Dev:Guides: Difference between revisions

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[checked revision][checked revision]
No edit summary
Line 54: Line 54:
|How to code XML elements, attributes and types
|How to code XML elements, attributes and types
|Experienced users, railML schema developers
|Experienced users, {{rml}} schema developers
|Guide on how to develop railML schema
|Guide on how to develop {{rml}} schema
|[[Dev:Common Concepts]]
|[[Dev:Common Concepts]]
|[[Dev:Connection between tracks]]
|[[Dev:Connection between tracks]]
Line 76: Line 74:
|Instructions on how to create e.g. elements in the {{rml}} XML schema in the scope of the [[Dev:Guideline for participating in the development process|development of {{rml}}]]
|Instructions on how to create e.g. elements in the {{rml}} XML schema in the scope of the [[Dev:Guideline for participating in the development process|development of {{rml}}]]
|Experienced users, railML schema developers
|Experienced users, {{rml}} schema developers
|Guide on how to develop railML schema
|Guide on how to develop {{rml}} schema
|- style="font-style: italic; color: blue;"
|- style="font-style: italic; color: blue;"
Line 195: Line 193:
|Syntactic Guidelines for developing the {{rml}} schema
|Syntactic Guidelines for developing the {{rml}} schema
|Experienced users, railML schema developers
|Experienced users, {{rml}} schema developers
|Guide on how to develop railML schema
|Guide on how to develop {{rml}} schema
Line 235: Line 233:
|Correct Syntax for XML attributes, railML schema developers
|Correct Syntax for XML attributes, {{rml}} schema developers
|Experienced users
|Experienced users
|Guide on how to develop railML schema
|Guide on how to develop {{rml}} schema
|Rules for XML catalogs within {{rml}}, how to validate railML file syntactically depending on the tool
|Rules for XML catalogs within {{rml}}, how to validate {{rml}} files syntactically depending on the tool
|New users
|New users
Line 270: Line 268:
|How to handle ''xml:base'', inception cross-references in railML2 file
|How to handle ''xml:base'', inception cross-references in {{rml|2}} files
|New users
|New users
Line 284: Line 282:
|colspan=4|deprecated, redundant towards [[Dev:versions]]!!!
|colspan=5|deprecated, redundant towards [[Dev:versions]]!!!
Line 295: Line 292:
|[[Dev:Tracks within and between the station]]
|[[Dev:Tracks within and between the station]]
|a way to differentiate between tracks within and between stations using railML2
|a way to differentiate between tracks within and between stations using {{rml|2}}
|New users
|New users

Revision as of 16:37, 3 March 2025

Guides and Developer Pages
This page provides an overview over pages from the Dev-namespace that offer User Guides, information for developers and connected issues.

Title Outline Related Subschemas Target Group Category railML® Version(s)
Certification Reference to the certification procedure All Experienced users Guide
Dev:Codelists Outline of the railML® codelist concept All New users Concept
Dev:InfrastructureManagers Outline of the InfrastructureManagers codelist All New users Concept
Dev:Registers The codelist Registers contains registers, databases, handbooks etc. CO New users Concept
Dev:TrainClearanceGauges The codelist TrainClearaneGauges collects clearance gauge standards. CO New users Concept
Dev:TrainProtectionSystems The codelist TrainProtectionSystems comprises of train protection systems CO New users Concept
Dev:Coding XML Components How to code XML elements, attributes and types All Experienced users, railML® schema developers Guide on how to develop railML® schema
Dev:CommonDataTypes deprecated
Dev:Common Concepts deprecated
Dev:Connection between tracks Basic infrastructure modelling Concepts IS New users Guide
Dev:Creating_instructions Instructions on how to create e.g. elements in the railML® XML schema in the scope of the development of railML® All Experienced users, railML® schema developers Guide on how to develop railML® schema
Dev:Defaults List of pages with defaults All New users, Wiki editors Overview of pages, guide on how to edit Wiki contents
Dev:How to join, edit and create the railML wiki Dev:How to join, edit and create the railML® wiki All Experienced users, Wiki editors Guide, guide on how to edit Wiki contents
Dev:Special Wiki Markup templates for referring to a certain railML® element documentation page All Experienced users, Wiki editors Guide on how to edit Wiki contents
Dev:Wiki Documentation Guidelines Guidelines for editing and developing this Wiki All Experienced users, Wiki editors Guide on how to edit Wiki contents
Dev:Units Principles about units of attribute values All New users, Wiki editors Guide on how to edit Wiki contents
Dev:Defining temporal availability of infrastructure elements and speed profiles Representation of general time restrictions using newly introduced attributes in railML® 2.4 IS New users Guide
Dev:Examples for a non-zero operating day offset at the first ocpTT of a train run Examples for a non-zero operating day offset at the first ocpTT of a train run TT New users Guide
Dev:Downloading and using railML Guideline to help you through the first steps in downloading and using railML® All New users Guide
Dev:Examples Where to find, how to use and how to contribute examples All New users Guide
Dev:Guideline for participating in the development process Guideline for participating in the development process All Experienced users Guide
Dev:How To Reference Infrastructure Basic concepts of referencing infrastructure within the timetable subschema TT, IS New users Guide
Dev:How to define track usage of a train in stations How to define track usage by a train in stations TT, IS New users Guide
Dev:Midnight overrun This article explains, how to handle midnight overruns within the timetable subschema TT New users Guide
Dev:Multiplicity How many instances of an element are possible/required? All New users Concept
Dev:Reversing trains and formations Basic concepts of how to handle reversing trains and formations within the timetable subschema TT New users Guide
Dev:Semantic Constraints How to handle rules that do not fit into XSD All New users Concept
Dev:Syntactic Guidelines Syntactic Guidelines for developing the railML® schema All Experienced users, railML® schema developers Guide on how to develop railML® schema
Dev:Train Coupling And Sharing Basic concepts of coupling and sharing trains TT New users Guide
Dev:Types of ocps How to encode different types of stations in "macro" infrastructure models IS New users Guide
Dev:Use case example Shows and explains the structure of a good use case All Experienced users Guide
Dev:Use cases How to contribute to writing good railML®-Use Cases All Experienced users Guide
Dev:XMLtree Visualization of the complete railML® schema All All misc
Dev:attributeSyntax Correct Syntax for XML attributes, railML® schema developers All Experienced users Guide on how to develop railML® schema
Dev:catalog Rules for XML catalogs within railML®, how to validate railML® files syntactically depending on the tool CO New users Guide
Dev:categoryUsage Basic concepts of train categorization TT New users Guide
Dev:fileConventions Which file name extension shall a railML® file get? CO New users Concept
Dev:identities How to handle id-attributes All New users Concept
Dev:outsourcing How to handle xml:base, inception cross-references in railML® 2 files All New users Guide
Dev:usingAny On extending the officially published railML® schemas by own needs, e.g. elements, attributes and enumeration values All New users Guide
Dev:versioning deprecated, redundant towards Dev:versions!!!
Dev:versions Everything about our versioning system CO Experienced users Guide
Dev:Tracks within and between the station a way to differentiate between tracks within and between stations using railML® 2 IS New users Guide
Dev:Border between infrastructure managers and countries Point marking a border between two infrastructure managers IS New users Guide
Dev:Railway station ownership A way to link infrastructure manager with the railway station IS New users Guide
Dev:Intersection of lines of different categories railway stations with tracks between the stations corresponding to lines of different categories IS New users Guide
Dev:Usage of the track between the stations a way to say that primarily passenger trains go on a track between stations IS New users Guide
Dev:Clearance gauge IS New users Guide
Dev:Double-track line a way to model a double-track line at the microscopic and macroscopic levels of aggregation IS New users Guide
Dev:Intermodal terminal IS New users Guide
Dev:Maintenance facility IS New users Guide
Dev:Marshalling yard IS New users Guide
Dev:Passenger station IS New users Guide
Dev:Refueling facility IS New users Guide
Dev:Storage siding IS New users Guide
Dev:Timetable example Draft IS New users Timetable
Levels: new (newcomer) or exp (experienced)