TT:times ocpTT ocpsTT patternTrainPart
Schema description / Schemabeschreibung
Position of times in the XML-Tree / Position von times im XML-Baum
- Parent: <ocpTT>
- Children: None
Multiplicity / Anzahl
Semantics / Bedeutung
The Element <times> describes arrival and departure times of a train with their scope.
Das Element <times> beschreibt Ankunfts- und Abfahrtszeiten eines Zuges und ihre Interpretation.
Please, be aware of the semantic constraint(s)!
Attributes of times / Attribute von times
- scope: The attribute @scope is used to distinguish different <times> elements at the same parent <ocpTT>. Typically, they refer to different planning or operating stages (comp. #Semantics and restrictions of the attribute scope).
Das attribute @scope wird verwendet, um verschiedene <times> Elemente am selben übergeordneten Element unterscheiden zu können. Typischerweise beziehen sich die Werte auf unterschiedliche Planungs- bzw. Betriebsstadien (vgl. #Semantics and restrictions of the attribute scope).
- Possible values are:
- actual recorded arrival and/or departure times of a currently running or already driven train
- calculated arrival and/or departure times from a simulation tool
- published arrival and/or departure times that the passengers get on written sheets or online
- scheduled arrival and/or departure times for operational purposes
- earliest acceptable arrival and/or departure time (used to express a wish of a customer at a very early planning stage of a new timetable)
- latest acceptable arrival and/or departure time (used to express a wish of a customer at a very early planning stage of a new timetable)
- expected (introduced with version 2.5) forecasted arrival and/or departure times based on realtime data
- other:anything: Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed. Please, apply Dev:usingAny accordingly.
- arrival: Moment at which the train ends its movement and gets to a halt at the parent <ocpTT>; usually called arrival time.
- If this attribute is set at the first <ocpTT> of a <trainPart> that is also the first of the <trainPartSequence> of all <train>s it belongs to, it shall describe an "arrival from outside of the scope of the railML® file": It expresses that the train arrives at that first <ocpTT> at the given time, but the railML® file does not express from where the train arrives nor whether it arrives as a train movement at all or rather as a shunting movement.
- arrivalDay: arrival on the n-th day, with train (but not necessarily the parent trainPart) starting on day 0 at its first departure. To learn, how to handle values ≠0, see How to indicate midnight overruns in railML®.
- departure: departure or run-through (passing) time;
- normally specified at all except the very last station of the last trainPart (section) of a train:
- If this attribute is set at the last <ocpTT> of a <trainPart> that is also the last of the <trainPartSequence> of all <train>s it belongs to, it shall describe "departure to outside of the scope of the railML® file": It expresses that the train departs at that last <ocpTT> at the given time, but the railML® file does not express to where the train departs nor whether it departs as a train movement at all or rather as a shunting movement.
- departureDay: departure on the n-th day, with <train> (but not necessarily the parent <trainPart>) starting on day 0 at its first departure. To learn, how to handle values ≠0, see How to indicate midnight overruns in railML.
- xs:anyAttribute: This provides an extension point for non-railML® attributes in a foreign namespace. How to use it?
(introduced with version 2.2)
Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen
Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.
Semantic Constraints / Semantische Beschränkungen
Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele
Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.
Notes / Anmerkungen
Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.
Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen
Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.