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🗒️ This page is mirrored from page UC:IL:SitePreparationDataForSignalControlledWarningSystems in The railML® 3 wiki.
Subschema: Interlocking
Reported by: Thales Austria
Stift.png (version(s) version TBD)
For general information on use cases see UC:Use cases

Use case / Anwendungsfall

Site preparation data for Signal Controlled Warning Systems (SCWS); Daten zur Standortvorbereitung für signalkontrollierte Warnsysteme

Description / Beschreibung

An SCWS is a system used to warn working gangs on used tracks that a train is arriving and that they have to stop their work and leave the track area before the train is arriving and passing the working area. The SCWS-system is connected to the interlocking systems and has interfaces to mobile SCWS-equipment which is used by the working gang to announce the position of the gang and to be alerted if a train is approaching. The communication links between the mobile SCWS-equipment and the SCWS-system is realized either using cable-connections or using wireless networks (e.g. GSM-R).

For configuring of the different system-components site- and application-specific data are necessary. The site-specific data are infrastructure data which are used for the interlocking system, for the communication-network and data needed for the specific functions and the application. These data are used for the site-specific installation and for test-tools to verify the proper configuration.

Data Flows and Interfaces / Datenflüsse und Schnittstellen

SCWS use case.jpg

Inputs: Inputs for the data preparation of a SCWS are the topology data from the interlocking system.

These interlocking data (IxL-data) describe

  • the track-topology
  • track-elements
  • block-information
  • speed limits in connection with specific elements of the track (especially switches)

Data needed by the SCWS in addition to the data used for the interlocking system (specific infrastructure data):

  • element lengths
  • allowed speeds on each element
  • the elements which are contained in each warning area
  • depending on the topology of the station the information about requests to / from a neighbor station to look for oncoming trains

Output: The sum of the data above

  • network-specific data
    • IP-addresses
    • ETCS-IDs

Interference with other railML® schemas / Interferenz mit anderen railML®-Schemas

  • infrastructure

Characterizing Data / Charakterisierung der Daten

The lengths of the elements are calculated from the mileages of the element-ends with consideration of error profile data. According to the error profile data lengths at certain mileage values are added or removed. The speeds are taken from the VzG (‚Verzeichnis zugelassener Geschwindigkeiten‘ = allowed speed for each track-segment). According to this speed profile the allowed speeds on an element is calculated. This includes speed changes on an element (necessary if signaling is done by ETCS and not with stationary signaling)

How often do the data change (update)?

The data are generated during installation of a SCWS and updated, if changes / updates of the infrastructure or the interlocking systems and peripherals are done (yearly or ‘pseudo’-static) in parallel to changes of preparation data for the interlocking systems. There are also changes possible or necessary due to operational findings, which force the change of specific parameters for track-sections to be done. There are no regular changes necessary.

Which views are represented by the data (focus)?

  • Signaling
  • Construction
  • Geometry

Which specific IL data do you expect to receive/send (elements)?

  • Static Information
    • Station name
    • Product specific data
  • Global data
    • Warning time (lead time to warn before a train enters a warning area)
    • ETCS ID of the SCWS
    • Timeout for simplified search in case of a switch fault
    • Signaling type of this SCWS (stationary, ETCS Level 1, ETCS Level 2)
    • Supervision of free route in seconds
  • Workplace data
  • Element names
  • Tracks
  • Switches
    • Regular Switches
    • Slip Switches
  • Station key locks
  • Key locks on line
  • Track crossings
  • Main signals
  • Protection signals
  • Goal points
  • Track relays / rail contacts
  • Axle counters
  • Block start elements
  • Block MMI interfaces
  • Block guards
  • Feedback elements
  • Agreement points
  • Subsidiary caution signals
  • Warning areas
  • Anchor points
    • Internal Anchor Points
    • External Anchor Points
  • Party lines
  • Neighbor SCWS
    • ZDC Outlets
    • ZSI Outlets
  • Universal Scanners