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railML® 3 Wiki – RailTopoModel® Wiki |
Timetable and Rostering (TT)
TT root element — TT use cases — Concepts & examples
General Information
The timetable subschema is part of the complete railML® schema providing a data structure in XML for the exchange of any kind of timetable for operational or conceptional purposes. Please visit the railML®-Website (link to the railML® website) for more detailed information or send an email with your enquiry to the timetable coordinator.
The main subschema element is the <timetable> which contains subelements for:
- <additionalName>
- <timetablePeriods>
- <operatingPeriods>
- <categories>
- <annotations>
- <trainParts>
- <trains>
- <trainGroups>
- <rosterings>
- <xs:any>
For more information please refer to the following pages:
- <timetable> — documentation of the main element
- Timetable Elements — overview off all XML elements found in the timetable subschema
- [https://wiki2.railML.org/DataModel/2.5/TT UML visualization of the current railML® 2 TT subschema]
- Timetable Concepts — explanations of some basic modelling concepts to this subschema:
- List of Articles describing basic timetable concepts
- Train coupling and sharing
- How to reference infrastructure
- About reversing trains and formations
- How to find out whether a train or train part is for passengers or freight? (Train types, categories, products, and passenger usage)
- How to indicate midnight overruns in railML®
- How to define track usage of a train in stations
- UC:Use cases/table — a collection us use cases for the TT-subschema
- Examples (link to the railML® website; login needed) — collection of examples provided by the railML® partners
All elements in the Wiki are documented with the elment name and the prefix of their subschema (TT: for timetable) — e.g. the wiki documentation for <connection> is found here https://wiki2.railml.org/wiki/TT:connection