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Comp. Category:Depr/2.2
Pages in category "Intro/2.2"
The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total.
- Template:InheritSpeed
- IS:additionalName ocp
- IS:baliseGroup
- IS:designator ocp
- IS:line trackGroups
- IS:metadata
- IS:mileageChange
- IS:ocp
- IS:owner
- IS:ownerChange
- IS:signal
- IS:speed speeds
- IS:speedChange
- IS:stopPost
- IS:textFragment
- IS:tilting
- IS:trackBegin
- IS:trackEnd
- IS:trainProtectionElement
- IS:validForMovements
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/IS:ownerChange
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/RS:vehicle
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/TT:annotation
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/TT:text
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/TT:timetable
- User:RailML Coord Documentation/TT:trainPart
- RS:manufacturer
- RS:metadata
- RS:operator
- RS:places
- RS:service goods
- RS:service passenger
- RS:vehicle
- TT:additionalName annotation
- TT:annotation
- TT:annotationRef connection
- TT:annotations
- TT:blockPart
- TT:circulation
- TT:connection
- TT:equipment
- TT:etcs
- TT:formationTT
- TT:ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart
- TT:ocpTT ocpsTT trainPart
- TT:organizationalUnitBinding trainNumber
- TT:organizationalUnitBinding trainPart
- TT:passengerUsage
- TT:places
- TT:platformEdgeRef
- TT:sectionTT
- TT:service
- TT:serviceSectionRef
- TT:speedProfileRef
- TT:statistic
- TT:stopDescription ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart
- TT:stopDescription ocpTT ocpsTT trainPart
- TT:text
- TT:textFragment
- TT:times ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart
- TT:times ocpTT ocpsTT trainPart
- TT:timetable
- TT:train
- TT:trainNumber
- TT:trainPart
- TT:trainPartSequence train