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The codelist TrainProtectionSystems comprises of train protection systems. It provides two container elements for track bound systems and train bound systems respectively. Your railML® download will usually contain the codelists in a directory codelists, next to documentation and schema. As As the codelists have shorter cycles than railML® versions have you might want to get the current list from (link to the railML® website).

The code lists are intended to address certain frequently used entities with a single code, as to avoid repetitious work as well as ambiguity errors. Moreover, the separation of schema and codelists allows actualizing the codelists in very short cycles. The concept of codelists is explained here.


The list contains train protection systems train protection systems (external link). The root element is named <trainProtectionSystems>. It provides two container elements for track bound systems and train bound systems respectively:

At track

  • <trainProtectionSystemsAtTrack>: Container for train protection systems, installed "at the track"
    • <trainProtectionSystem>: Single entries for each train protection system, installed "at track"
      • code: A code that should be referred to from within an railML file, typically a short name for the train protection system in latin letters.
      • <name>: Name of the system.
      • <validFor>: If the code for the system differs between vehicle and track installation, put the mapping in this container element.
        • <vehicleSystem>: Train protection system code of the according vehicle system.
Example entry
<trainProtectionSystem code="Crocodile">

On Vehicle

  • <trainProtectionSystemsOnVehicle>: Container for train protection systems, installed "on the vehicle"
    • <trainProtectionSystem>: Single entries for each train protection system, installed "on vehicle"
      • code: A code, that should be referred to from within an railML file, typically a short name for the train protection system in latin letters.
      • <name>: Name of the system.
      • <validFor>: If the code for the system differs between vehicle and track installation, put the mapping in this container element.
        • <trackSystem>: Train protection system code of the according track system.
Example entry
<trainProtectionSystem code="CIR-ELKE2">

Affected Elements

Currently the codelist InfrastructureManagers.XML can be called from three elements:

Missinginformation.png In this article there is information missing with respect to the elements calling this codelist. Please help improving the railML® Wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion pageFerri Leberl (talk) 19:42, 9 January 2018 (CET)

Current entries

As of January 2018, the following Systems are listed:

At Track

railML® Code Name Comment ValidFor URL Contact Info
ALSN Автоматическая Локомотивная Сигнализация Непрерывного действия (Continuous automatic cab signalling)
  • ALSN
ALSN (Wiki banner.png)
ASFA Anuncio de Señales y Frenado Automático ASFA (Wiki banner.png)
ATB automatische treinbeïnvloeding
  • ATB
ATB (Wiki banner.png)
ATBNG automatische treinbeïnvloeding - Nieuwe Generatie ATB-NG (Wiki banner.png)
AWS Automatic Warning System AWS (Wiki banner.png)
BACC Blocco automatico a correnti codificate BACC (Wiki banner.png)
  • Crocodile
  • Memor
  • Memor2
Crocodile (Wiki banner.png)
CIR-ELKE Computer Integrated Railroading – Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit im Kernnetz der Eisenbahn CIR-ELKE (Wiki banner.png)
CIR-ELKE2 Computer Integrated Railroading – Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit im Kernnetz der Eisenbahn, Erweiterung
CIR-ELKE2 (Wiki banner.png)
CSS CSS (Wiki banner.png)
EBICAB electronic cab signalling Bombardier EBICAB (Wiki banner.png)
ETCS European Train Control System (ERTMS) ETCS (Wiki banner.png)
  • EVM120
  • EVM160
  • Mirel
Fahrsp Fahrsperre (mechanical)
GWATP Great Western Automatic Train Protection GW ATP (Wiki banner.png)
Indusi Induktive Zugsicherung
  • Indusi54
  • Indusi60
  • Indusi60R
  • PZ80
  • PZB90
Indusi (Wiki banner.png)
Integra-Signum Integra-Signum (Wiki banner.png)
KVB Contrôle de vitesse par balises KVB (Wiki banner.png)
  • LS
  • LS90
  • Mirel
LS (Wiki banner.png)
LZB Linienförmigen Zugbeeinflussung
  • LZB-L72
LZB (Wiki banner.png)
RS4c Blocco automatico a correnti codificate/Ripetizone dei Segnali 4 Codici RS4c (Wiki banner.png)
SCMT Sistema die Controllo della Marcia dei Treni SCMT (Wiki banner.png)
SELCAB SELCAB (Wiki banner.png)
SHP Samoczynne hamowanie pociagu SHP (Wiki banner.png)
SSC Sistema di Supporto alla Condotta SSC (Wiki banner.png)
TBL Transmission Balise-Locomotive TBL (Wiki banner.png)
TPWS train protection and warning system TPWS (Wiki banner.png)
TVM300 Transmission Voie-Machine (upto 300 km/h) TVM300 (Wiki banner.png)
TVM430 Transmission Voie-Machine (greater 300 km/h) TVM430 (Wiki banner.png)
ZSI127 ZSI-127 (Wiki banner.png)
ZSI90 ZSI-90 (Wiki banner.png)
ZSL90 de:ZSL-90 (Wiki banner.png)
ZST90 ZST-90 (Wiki banner.png)
ZUB121 Zugbeeinflussung ZUB 121 (Wiki banner.png)
ZUB122 Zugbeeinflussung ZUB 122 (Wiki banner.png)
ZUB123 Zugbeeinflussung ZUB 123 (Wiki banner.png)
ZUB262 Zugbeeinflussung ZUB 262 (Wiki banner.png)

On Vehicle

railML® Code Name Comment ValidFor URL Contact Info
ALSEN extension of ALSN for speeds up to 200 km/h
  • ALSN
ALSN Автоматическая Локомотивная Сигнализация Непрерывного действия (Continuous automatic cab signalling) ALSN (Wiki banner.png)
ASFA Anuncio de Señales y Frenado Automático ASFA (Wiki banner.png)
ATB automatische treinbeïnvloeding ATB (Wiki banner.png)
ATBEG automatische treinbeïnvloeding - Eerste Generatie
  • ATB
ATB-EG (Wiki banner.png)
ATBNG automatische treinbeïnvloeding - Nieuwe Generatie ATB-NG (Wiki banner.png)
AWS Automatic Warning System AWS (Wiki banner.png)
BACC Blocco automatico a correnti codificate BACC (Wiki banner.png)
CIR-ELKE Computer Integrated Railroading – Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit im Kernnetz der Eisenbahn
  • LZB
CIR-ELKE (Wiki banner.png)
CIR-ELKE2 Computer Integrated Railroading – Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit im Kernnetz der Eisenbahn, Erweiterung
  • LZB
CIR-ELKE2 (Wiki banner.png)
Crocodile Crocodile (Wiki banner.png)
CSS CSS (Wiki banner.png)
EBICAB EBICAB (Wiki banner.png)
ETCS ETCS (Wiki banner.png)
  • EVM
  • EVM
Fahrsp Fahrsperre
GWATP GW ATP (Wiki banner.png)
  • Indusi
Indusi (Wiki banner.png)
  • Indusi
Indusi (Wiki banner.png)
  • Indusi
Indusi (Wiki banner.png)
Integra-Signum Integra-Signum (Wiki banner.png)
  • ALSN
KLUB-U (Wiki banner.png)
KVB Contrôle de vitesse par balises KVB (Wiki banner.png)
LS LS (Wiki banner.png)
  • LS
LS (Wiki banner.png)
LZB-L72 Linienförmige Zugbeeinflussung Variante L72
  • LZB
LZB (Wiki banner.png)
  • Crocodile
Crocodile (Wiki banner.png)
  • Crocodile
Memor II+ (Wiki banner.png)
  • EVM
  • LS
Mirel (Wiki banner.png)
PZ80 Punktförmige Zugbeeinflussung Typ 80
  • Indusi
Indusi (Wiki banner.png)
PZB90 Punktförmige Zugbeeinflussung Typ 90
  • Indusi
Indusi (Wiki banner.png)
RS4c Blocco automatico a correnti codificate/Ripetizone dei Segnali 4 Codici RS4c (Wiki banner.png)
SCMT Sistema die Controllo della Marcia dei Treni SCMT (Wiki banner.png)
SELCAB SELCAB (Wiki banner.png)
SHP Samoczynne hamowanie pociagu SHP (Wiki banner.png)
SSC Sistema di Supporto alla Condotta SSC (Wiki banner.png)
TBL Transmission Balise-Locomotive TBL (Wiki banner.png)
TPWS train protection and warning system TPWS (Wiki banner.png)
TVM300 Transmission Voie-Machine (upto 300 km/h) TVM300 (Wiki banner.png)
TVM430 Transmission Voie-Machine (greater 300 km/h) TVM430 (Wiki banner.png)
ZSI127 Zugsicherung Schmalspur - 127 ZSI-127 (Wiki banner.png)
ZSI90 Zugsicherung Schmalspur - induktiv 90
ZSL90 Zugsicherung Schmalspur - Linienleiter 90 de:ZSL-90 (Wiki banner.png)
ZST90 Zugsicherung Schmalspur - Zugstop 90 ZST-90 (Wiki banner.png)
ZUB121 Zugbeeinflussung Typ 121 ZUB 121 (Wiki banner.png)
ZUB122 Zugbeeinflussung Typ 122 ZUB 122 (Wiki banner.png)
ZUB123 Zugbeeinflussung Typ 123 ZUB 123 (Wiki banner.png)
ZUB262 Zugbeeinflussung Typ 262

Are you missing an entry? The procedure to extend the list is explained here.