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Latest release: 2.5
(September 1st 2021)
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railML® 3 WikiRailTopoModel® Wiki

Infrastructure (IS)

IS root elementIS use casesConcepts & examples

General Information

The railML® Infrastructure subschema is focused on the description of the railway network infrastructure including all its various facets that are needed by the data exchange applications. In particular, the railML® infrastructure schema contains the following information:

  • Topology. The track network is described as a topological node edge model (see <trackTopology>).
  • Coordinates. All railway infrastructure elements can be located in an arbitrary 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system, e.g. the WGS84 that is widely used by today's navigation software, see <geoCoord>.
  • Geometry. The track geometry can be described in terms of <radiusChanges> and <gradientChanges>.
  • Railway infrastructure elements enclose a variety of railway relevant assets that can be found on, under, over or next to the railway track, e.g. <balises>, <platformEdges> and <levelCrossings>. See <trackElements>
  • Further located elements encompass elements that are closely linked with the railway infrastructure, but that "cannot be touched", e.g. <speedProfiles> and <trackConditions>.

The main element of this subschema is <infrastructure>.

Please visit the railML® Website (link to the railML® website) for more detailed information about the Infrastructure subschema or send an email to the coordinator of the subschema.


For more information please refer to the following pages:

All elements in the Wiki are documented with the elment name and the prefix of their subschema (IS: for infrastructure) — e.g. the wiki documentation for <track> is found here: