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🗒️ This page is mirrored from page Dev:Registers in The railML® 3 wiki.
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The codelist Registers contains registers, databases, handbooks etc. Your railML® download may contain the codelist in a directory codelists, next to documentation and schema. As the codelists have shorter cycles than railML® versions have you might want to get the current list from (link to the railML® website).

The code lists are intended to address certain frequently used entities with a single code, to avoid repetitious work as well as ambiguity errors. Moreover, the separation of schema and codelists allows actualizing the codelists in very short cycles. The concept of codelists is explained here.


The container element is named <registers>.

The items are named <register> with the following specification:

  • Attributes
    • code: A code, that should be referred to from within an railML® file
  • Children
    • <name>: Internationalized name of the register
    • <organization>: Organization name that is responsible for the register
    • <remarks>: Internationalized remarks for the register

Example entry

<register code="RL100">
 <name xml:lang="de-DE">Betriebsstellenverzeichnis</name>
 <organization xml:lang="de-DE">DB</organization>
 <remarks xml:lang="de-DE">auch/früher als DS100 oder Ril100 bezeichnet</remarks>
 <remarks xml:lang="en">also/former known as DS100 or Ril100</remarks>

Affected Elements

railML 2

In railML® 2, the designator can be added to the following elements:

railML 3

In railML® 3, the designator can be added to any type of <functionalInfrastructure> element, e.g. <operationalPoint>, <track>, <balise>, etc. Further, the designator is available for topology element <netElement>.

Current entries

railML® Code Name Organization Remarks Status Scope/ambit URL Contact
Code/abbreviation of the register Name of the register Issuer eg "proposed" or date of introduction eg a country or a net for which the register applies source of the register Maintainer
BaneData no:BaneData no:Bane NOR en: Infrastructure asset database of Bane NOR Norway (Wiki banner.png)
DB640 de-AT: Dienstbehelf Nr. 640 de-AT: ÖBB Austrian "Dienstbehelf No. 640" of Österreichische Bundesbahnen. Austria (Wiki banner.png) and some selected stations across Europe
DfA de-CH: Datenbank Feste Anlagen
fr-CH: banque de données des installations fixes
it-CH: banca dati degli impianti fissi
de-CH: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Verkehr
fr-CH: Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses par ordre Office fédéral des transports
it-CH: Ferrovie Federali Svizzere su incarico Ufficio federale dei trasporti
en: Swiss Federal Railways on behalf of Federal Office of Transport
Swiss railway asset database including spatial information. Switzerland (Wiki banner.png) SBB:
DIDOK de-CH: Liste der Stationsnamen (Dienststellendokumentation)
fr-CH: Liste des noms des stations
it-CH: Lista dei nomi delle fermate
en: List of station names
de-CH: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Verkehr
fr-CH: Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses par ordre Office fédéral des transports
it-CH: Ferrovie Federali Svizzere su incarico Ufficio federale dei trasporti
en: Swiss Federal Railways on behalf of Federal Office of Transport
Swiss "Dienststellendokumentation (external link)" of Schweizerische Bundesbahnen on behalf of Bundesamt für Verkehr (external link) (Map (external link)). Not to be confused with the Swiss Location Identification (see the SLOID register). Switzerland (Wiki banner.png) and some stations in border regions (external link)
DKTPYK el:Κατάλογος δρομολογιακών θέσεων εκμετάλλευσης Ελλάδας
en:Greek Timetable Operational Points Register
el:Οργανισμός Σιδηροδρόμων Ελλάδος (Τμήμα Δρομολογίων/ΤΠΥΚ)
en:Hellenic Railways Organization (Traffic Directorate/TPYK)
26.10.2021 Greece (Wiki banner.png) OSE, Traffic Directorate,
DRR-BE fr-BE: Document de Référence du Réseau
nl-BE: Netverklaring
fr-BE: Infrabel
nl-BE: Infrabel
fr-BE: courte description et la source
nl-BE: korte beschrijving en de bron
Belgium (Wiki banner.png)
ENEE ENEE Database Station Code fr: UIC Station code of ENEE database managed (based on UIC (Wiki banner.png)/OSJD (Wiki banner.png) Leaflet/IRS 920-2) by UIC. See UIC's download page (external link) for more details. closed by UIC since June 1st, 2019[1] (external link)
GAIA fr: Gaïa fr: SNCF Réseau en: infrastructure register based on ARIANE data model
IBNR IBNR de: Europäisches Fahrplanzentrum Numbers used in some public timetable databases and some customer information systems (EFZ - Europäisches Fahrplanzentrum der DB; Frankfurt/Main). This enumeration entry requires the value to be an integer number.
LVV nl: Lijst van verkortingen nl: ProRail / RIGD Loxia See (external link) for more information Netherlands (Wiki banner.png)
PLC en: Primary Location Code for the TAF/TAP TSI en: RailNetEurope for ERA en: Used for the communication between the railway undertaking and the infrastructure manager. format: country code as ISO-3366-1 + 5 digits Countries of European Economic Area (Wiki banner.png) (external link) (external link)
RL100 de-DE: Betriebsstellenverzeichnis de-DE: DB Netz de-DE: auch/früher als DS100 oder Ril100 bezeichnet
en: also/former known as DS100 or Ril100
German "Betriebsstellenkürzel", Dienstvorschrift/Richtlinie No. 100 of Deutsche Bahn.
Germany (Wiki banner.png) and some selected stations across Europe DB Netz AG; Department I.NBF 31 (Policy and Competency Management)
SJN no: Strekningsbeskrivelse for jernbanenettet Bane NOR "Route description for the rail network" for the Norwegian rail network owned by Bane NOR, including location codes (external link) 12.03.2018 Norway (Wiki banner.png) (external link)
SLC en: Subsidiary Location Code for the TAF/TAP TSI en: RailNetEurope for ERA en: Used for the communication between the railway undertakings where detailed information within a primary location is needed. format: 1 to 10 (1AN – 10AN and special characters based on extended ASCII codes) Countries of European Economic Area (Wiki banner.png) (external link) RNE:
SLOID en: Swiss Location Identification (SLOID) de-CH: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Verkehr
fr-CH: Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses par ordre Office fédéral des transports
it-CH: Ferrovie Federali Svizzere su incarico Ufficio federale dei trasporti
en: Swiss Federal Railways on behalf of Federal Office of Transport
Unique identifier of Swiss stop locations (external link). Not to be confused with the DiDok abbreviation (see the DIDOK register). Switzerland (Wiki banner.png) and some stations in border regions en: (external link)
de-CH: (external link)
fr-CH: (external link)
it-CH: (external link)
SR70 cz: Služební rukověť 70 cz: Správa železnic (Wiki banner.png) en: Register of locations of SŽ infrastructure in Czech Republic Czechia (Wiki banner.png)
STNX en: Station Numbers (STANOX) Network Rail STANOX codes are used in the Total Operations Processing System (TOPS), and are supposedly unique siding location numbers. 12.03.2018 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Wiki banner.png)
TJN no: Trafikkregler for jernbanenettet Bane NOR "Traffic rules for the rail network" for the Norwegian rail network owned by Bane NOR, including signal definitions (external link) 19.02.2019 Norway (Wiki banner.png) (external link)
TPLC en: Timing Point Location (TIPLOC) Network Rail TIPLOCs are used by train planners to identify what time trains should arrive at, depart or pass a particular point. They are limited to seven characters. 12.03.2018 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Wiki banner.png)
UNO en: Unified Network Objects de-CH: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Verkehr
fr-CH: Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses par ordre Office fédéral des transports
it-CH: Ferrovie Federali Svizzere su incarico Ufficio federale dei trasporti
en: Swiss Federal Railways on behalf of Federal Office of Transport
Database of Swiss railway topology elements. Switzerland (Wiki banner.png) SBB:
UOPID en: UniqueOPID en: European Union Agency for Railways
de-DE: Eisenbahnagentur der Europäischen Union
Code composed of country code and alphanumeric OP code to describe OP in RINF register Countries of European Economic Area (Wiki banner.png) (external link)
UUID en: Universally Unique Identifier None As defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 9562 (external link). See also Universally unique identifier (Wiki banner.png). Global


The aim of the aforementioned, coordinated collection of registers is to ensure a clear assignment of the corresponding codes. can notify these corresponding registers on the assistance of the corresponding international, national or company-specific register owners. cannot and will not check the content of the data structures or concrete contents of the registers. In this respect, cannot guarantee that the content of the register mentioned is suitable for the purpose of exchange. If you have any questions or requests for changes, please contact the relevant, named register owner. will be happy to assist you in making contact. If no suitable register has been named for the purpose, the following options are available:

  1. Addition of the register in the railML schema
    The corresponding register can be included at short notice, free of charge and without modification of the railML schema version, if the register is generally applicable and in practical use and maintenance by the registry is guaranteed. The further procedure is explained on the dev:Codelists#Missing_entries page.
  2. Use of a project-specific independent register
    For internal project purposes, each program/project can also use its own register, which is not included in Please note that this register shall begin with the character "_" in the abbreviation and should not be in external, generally valid practical usage.
    <register code="_CRL">

Ziel der vorgenannten, koordinierten Sammlung der Register ist es, eine eindeutige Zuordnung der entsprechenden Codes zu gewährleisten. kann dabei auf Zuarbeit der entsprechenden internationalen, nationalen oder firmenspezifischen Registerinhaber diese entsprechenden Register notifizieren. kann und wird keine inhaltliche Überprüfung der Datenstrukturen oder konkreten Inhalte der Register durchführen. Dahingehend kann auch keine Garantie geben, ob der Inhalt des genannten Registers für den Austauschzweck geeignet ist. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Fragen oder Änderungswünschen an den entsprechenden, benannten Registerinhaber. kann gern bei der Kontaktaufnahme behilflich sein. Sofern für den Einsatzzweck kein geeignetes Register benannt ist, bestehen grundsätzlich folgende Möglichkeiten:

  1. Ergänzung des Registers im railML-Schema
    Das entsprechende Register kann kurzfristig, kostenfrei und ohne Änderung der railML-Schema-Version aufgenommen werden, wenn das Register im Anwendungsbereich allgemeingültig und in Praxisanwendung ist sowie eine Wartung durch die Registerstelle gewährleistet ist. Das weitere Vorgehen ist auf der Seite dev:Codelists#Missing_entries beschrieben.
  2. Verwendung eines projektspezifischen unabhängigen Registers
    Für projektinterne Zwecke kann jedes Programm/Projekt auch ein eigenes Register verwenden, welches nicht bei aufgenommen wird. Dabei ist darauf zu achten, daß dieses Register in der Abkürzung mit dem Zeichen "_" beginnen muß und eben nicht in externer allgemeingültiger Praxisanwendung sein sollte.
    <register code="_MOBA">