railML® schema changes between railML® 2.2 and railML® 2.3
This site is intended to collect the schema changes between railML® 2.2 and railML® 2.3 by topics, that influence the XML output.
A complete diff comparison can be found under Dev:changes/2.3/diff
Changes are also marked on the element pages with (introduced with version 2.3) for introduced components and (deprecated with version 2.3) for components that became obsolete. All occurances of these tags are listed in Category:Intro/2.3 respectively Category:Depr/2.3.
For changes with other version upgrades see Dev:changes.
Timetable subschema
In this article there is information missing with respect to the tickets #258 and #241. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion page. Vasco Paul Kolmorgen 10:49, 22. June 2016 (CET)
Upward compatibility
In principle railML® provides an upward compatibility - e.g. a railML® 2.2 import interface would be able to process a railML® 2.3 file because only optional elements/attributes are added in a minor version. In principle this holds true for the changes in railML® 2.3. However, the main changes for connections and cancellations are based on either additional data (cancellations) or missing data (external connections). With these changes the upward compatibility is no longer possible and as a consequence a railML® 2.3 file that is designed to be imported by a railML® 2.2 import interface must not:
- contain external connections with a missint @trainRef attribute
- contain connections with @nonConnection attribute value of true
- contain trains or trainParts with a @cancellation attribute value of true
The new cancellation attribute of a <train> or <trainPart> can be used within one railML® file without the need for the importing system to compare two files to identify cancellations.
Use the new cancellation attribute to mark a cancellation and provide it to an importing system that can handle cancellations.
NOTE: A railML® 2.3 export file will need to be adapted to the importing system - i.e. whether or not the system supports cancellations (2.3 import) or not (2.2 import with upward compatibility).
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[612] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [613] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
<rail:trainPart id="CNL_242_2" trainNumber="242" description="CNL 242" timetablePeriodRef="J08" categoryRef="cCNL" cancellation="true">
Updated XSD file(s):
New attribute(s):
- /timetable/trainParts/trainPart/@cancellation
- /timetable/trains/train/@cancellation
The <connection> element has been extended with new attributes as well as for partial exports.
Connection information needs to be provided for trains that are not part of the railML® file as well as connections that shall not be used.
NOTE: A railML® 2.3 export file will need to be adapted to the importing system - i.e. whether or not the system supports extended connections (2.3 import) or not (2.2 import with upward compatibility).
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[614] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [615] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [651] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
Updated XSD file(s):
New attribute(s):
- connections/connection/@operatingPeriodRef
- connections/connection/@notGuaranteed
- connections/connection/@nonConnection
- connections/connection/@samePlatform
Updated attribute(s):
New element(s):
- connections/connection/externalReference
- externalReference/tafTapTsiTrainID
- externalReference/trainNumber
- externalReference/lineNumber
- externalReference/information
The <tafTapTsiTrainID> element has been introduced.
Use the new <tafTapTsiTrainID> element for defining the unique train identifier for the unique train numbering.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[641] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [644] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [652] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [655] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
<tafTapTsiTrainID objectType="TR" companyCode="0071" core="47110815ABCD" variant="01" timetableYear="2016" />
Updated XSD file(s):
- timetable.xsd
- timetableTypes.xsd
- @timetable.xsd
<xs:element name="tafTapTsiTrainID" type="rail:eTapTsiTransportOperationalIdentifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Optional information corresponding to the TAF/TAP TSI train ID.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attributeGroup name="aTapTsiCompositIdentifierOperationalType">
<xs:documentation>Used for unique identification of the objects handled in the messages such as train, path, path request or case refernce.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="objectType" type="rail:tTapTsiObjectType" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="companyCode" type="rail:tCompanyCode" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="core" type="rail:tTapTsiCore" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="variant" type="rail:tTapTsiVariant" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="timetableYear" type="rail:tTapTsiTimetableYear" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="startDate" type="rail:tTapTsiStartDate" use="optional"/>
New element(s):
Internal refactoring
There is no need for the complex type eAnnotationText element definition.
The type reference for the annotation text shall reference the tAnnotationText directly.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[605] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
Updated XSD file(s):
Mark trainPart/@operator as deprecated
With the introduction of the new <operationalUnitBinding> element in railML® 2.2 the @operator attribute needs to be marked as deprecated.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[617] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
Updated XSD file(s):
Updated attribute(s):
The timetable schema shall be extended to allow a general use of the any element/attribute (<usingAny>).
All elements matching a set of defined rules will be extended so that there will be no need to create a new version for every element that needs to be extended.
Related Development Tickets:
#268 and #267
Related Commits:
[638] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
Updated XSD file(s):
- railwayBaseTypes.xsd
- genericRailML.xsd
- timetableTypes.xsd
- timetable.xsd
Updated element(s):
- /timetablePeriods/timetablePeriod/holidays/holiday
- /operatingPeriods/operatingPeriod/operatingDay
- /operatingPeriods/operatingPeriod/operatingDay/operatingDayDeviance
- /operatingPeriods/operatingPeriod/specialService
- /trainParts/trainPart/formationTT
- /trainParts/trainPart/formationTT/equipmentUsage/equipment
- /trainParts/trainPart/formationTT/equipmentUsage/equipment/etcs
- /trainParts/trainPart/formationTT/passengerUsage
- /trainParts/trainPart/formationTT/passengerUsage/places
- /trainParts/trainPart/formationTT/reservationInfo/booking
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/connections/connection
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/statistics/statistic
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/statistics/statistic/mean
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/statistics/statistic/median
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/statistics/statistic/standardDeviation
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/statistics/statistic/statisticAnalyses
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/sectionTT
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/sectionTT/runTimes
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/stopDescription
- /trainParts/trainPart/ocpsTT/ocpTT/stopDescription/stopTimes
- /trains/train/trainPartSequence
- /trains/train/trainPartSequence/brakeUsage
- /trains/train/trainPartSequence/brakeUsage/auxiliaryBrakes
- /rosterings/rostering/blockParts
- /rosterings/rostering/blocks/block/blockPartSequence
- /rosterings/rostering/circulations/circulation
Infrastructure subschema
<clearanceGauge_infraAttributes>, <clearanceGauge_clearanceGaugeChange>, <clearanceGaugeChange> and <clearanceGaugeChanges> have been introduced.
In this article there is information missing. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion page. Ferri Leberl (talk) 13:14, 13 June 2017 (CEST)
In this article there is information missing. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion page. Ferri Leberl (talk) 13:14, 13 June 2017 (CEST)
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
In this article there is information missing. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion page. Ferri Leberl (talk) 13:14, 13 June 2017 (CEST)
In this article there is information missing. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion page. Ferri Leberl (talk) 13:14, 13 June 2017 (CEST)
The <trainRadio> element and <trainRadioChange> element have been introduced.
Use the new <trainRadio> and <trainRadioChange> elements for defining conditions describing the train radio conditions along the track.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[630] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
- ocs element sample
<trainRadioChange id="trc01" pos="57.46" dir="up" radioSystem="GSM-R" broadcastCalls="true">
- infra attributes sample
<infraAttributes id="ia01">
<trainRadio radioSystem="GSM-R" broadcastCalls="true" />
The parameter vMax in the <speedChange> element has been modified so that it can also handle the value "end".
Use the new value "end" in order to mark the end of a temporary speed restriction.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[609] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
<speedChange id="sc7" pos="256.7" vMax="end" dir="up" />
A new attribute named geometryElementDescription has been added to the <radiusChange> element. It is an enumeration parameter, which provides the following entries that enable a more detailed description of transition curves:
- TS_cubicParabola
- TS_parabola4
- TS_clothoide; the usually used transition curve in modern railways, see Euler spiral (
) and Klothoide (German) ( ) description
- TS_WienerBogen; a special transition curve used in Austria and Germany, see Wiener Bogen (German) (
) description
- TS_BlossBogen; a special transition curve widely in Germany, see Blossbogen (German) (
) description
- TS_Sinusoide
- TS_Cosinusoide
- SC
- (any other)
So far, it was not possible to model transition curves in railML® although they represent a basic track alignment feature.
Use the new geometryElementDescription attribute in the <radiusChange> element for modelling the begin and end points of transition curves.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[616] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
- sample for transition curve begin
<radiusChange ... geometryElementDescription='TS_clothoide' />
- sample for transition curve end
<radiusChange ... geometryElementDescription='SC' />
The element <tsi> has been marked deprecated.
Elements dedicated for the usage in conjunction with TAP TSI shall be replaced by a more generic approach.
Instead of the element <tsi>, please use the <designator> element with the new register entry "PLC" (Primary Location Code) for referencing a TAF TSI relevant name of an operational control point.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[611] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
- old sample (railML® 2.2)
<ocp ... name='Buchs (SG)' ...>
<tsi country='85' location='09404' check='' />
- new sample (railML® 2.3)
<ocp ... name='Buchs (SG)' ...>
<designator register='PLC' entry='CH9404' />
The optional attribut lineCategory has been added to the parameters of the element <line>.
The European standard EN 15528 defines several line categories for classification of railway lines depending on allowed maximum axle load and meterload paramters.
Use the new paramter lineCategory within the element <line> to define a line category according to EN 15528. The following values are possible:
- A
- B1, B2
- C2, C3, C4
- D2, D3, D4, D4xL
- E4, E5
- (any other)
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[620] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [621] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [622] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
<line ... lineCategory='E4' />
Although being optional, the attribut xml:lang should always be given in the <additionalName> element.
In order to being able to correctly read the given additional name e.g. for an OCP, it is necessary to know in which language the additional name has been written.
Always use the optional paramter xml:lang when using the element <additionalName>.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[629] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
<ocp id="ocp_ΑΘΗΝ" name="ΑΘΗΝΑ">
<additionalName name="Ἀθῆναι" xml:lang="grc"/>
<additionalName name="ΑΘΗΝΑ" xml:lang="el-Grek"/>
<additionalName name="ATHINA" xml:lang="el-Latn"/>
<additionalName name="Athens" xml:lang="en"/>
<additionalName name="Athen" xml:lang="de"/>
<additionalName name="Athènes" xml:lang="fr"/>
New optional element crossedElement has been added for the elements levelCrossing, brigde and tunnel.
This implementation allows to model more specific information about natural and infrastructure landmarks that are crossed by a river, a railway line or a street.
If you want to define information about a natural or infrastructure landmark that you are going to cross with your track, please use the new element <crossedElement>.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[629] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
- sample for brigde[Sic!]
<brigde id="br01" name="Marienbrücke" pos="2050">
<crossedElement type="highway:cycleway" id="cw01" name="Elberadweg" pos="2200" />
<crossedElement type="highway:road" id="rd01" name="B6" pos="2150" />
<crossedElement type="natural:river" id="ri01" name="Elbe" pos="2100" />
Rollingstock subschema
The vehicleIdentification element in the <operator> was introduced for storing UIC numbers.
The UIC has developed two variants for unique identification numbers of vehicles, i.e. locomotives and wagons. Both types consists of 12 digits. As the identification encodes also the vehicle owner/operator it was included as part of the <operator> element to have a clear relation to validity period.
Use the new <vehicleIdentification> element for each <operator> element defined for the particular vehicle.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[643] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
- New sample (railML® 2.3)
<operator ...>
<vehicleIdentification uicIdentNumber='978081940527' countryCode='D' vehicleKeeperMarking='LEG' />
The trainClearanceGauge element in the <wagon> was introduced for storing the vehicle clearance gauge(s) in a unified way.
There are several clearance gauges for railway vehicles defined in national or international regulations and standards. They are taken from the prepared code list to be comparable with similar data of a railway line.
The use of the new <trainClearanceGauge> shall only take elements out of the given list TrainClearanceGauges.xml.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[627] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [623] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
- New sample (railML® 2.3)
<wagon ...>
<trainClearanceGauge code='GC' />
<trainClearanceGauge code='DE2' />
The maintenanceIntervals element in the <vehicle> was introduced for storing individual maintenance intervals of railway vehicles.
For the asset management of railway vehicles it shall be possible to store individual maintenance intervals with the vehicle data.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[624] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
- New sample (railML® 2.3)
<vehicle ...>
<maintenanceInterval id='RSMI1' name='R1' maximumIntervalDays='365' maximumIntervalDistance='20000'/>
<maintenanceInterval id='RSMI2' name='S1' maximumIntervalDays='730' maximumIntervalDistance='50000'/>
Common subschema
The codelist for infrastructure managers has been extended to include a 'TAF TAP TSI / UIC company code' -
Existing codes have been added to the InfrastructureManagers.xml file and can be used by importing systems.
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[632] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [653] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [656] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [657] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
Updated XSD file(s):
- InfrastructureManagers.xsd
<xs:element name="companyCode" type="railcode:tCompanyCode" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>company codes according TAP TSI B.8 and UIC IRS/leaflet 920-1:2006</xs:documentation>
<xs:simpleType name="tCompanyCode">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:length value="4"/>
<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{4}"/>
- InfrastructureManagers.xml
<infrastructureManager code="ADF">
<name xml:lang="es">Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias</name>
<name xml:lang="en">Administrator of Railway Network</name>
New attributes for places and services
Additional commercial attributes from TAP TSI
- rail:aPlaces shall be modified in such a way that the values of the corresponding TAP TSI code list B.4.9039 can be accomodated.
- rail:aServices shall be modified in such a way that the values of the corresponding TAP TSI code list B.4.7161 can be accomodated.
The elements for places (RS:places, TT:places) and services (RS:service, TT:service) shall be extended to allow specification of TAP TSI specific codes.
The new attribute will be available for both the definition for rolling stock (RS) as well as for timetable (TT).
Related Development Tickets:
Related Commits:
[618] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [633] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [634] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [635] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [636] (Note on legacy SVN commits), [654] (Note on legacy SVN commits)
Updated XSD file(s):
New attribute(s):
- /rollingstock/vehicles/vehicle/wagon/passenger/places/@tapTsiType9039Code
- /rollingstock/vehicles/vehicle/wagon/passenger/service/@tapTsiType7161Code
- /timetable/trainParts/trainPart/formationTT/passengerUsage/places/@tapTsiType9039Code
- /timetable/trainParts/trainPart/formationTT/passengerUsage/service/@tapTsiType7161Code