliarySupplySystem: voltage, frequency
driversCab: orderNumber, position, acousticSignaller
rackTraction: number, rackSystem, resilentCogWheel
mechanicalCoupler: designType, positionOnCarEnd, couplingHeight, pullingForce, pushingForce
pneumaticCoupler: positionOnCarEnd, couplerFunction, integratedOnMechanicalCoupler
electricalCoupler: positionOnCarEnd, designType, positionOnMechanicalCoupler, numberContacts
vehicleBrake: loadSwitch, autoBrakePercentage, maxAutoBrakeMass, brakeType, airBrakeApplicationPosition, regularBrakeMass, emergencyBrakeMass, maxDeceleration, meanDeceleration
auxiliaryBrakes: brakeUse, H, E, Mg, Wb, ep
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
eddyCurrentBrake: maxPower, maxEffort, minSpeed
loadLimitMatrix: chassisSpeed
loadLimit: maxSpeed
railNetwork: name
lineClassification: name, payLoad
curvingLimitation: horizontalCurveRadius, verticalCrestRadius, verticalSagRadius
formation: formationCount, length, speed, weight, bruttoWeight, nettoWeight, tareWeight, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
vehicleRef: orderNumber, vehicleRef, vehicleCount, frontGangway, rearGangway
categoryRef: ref
trainEngine: trainMeanAcceleration, trainMaxAcceleration
trainBrakes: brakeType, airBrakeApplicationPosition, regularBrakeMass, emergencyBrakeMass, maxDeceleration, meanDeceleration
auxiliaryBrakes: brakeUse, H, E, Mg, Wb, ep
trainResistance: tunnelFactor
valueTable: xValueName, xValueUnit, yValueName, yValueUnit, zValueName, zValueUnit
columnHeader: zValue
valueLine: xValue
values: yValue
timetable: infrastructureRef, rollingstockRef, version, xml:base, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
dc:creator: xml:lang
dc:date: xml:lang
dc:format: xml:lang
dc:identifier: xml:lang
dc:language: xml:lang
dc:source: xml:lang
dc:title: xml:lang
timetablePeriod: startDate, endDate, startTime, endTime, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
holiday: holidayDate, description
operatingPeriod: timetablePeriodRef, startDate, endDate, bitMask, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
operatingDay: operatingCode, onRequest, startDate, endDate
operatingDayDeviance: operatingCode, onRequest, holidayOffset, ranking
specialService: type, singleDate, startDate, endDate, startTime, endTime
category: trainUsage, deadrun, categoryPriority, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
trainPart: line, trainLine, trainNumber, additionalTrainNumber, processStatus, debitcode, remarks, timetablePeriodRef, categoryRef, operator, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
formationTT: formationRef, weight, load, length, speed, timetableLoad
equipment: type, uses, description
places: category, count, description
service: name, count, description, value
booking: bookingNumber, posInFormation, vehicleRef
operatingPeriodRef: startDate, endDate, ref
specialService: type, singleDate, startDate, endDate, startTime, endTime
ocpTT: ocpRef, trackRef, trackInfo, ocpType, remarks, trainReverse, alignment, offset, shuntingTime
times: scope, arrival, arrivalDay, departure, departureDay
connection: trainRef, minConnTime, maxConnTime, connOperation
mean: arrival, arrivalDay, departure, departureDay, arrivalDelay, departureDelay, stopTime
median: arrival, arrivalDay, departure, departureDay, arrivalDelay, departureDelay, stopTime
standardDeviation: arrivalDelay, departureDelay
statisticAnalyses: description, percentage, value, figure
sectionTT: section, lineRef, trackInfo, description, remarks, percentageSupplement, distance
trackRef: dir, ref
runTimes: minimalTime, operationalReserve, additionalReserve
stopDescription: commercial, stopOnRequest, onOff, purpose, operatingPeriodRef
stopTimes: minimalTime, operationalReserve, additionalReserve, shuntingTime, clearanceTime
train: type, trainNumber, additionalTrainNumber, scope, processStatus, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
trainPartSequence: sequence, pathStatus, categoryRef
trainPartRef: position, ref
equipment: type, uses, description
brakeUsage: brakePercentage, regularBrakePercentage, emergencyBrakePercentage, brakeType, airBrakeApplicationPosition, regularBrakeMass, emergencyBrakeMass, maxDeceleration, meanDeceleration
auxiliaryBrakes: brakeUse, H, E, Mg, Wb, ep
trainGroup: type, trainNumber, processStatus, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
trainRef: sequence, ref
rostering: vehicleRef, formationRef, depot, defaultPreProcessingTime, defaultPostProcessingTime, scope, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
blockPart: begin, beginDay, end, endDay, startOcpRef, endOcpRef, trainPartRef, operatingPeriodRef, mission, fixed, runLength, vehicleRef, formationRef, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
block: blockGroupNumber, fixed, id, code, name, description, xml:lang
additionalName: name, description, xml:lang
blockPartSequence: sequence, dayOffset, preProcessingTime, postProcessingTime, basicBlockRef
blockPartRef: ref
circulation: blockRef, startDate, endDate, operatingPeriodRef, repeatCount, nextBlockRef, nextOperatingPeriodRef