Dev:Tracks within and between the station
To distinguish between the tracks “within” and “between” stations please use the <propEquipment> section of a station. Then, refer to the requirements for the tracks “within” and “between” a station. Refer to the example of source code 250723_railML®\src\NEST view (link to the railML® website).
Further <border> elements introduction allows for defining consistency rules. recommends using border elements. In this case, a track is referred from the <propEquipment> section of a station and this track has <border> children then, these <border>s limit the corresponding station.
Please also note that in the case of a terminal station, there should be buffer stops at the end of the station as <openEnd> may imply that the border of @type=”tarif” (spelling mistake is acknowledged) is more appropriate.
Requirements for the tracks within the station
• use <crossSection> element for the centre of a passenger building. In case none of them, then <crossSection> is positioned in the middle of the distance between home signals (borders of @type=”station”);
• all of these tracks should be referred from the <propEquipment> of the corresponding station;
• if a track has a cross-section then the station referring to this track from <propEquipment> is the same one;
• home or exit signals and buffer stops are within the <border> of the station;
• all of these tracks should be referred from the <propEquipment> of the corresponding station;
• positions of a <trackBegin> and <trackEnd> should be within station <border>
Requirements for the tracks between the stations
• should have <macroscopicNode> elements at <trackBegin> and <trackEnd>;
• should have @type=”mainTrack”;
• should not have any cross-sections;
• should not have any home or exit signals, but allowed to have block ones;
• the distant signal of a home signal should refer to the station but positioned within an open line (opposite for the block signal);
• should not be referred from the <propEquipment> section of the station;
• should not have any derailers;
• can have platforms (stopping point);
• may have train detection elements, level crossing etc.;
• every line track has to have at least one <speedChange> at the track begin with parameters @pos="0" and @dir="up";
• every line track has to have at least one <speedChange> at the track end with parameters @pos="{value equal to trackEnd@pos}" and @dir="down";
• positions of a <trackBegin> and an <trackEnd> should be outside of station <borders> if there any.