Dev:UML: Difference between revisions

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(2.0 to 2.2 merged; minor additions)
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(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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{{head|Unified Modelling Language – UML}}
{{head|Unified Modelling Language – UML}}
Some supported versions of {{rml|2}} have been reimplemented in the {{wiki|Unified_Modelling_Language|Unified Modelling Language}} as High Level UML. For comprehensibility of the {{rml|2.x}} schemas, we provide a representation of the underlying model arranged by subschema and version:
Some supported versions of {{rml|2}} have been reimplemented in the {{wiki|Unified_Modelling_Language|Unified Modelling Language}} as High Level UML.
For comprehensibility of the {{rml|2}} schemas, we provide a representation of the underlying model arranged by subschema and version:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
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|No longer supported
|Support expired
|Not implemented
|Not yet available
|[{{uml|CO|2.4}} CO 2.4]
|style="text-align:right;" | [{{uml|TT|2.4}} TT 2.4]
|[{{uml|CO|2.5}} CO 2.5]
|style="text-align:right;" | [{{uml|TT|2.5}} TT 2.5]
|No longer supported
|Support expired
|Not implemented
|Not yet available
|[{{uml|IS|2.4}} IS 2.4]
|style="text-align:right;" | [{{uml|IS|2.4}} IS 2.4]
|[{{uml|IS|2.5}} IS 2.5]
|style="text-align:right;" | [{{uml|IS|2.5}} IS 2.5]
|Not implemented
|Support expired
|Not implemented
|Not yet available
|Not implemented
|style="text-align:right;" | [{{uml|RS|2.4}} RS 2.4]
|Not implemented
|style="text-align:right;" | [{{uml|RS|2.5}} RS 2.5]
|No longer supported
|Support expired
|Not implemented
|colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"|Not applicable for rendering
|[{{uml|RS|2.4}} RS 2.4]
|[{{uml|RS|2.5}} RS 2.5]
|No longer supported
|colspan="4" style="text-align:center;"|Not implemented within {{rml|2.x}}.<ref name=rml3>Listed for analogy with {{wiki3|Dev:UML|{{rml|3|link=no}}}}</ref>
|Not implemented
|[{{uml|TT|2.4}} TT 2.4]
|[{{uml|TT|2.5}} TT 2.5]
|Not implemented
|colspan="4" style="text-align:center;"|Not implemented within {{rml|2.x}}.<ref name=rml3 />
|Not implemented
|Not implemented
|Not implemented
|Not implemented
|colspan="4" style="text-align:center;"|Not implemented within {{rml|2.x}}.<ref name=rml3 />
|Not implemented
|Not implemented
|Not implemented

Latest revision as of 10:30, 10 March 2025

RailML Trademark RGB V2.png
XML Railway exchange format
Latest release: 2.5
(September 1st 2021)
Quick links
XML tree
UML diagrams
Use cases
Versions & Changes
Semantic Constraints
railML® 3 WikiRailTopoModel® Wiki

Unified Modelling Language – UML
Some supported versions of railML® 2 have been reimplemented in the Unified Modelling Language (Wiki banner.png) as High Level UML.

For comprehensibility of the railML® 2 schemas, we provide a representation of the underlying model arranged by subschema and version:

Subschema railML® 2.0 - 2.2 railML® 2.3 railML® 2.4 railML® 2.5
Timetable Support expired Not yet available TT 2.4 TT 2.5
Infrastructure Support expired Not yet available IS 2.4 IS 2.5
Rollingstock Support expired Not yet available RS 2.4 RS 2.5
Common Support expired Not applicable for rendering
Interlocking Not implemented within railML® 2.x.[1]
RailTopoModel® Not implemented within railML® 2.x.[1]
GML Not implemented within railML® 2.x.[1]
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Listed for analogy with railML® 3