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Listet Elemente, bei denen minOccurs nicht gesetzt ist und daher dem Standardwert 1 entspricht.
Pages in category "Minocc"
The following 150 pages are in this category, out of 150 total.
- CO:dc:contributor
- CO:dc:coverage
- CO:dc:creator
- CO:dc:date
- CO:dc:description
- CO:dc:format
- CO:dc:identifier
- CO:dc:language
- CO:dc:publisher
- CO:dc:relation
- CO:dc:rights
- CO:dc:source
- CO:dc:subject
- CO:dc:title
- CO:dc:type
- CO:name trainProtectionSystem trainProtectionSystemsOnVehicle
- CO:project
- CO:railml
- CO:trainProtectionSystem trainProtectionSystemsOnVehicle
- CO:trainProtectionSystemsOnVehicle
- CO:validFor trainProtectionSystem trainProtectionSystemsOnVehicle
- CO:vehicleSystem
- IS:audioFragment
- IS:averageDelayTime
- IS:balise
- IS:baliseRef
- IS:bufferStop
- IS:center
- IS:circle
- IS:clearanceGauge clearanceGaugeChange
- IS:crossedElement
- IS:dc:creator
- IS:dc:date
- IS:dc:format
- IS:dc:identifier
- IS:dc:language
- IS:dc:source
- IS:dc:title
- IS:from relation
- IS:genericArea
- IS:impairmentSection
- IS:lock
- IS:macroscopicNode
- IS:maxTrainCurrent electrificationChange
- IS:metadata
- IS:ocp
- IS:openEnd
- IS:operatingRule
- IS:polygon
- IS:position objectVis
- IS:position ocpVis
- IS:position trackElementVis
- IS:signal
- IS:signalGroups
- IS:state
- IS:state (with length)
- IS:summary
- IS:to relation
- IS:trackBegin
- IS:trackCircuitBorder
- IS:trackEnd
- IS:trackLocation
- IS:trackTopology
- IS:trainDetector
- IS:trainProtectionElementGroup
- IS:trainProtectionElementRef
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/Any
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/IS:Infrastructure
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/IS:trackCircuitBorder
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/RS:formation
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/RS:vehicle
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/TT:annotation
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/TT:trainPart
- RS:dc:creator
- RS:dc:date
- RS:dc:format
- RS:dc:identifier
- RS:dc:language
- RS:dc:source
- RS:dc:title
- RS:formation
- RS:lineClassification
- RS:loadLimit
- RS:metadata
- RS:railNetwork
- RS:state
- RS:valueLine segmentTable
- RS:valueLine valueTable
- RS:values valueLine segmentTable
- RS:values valueLine valueTable
- RS:vehicle
- RS:vehicleBrake
- RS:vehicleRef
- TT:activationTime
- TT:alternativeSectionTT
- TT:annotation
- TT:announcement
- TT:audioFragment
- TT:block
- TT:blockPart
- TT:blockPartRef
- TT:blockParts
- TT:blockPartSequence
- TT:booking
- TT:category
- TT:circulation
- TT:dc:creator
- TT:dc:date
- TT:dc:format
- TT:dc:identifier
- TT:dc:language
- TT:dc:source
- TT:dc:title
- TT:distribution
- TT:endTime
- TT:eventTrigger
- TT:geoTrigger
- TT:holiday
- TT:informationAreaTrigger
- TT:manualTrigger
- TT:messageText
- TT:metadata
- TT:ocpsTT patternTrainPart
- TT:ocpsTT trainPart
- TT:ocpTrigger
- TT:ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart
- TT:ocpTT ocpsTT trainPart
- TT:operatingPeriod
- TT:operatingPeriodRef replacementOf
- TT:patternTrainPart
- TT:patternTrainPartRef
- TT:periodic
- TT:rostering
- TT:slot
- TT:slotGroup
- TT:specialService operatingPeriodRef
- TT:startTime
- TT:stopActivity
- TT:tafTapTsiTrainID replacementOf
- TT:timetablePeriod
- TT:timingTrigger
- TT:train
- TT:trainGroup
- TT:trainPart
- TT:trainPartRef
- TT:trainPartSequence patternTrain
- TT:trainPartSequence train
- TT:trigger
- TT:uniqueTrainKey