This template is the working horse of element documentation. It provides a standardized framework on which a number of ohter templates build upon.
Aricles employing the template have the following structure:
- Schema description
- Position in the XML-Tree
- Parent
- Children: Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.
- Semantics
- Attributes
- Constraints
- Best practice & Examples
- Notes
- Open issues
- Obligatory:
- elementName — the name of the element
- semantics — a human readable explanation of the function of the described element
- Optional:
- parent — the name of the parent node within the XML tree
- childs — the children nodes
- ownAttributes — specific, not inherited attributes of this element
- constraints
- notes — general notes
- example
- openissues — comments on open issues
- intro – You can optionally enter the version when the element was introduced. It will produce a reminder at the top of the article
- depr – You can optionally enter the version when the element was deprecated. It will produce a reminder at the top of the article
- minocc – the minimum number of occurances – default=1
- maxocc – the maximum of occurances – default=1
- multi – Some comment to the multiplicity. E.g. version changes
- interwiki – The corresponding railML® 3 element (if applicable; use carefully!).
- ref – Produces a references paragraph. Set ref=1 to display the references if applicable.
- Arguments to be discontinued — Do not use them anymore
- inheritedAttributes — inherited attributes from other data types — use ownAttributes, as the distinction between own and inherited attributes will no longer be presented in this wiki.
- bestpractice — use example, as the paragraphs Best Practice and Examples have been merged
The template depends on Template:Deu. There is abig number of templates building on Template:ElementDocu.
{{ElementDocu|ElementName=SomeSampleElement|semantics=''This is an example. For readability reasons it is boxed.''}}
Schema description / SchemabeschreibungPosition of mentDocu in the XML-Tree / Position von mentDocu im XML-Baum
Multiplicity / AnzahlSemantics / BedeutungThis is an example. For readability reasons it is boxed. Attributes of mentDocu / Attribute von mentDocuNot yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben. Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische BeschränkungenNot yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben. Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & BeispieleNot yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben. Notes / AnmerkungenNot yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben. Open issues / Offene Punkte/PendenzenNot yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben. |
An example of the application of this template afield is IS:signal.