TT:ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart: Difference between revisions

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|semantics =
|semantics =
This element describes a single point along the train path. Normally, an {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} belongs to a station with an arrivial and departure time. But an {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} could also be a blocking signal with or without passing time, or some control point on the train path. It is always referencing a certain {{IS:Doc|ocp}} defined in the infrastructure part, providing some timetable related information for it.
In the British railway timetabling system the {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} is called ''TIPLOC'' by [// Network Rail], which is a contraction of '''TI'''ming '''P'''oint '''LOC'''ation.
{{Deu|Das Element {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} beschreibt den einzelnen Punkt im Zuglauf. Der {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} entspricht einem ''Fahrzeitmesspunkt''. Ein Fahrzeitmesspunkt kann, muss aber keine Betriebsstelle sein. Meist ist ein {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} gleichzusetzen mit einen Bahnhof und der dortigen Ankunfts- und Abfahrtszeit. Es kann aber genauso gut ein Blocksignal mit oder ohne Durchfahrtszeit oder auch ein beliebiger Messpunkt auf der Strecke sein. Der jeweilige {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} verweist immer auf einen in der Infrastruktur definierten {{IS:Doc|ocp}} und beschreibt dessen Verwendung im Fahrplan. Als Regel darf jeder {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} nur einmal innerhalb eines {{TT:Doc|trainPart}}s auftauchen.}}
|parent = {{TT:Tag|ocpsTT|patternTrainPart}}
|parent = {{TT:Tag|ocpsTT|patternTrainPart}}
|childs = {{TT:Tag|times|ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart}}, {{TT:Tag|sectionTT}}, {{tag|tt|alternativeSectionsTT}}, {{TT:Tag|stopDescription|ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart}}, {{any}}
|childs = {{TT:Tag|times|ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart}}, {{TT:Tag|sectionTT}}, {{tag|tt|alternativeSectionsTT}}, {{TT:Tag|stopDescription|ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart}}, {{any}}
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* {{Attr|remarks}}: This is a free attribute for further descriptions.{{human}}
* {{Attr|remarks}}: This is a free attribute for further descriptions.{{human}}
* {{Attr|trainReverse}}: This is true if the {{TT:Doc|train}} changes its direction of travel at this station which is sometimes shown by a sign "↔" in printouts for passengers. For indicating that the {{RS:Doc|formation}} starts in reversed order, you will have to set the attribute {{Attr|orientationReversed}} in the {{TT:Doc|formationTT}}. If the train reverses at an intermediate station and restarts in reversed order, you will have to build a new {{TT:Doc|trainPart}} with
** {{Attr|trainReverse}} set at the last {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} of the previous {{TT:Doc|trainPart}} and
** {{Attr|trainReverse}} set at the first {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}} and the attribute {{Attr|orientationReversed}} set in the {{TT:Doc|formationTT}} of the new {{TT:Doc|trainPart}}.
:For more information, see [[TT:Reversing_trains_and_formations | Reversing trains and formations]].

* {{Attr|alignment}}: This describes the alignment of the arriving train in relation to the place on a {{IS:Doc|track}} referenced by {{Attr|ocpRef}}. Possible values are:
* {{Attr|alignment}}: This describes the alignment of the arriving train in relation to the place on a {{IS:Doc|track}} referenced by {{Attr|ocpRef}}. Possible values are:
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:* {{Enum|rear}} - The end of the train (back of last vehicle) is located at the <{{IS:Doc|ocp}}> referenced by {{Attr|ocpRef}}, possibly shifted by {{Attr|offset}} metres.
:* {{Enum|rear}} - The end of the train (back of last vehicle) is located at the <{{IS:Doc|ocp}}> referenced by {{Attr|ocpRef}}, possibly shifted by {{Attr|offset}} metres.
:The default value for {{Attr|alignment}} is {{Enum|center}} if the attribute is not specified.
:The default value for {{Attr|alignment}} is {{Enum|center}} if the attribute is not specified.
* {{Attr|offset}} - Describes the offset of the stopping point in relation to the point on a track referenced by {{Attr|ocpRef}}. The default value is zero (no offset).
|anyAttribute =
|anyAttribute =

Revision as of 10:43, 9 October 2023


💡 (introduced with version 2.5)
This element was introduced with version 2.5.
Dieses Element wurde mit Version 2.5 eingeführt.

Schema description / Schemabeschreibung

Position of ocpTT in the XML-Tree / Position von ocpTT im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

This element describes a single point along the train path. Normally, an ocpTT belongs to a station with an arrivial and departure time. But an ocpTT could also be a blocking signal with or without passing time, or some control point on the train path. It is always referencing a certain ocp defined in the infrastructure part, providing some timetable related information for it. In the British railway timetabling system the ocpTT is called TIPLOC by Network Rail, which is a contraction of TIming Point LOCation.

Das Element ocpTT beschreibt den einzelnen Punkt im Zuglauf. Der ocpTT entspricht einem Fahrzeitmesspunkt. Ein Fahrzeitmesspunkt kann, muss aber keine Betriebsstelle sein. Meist ist ein ocpTT gleichzusetzen mit einen Bahnhof und der dortigen Ankunfts- und Abfahrtszeit. Es kann aber genauso gut ein Blocksignal mit oder ohne Durchfahrtszeit oder auch ein beliebiger Messpunkt auf der Strecke sein. Der jeweilige ocpTT verweist immer auf einen in der Infrastruktur definierten ocp und beschreibt dessen Verwendung im Fahrplan. Als Regel darf jeder ocpTT nur einmal innerhalb eines trainParts auftauchen.(introduced with version 2.5)
Please, be aware of the semantic constraint(s)!

Attributes of ocpTT / Attribute von ocpTT

  • ocpRef: This refers to the id attribute of the associated ocp element.
  • trackRef: This refers to the id attribute of the associated track element.
  • sequence: (introduced with version 2.2) This number defines the order of the ocpTT elements inside a trainPart which is supposed to be chronological.
  • trackInfo: Textual description of station track for information purposes. The real track and platform information can and should be identified via the trackRef attribute.
  • ocpType: This is a mixture of two informations describing the action of the train at this ocpTT. Possible values are:
  • stop The train is stopping at this ocpTT.
  • pass The train is not stopping at this ocpTT and will pass.
  • begin (deprecated with version 2.2) If the trainPart begins at this ocpTT and is not part of a longer train path, this value is used. The start of a train path should be detected by parsing the trains.
  • end (deprecated with version 2.2) If the trainPart ends at this ocpTT and is not part of a longer train path, this value is used. The end of a train path should be detected by parsing the trains.
  • remarks: This is a free attribute for further descriptions.
💡 Please take into account our references to human-intepretable data fields.

Bitte berücksichtigen Sie unsere Hinweise zu menschen-intepretierbaren Datenfeldern.

  • alignment: This describes the alignment of the arriving train in relation to the place on a track referenced by ocpRef. Possible values are:
  • head - The head of the train (front of first vehicle) is located at the <ocp> referenced by ocpRef, possibly shifted by offset metres.
  • center - The centre of the train (mid point concerning the train length) is located at the <ocp> referenced by ocpRef, possibly shifted by offset metres.
  • rear - The end of the train (back of last vehicle) is located at the <ocp> referenced by ocpRef, possibly shifted by offset metres.
The default value for alignment is center if the attribute is not specified.
  • offset - Describes the offset of the stopping point in relation to the point on a track referenced by ocpRef. The default value is zero (no offset).
  • xs:anyAttribute: This provides an extension point for non-railML® attributes in a foreign namespace. How to use it?

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • sequence: xs:positiveInteger, mandatory
  • ocpRef: xs:IDREF, mandatory
  • trackRef: xs:IDREF, optional
  • trackInfo: xs:string, optional
  • ocpType: restriction of xs:sting; stop, pass, begin (deprecated with version 2.2), end (deprecated with version 2.2)
  • remarks: xs:string, optional
  • trainReverse: xs:boolean, optional
  • alignment: restriction of xs:string; generic type for the alignment of a train relative to some objective in the used context (head, center, rear), optional

Semantic Constraints / Semantische Beschränkungen

Private-cloud-icon.png Semantic Constraint "TT:002":
The attribute sequence is shall be increasing according to the train path.
Das Attribut sequence muss ansteigend entsprechend dem Zuglauf sein.
Proposed on October 25th 2018
Approved on June 20th 2019
FIXME: add Link to discussion!
Please, recognize our guidelines on semantic constraints

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Notes / Anmerkungen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.