UC:TT:UseCases: Difference between revisions

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* [[TT:UC:TAF/TAP TSI |TAF/TAP TSI requirements; {{Deu|TAF/TAP TSI Anforderungen}} (<font color="green">writer: ERA</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: ???</font color>) ]]
* [[TT:UC:TAF/TAP TSI |TAF/TAP TSI requirements; {{Deu|TAF/TAP TSI Anforderungen}} (<font color="green">writer: ERA</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: ???</font color>) ]]
* [[TT:UC:OperationalSimulationTimetable |Operational simulation timetable; {{Deu|Betriebssimulation Fahrplan}} (<font color="red">writer: PSI</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: SMA</font color>)]]
* [[TT:UC:OperationalSimulationTimetable |Operational simulation timetable; {{Deu|Betriebssimulation Fahrplan}} (<font color="red">writer: PSI</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: SMA</font color>)]]
* [[TT:UC:VeryLongTermPlanning |Very Long Term Planning; {{Deu|Langfristfahrplanerstellung}} <font color="green">(writer: SMA (22.12.16)</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: ???</font color>)]]
* [[TT:UC:VeryLongTermPlanning |Very Long Term Planning; {{Deu|Langfristfahrplanerstellung}} ( <font color="green">writer: SMA (22.12.16)</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: ???</font color> )]]
* [[TT:UC:SlotOrdering |Slot ordering; {{Deu|Trassenbestellung}} (<font color="green">writer: SMA (17.09.16)</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: iRFP</font color>)]]
* [[TT:UC:SlotOrdering |Slot ordering; {{Deu|Trassenbestellung}} (<font color="green">writer: SMA (17.09.16)</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: iRFP</font color>)]]
* Automatic Route Setting; {{Deu|Zuglenkung}} (<font color="red">writer: OTRT</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: PSI</font color>)
* Automatic Route Setting; {{Deu|Zuglenkung}} (<font color="red">writer: OTRT</font color>; <font color="red">reviewer: PSI</font color>)

Revision as of 19:49, 23 December 2016

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This page provides use cases specific to the TT-subschema. See Dev:Use cases to learn what a use case is, how to contribute to writing good railML®-Use Cases and where to find them in this wiki.

List of Use Cases

The following list provide links to the use cases related with the exchange of timetable data (TT schema):


  • LTP = long term planning: the yearly timetable(s)
  • STP = short term planning: changes to the current production timetable up to the point that changes can be published to downstream systems (passenger information, train control, train operators, etc.)

Use cases, usecase, usescases