RS:propulsion: Difference between revisions

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elementName = propulsion
elementName = propulsion

|semantics =
|semantics =
The element {{RS:Tag|propulsion}} contains all data for the propulsion system of motive power related to a particular supply system, i.e. for each supply system including diesel a separate instance of '''propulsion''' is needed. The structure of its sub-elements conforms to the structure find on locos.
The element {{RS:Tag|propulsion}} contains all data for the propulsion system of motive power related to a particular supply system, i.e. for each supply system including diesel a separate instance of {{RS:Tag|propulsion}} is needed. The structure of its sub-elements conforms to the structure find on locos.
{{Deu|Das Element {{RS:Tag|propulsion}} beinhaltet mit seinen Unterelementen alle Angaben zum Antriebssystem eines Triebfahrzeugs bezüglich eines Stromversorgungssystems. Somit wird für jede Speisevariante, einschließlich Dieselantrieb, eine Instanz dieses Elements benötigt.

{{deu|Das Element {{RS:Tag|propulsion}} beinhaltet mit seinen Unterelementen alle Angaben zum Antriebssystem eines Triebfahrzeugs bezüglich eines Stromversorgungssystems. Somit wird für jede Speisevariante, einschließlich Dieselantrieb, eine Instanz dieses Elements benötigt.<br />
Die Unterelemente spiegeln die Struktur eines Antriebssystem von der Energieentnahme bis zur Umwandlung in Bewegungsenergie im Fahrmotor wieder. Dabei sind unterschiedliche Detailgrade möglich. Zum einen kann der Antrieb sehr detailliert oder nur mit seinem "Klemmenverhalten" als Black-box beschrieben werden. Der Nutzer muss deshalb dafür sorgen, dass sich die Daten der unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsebenen nicht widersprechen.}}
Die Unterelemente spiegeln die Struktur eines Antriebssystem von der Energieentnahme bis zur Umwandlung in Bewegungsenergie im Fahrmotor wieder. Dabei sind unterschiedliche Detailgrade möglich. Zum einen kann der Antrieb sehr detailliert oder nur mit seinem "Klemmenverhalten" als Black-box beschrieben werden. Der Nutzer muss deshalb dafür sorgen, dass sich die Daten der unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsebenen nicht widersprechen.}}

|parent =
|parent =

|childs =
|childs =
{{RS:Doc|auxiliarySupply}}, {{RS:Doc|brakeCurrent}}, {{RS:Doc|brakeCurrentLimitation}}, {{RS:Doc|brakeEffort}}, {{RS:Doc|brakeVehicleEfficiency}}, {{RS:Doc|diesel}}, {{RS:Doc|fourQuadrantChopper}}, {{RS:Doc|gear}}, {{RS:Doc|link}}, {{RS:Doc|rackTraction}}, {{RS:Doc|tractionInverter}}, {{RS:Doc|tractionMotor}}, {{RS:Doc|tractiveCurrent}}, {{RS:Doc|tractiveCurrentLimitation}}, {{RS:Doc|tractiveEffort}}, {{RS:Doc|tractiveVehicleEfficiency}}, {{RS:Doc|transformer}}
{{RS:Tag|additionalName|propulsion}} {{Intro|2.1}}, {{RS:Tag|auxiliarySupply}}, {{RS:Tag|brakeCurrent}}, {{RS:Tag|brakeCurrentLimitation}}, {{RS:Tag|brakeEffort}}, {{RS:Tag|brakeVehicleEfficiency}}, {{RS:Tag|diesel}}, {{RS:Tag|fourQuadrantChopper}}, {{RS:Tag|gear}}, {{RS:Tag|link}}, {{RS:Tag|rackTraction|_propulsion}}, {{RS:Tag|tractionInverter}}, {{RS:Tag|tractionMotor}}, {{RS:Tag|tractiveCurrent}}, {{RS:Tag|tractiveCurrentLimitation}}, {{RS:Tag|tractiveEffort}}, {{RS:Tag|tractiveVehicleEfficiency}}, {{RS:Tag|transformer}}
|inheritedAttributes =
|id =
|code =
|name =
|description =
|ownAttributes =
* {{Attr|voltage}}: This is the nominal voltage of the propulsion system in Volts for which it is designed for, i.e. the supply voltage at the contact line or third rail.
* {{Attr|frequency}}: This is the nominal frequency of the propulsion system in Hertz for which it is designed for, i.e. the supply system frequency at the contact line or third rail. For DC systems the frequency shall be set to '0'.
* {{Attr|power}}: This is the installed power of the vehicle for this supply system in Watts.
* {{Attr|powerType}}: This is the principal type of propulsion system, i.e. the kind of power used to be transformed into kinetic energy. Possible values are:
{{missing information|user=[[User:Ferri Leberl|Ferri Leberl]] ([[User talk:Ferri Leberl|talk]]) 16:03, 25 April 2018 (CEST)|topic=the semantics of the enumeration items}}
:* {{Enum|electric}}
:* {{Enum|diesel}}
:* {{Enum|steam}}
:* {{OtherEnum
|notes_en =
|notes_de =
* {{Attr|transmission}}: This is the principal type of power transmission, i.e. the way to transmit and adjust the kinetic energy to the drive/wheel. Possible values are:
{{missing information|user=[[User:Ferri Leberl|Ferri Leberl]] ([[User talk:Ferri Leberl|talk]]) 16:03, 25 April 2018 (CEST)|topic=the semantics of the enumeration items}}
:* {{Enum|electric}}
:* {{Enum|hydraulic}}
:* {{Enum|mechanical}}
:* {{OtherEnum
|notes_en = This is mainly of interest for diesel cars.
|notes_de =
* {{Attr|controlType}}: This is the way the propulsion output is controlled. Possible values are:
{{missing information|user=[[User:Ferri Leberl|Ferri Leberl]] ([[User talk:Ferri Leberl|talk]]) 16:03, 25 April 2018 (CEST)|topic=the semantics of the enumeration items}}
:* {{Enum|unknown}}
:* {{Enum|camshaftControl}}
:* {{Enum|contactorControl}}
:* {{Enum|rectifier}}
:* {{Enum|thyristorControl}}
:* {{OtherEnum
|notes_en =
|notes_de =
* {{Attr|maxTractEffort}}: This is the maximum tractive effort achievable at the wheels by the propulsion system given in Newton. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Tag|tractiveEffort}}.
* {{Attr|rotationMassFactor}}:This is the factor of increased running resistance due to the rotating masses of the propulsion system and the wheels. It shall be given for the entire vehicle even including any non-driven axles.
* {{Attr|additionalRotationMass}}: This is the figure for increased running resistance due to the rotating masses of the wheels given in metric tons.
* {{Attr|rackTraction}} {{Depr|2.1}}: This is a flag, whether the vehicle comprises equipment for use on rack railways. The particular type of rack rail system is not included here. From now on the child element {{RS:Tag|rackTraction_propulsion}} shall be used instead.
* {{Attr|remoteControl}}: This is a flag, whether the vehicle can be remotely controlled, i.e. by radio or train lines from a driving trailer van. The particular type of remote control is not included here.
* {{Attr|numberNotches}}: This is the number of notches the propulsion system switch gear comprises in order to control the vehicle speed. This value is only needed for old-fashioned systems using mechanical switch gear for adjusting traction motor voltage.
* {{Attr|wheelDiameter}}: This is the nominal value of wheel diameter of the driven axles given in metres.
* {{Attr|maxBrakeEffort}}: This is the maximum brake effort achievable at the wheels by the propulsion system given in Newton. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Tag|brakeEffort}}.
* {{Attr|maxBrakePower}}: This is the maximum power in watts provided by the propulsion system for regenerative braking. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Tag|brakeCurrent}}.
* {{Attr|totalTractEfficiency}}: This is the mean efficiency of the complete propulsion system in traction mode. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Tag|tractiveVehicleEfficiency}}.
* {{Attr|totalBrakeEfficiency}}: This is the mean efficiency of the complete propulsion system in braking mode. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Tag|brakeVehicleEfficiency}}.
* {{Attr|tractionOffUndervoltageThreshold}}: This is the threshold value in Volts for the propulsion system to be switched off when the supply voltage at the pantograph is below this value.
* {{Attr|zeroSpeedCurrentLimitation}}: This is the net current limit in Ampere for the propulsion system at zero speed.
* {{Attr|maxRegenerativeVoltage}}: This is the maximum allowed voltage at pantograph in Volts during regenerative braking.
* {{Attr|speedRange}}: This is a flag, whether this propulsion data are valid for the following speed range of the engine:
{{missing information|user=[[User:Ferri Leberl|Ferri Leberl]] ([[User talk:Ferri Leberl|talk]]) 16:03, 25 April 2018 (CEST)|topic=the semantics of the enumeration items}}
:* {{Enum|slow}}
:* {{Enum|fast}}
:* {{Enum|dontcare}}

|inheritedAttributes =
* {{Attr|forwardSpeed}}: This is the maximum permissible speed in kilometres per hour for the vehicle to run with front ahead (normal running direction).
* {{attr|id}}: Unique identifier which is used to refer to this particular item. This ID is always required for the item. It is inherited as a common feature from the type [[tElementWithIDAndName]].
* {{Attr|reverseSpeed}}: This is the maximum permissible speed in kilometres per hour for the vehicle to run with tail ahead (reverse running direction).
* {{Attr|activationStandstill}}: This is a flag, whether the propulsion system can be activated only in standstill.

* {{attr|name}}: A short name for the item can be given here, if wanted. It is inherited as a common feature from the type [[tElementWithIDAndName]].
|constraints =

* {{attr|description}}: In addition to a short name a more detailed description can be given here. This shall allow a short overview or hints to the contents of this dat set. It is inherited as a common feature from the type [[tElementWithIDAndName]].
* {{Attr|voltage}} {{RailMLType|tVoltageVolt}}, optional

{{vers|> 2.0}} Heritage of attributes from the type [[tElementWithIDAndName]].
* {{Attr|frequency}} {{RailMLType|tFrequencyHertz}}, optional

|ownAttributes =
* {{Attr|power}} {{RailMLType|tPowerWatt}}, mandatory
* {{attr|voltage}}: This is the nominal voltage of the propulsion system in Volts for which it is designed for, i.e. the supply voltage at the contact line or third rail.

* {{attr|frequency}}: This is the nominal frequency of the propulsion system in Hertz for which it is designed for, i.e. the supply system frequency at the contact line or third rail. For DC systems the frequency shall be set to '0'.
* {{Attr|powerType}} mandatory

* {{attr|power}}: This is the installed power of the vehicle for this supply system in Watts.
* {{Attr|transmission}} optional

* {{attr|powerType}}: This is the principal type of propulsion system. It can be one out of '''electric''', '''diesel''', '''steam''' or '''other'''.
* {{Attr|controlType}} optional

* {{attr|transmission}}: This is the principal type of power transmission. It can be one out of '''electric''', '''hydraulic''', '''mechanical''' or '''other'''. This is mainly of interest for diesel cars.
* {{Attr|maxTractEffort}} {{RailMLType|tEffortNewton}}, optional

* {{attr|controlType}} {{vers|> 2.0}}: This is the way the propulsion output is controlled.
* {{Attr|rotationMassFactor}} {{XsdType|decimal}}, optional

* {{attr|maxTractEffort}}: This is the maximum tractive effort achievable at the wheels by the propulsion system given in Newton. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Doc|tractiveEffort}}.
* {{Attr|additionalRotationMass}} {{RailMLType|tWeightTons}}, optional

* {{attr|rotationMassFactor}}:This is the factor of increased running resistance due to the rotating masses of the propulsion system and the wheels. It shall be given for the entire vehicle even including any non-driven axles.
* {{Attr|rackTraction}} {{XsdType|boolean}}, optional

* {{attr|rackTraction}} {{vers|depricated with 2.1}}: This is a flag, whether the vehicle comprises equipment for use on rack railways. The particular type of rack rail system is not included here. From now on the child element {{RS:Doc|rackTraction}} shall be used instead.
* {{Attr|remoteControl}} {{XsdType|boolean}}, optional

* {{attr|remoteControl}}: This is a flag, whether the vehicle can be remotely controlled, i.e. by radio or train lines from a driving trailer van. The particular type of remote control is not included here.
* {{Attr|numberNotches}} {{RailMLType|tCounter}}, optional

* {{attr|numberNotches}}: This is the number of notches the propulsion system switch gear comprises in order to control the vehicle speed. This value is only needed for old-fashioned systems using mechanical switch gear for adjusting traction motor voltage.
* {{Attr|wheelDiameter}} {{RailMLType|tLengthM}}, optional

* {{attr|wheelDiameter}}: This is the nominal value of wheel diameter of the driven axles given in metres.
* {{Attr|maxBrakeEffort}} {{RailMLType|tEffortNewton}}, optional

* {{attr|maxBrakeEffort}}: This is the maximum brake effort achievable at the wheels by the propulsion system given in Newton. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Doc|brakeEffort}}.
* {{Attr|maxBrakePower}} {{RailMLType|tPowerWatt}}, optional

* {{attr|maxBrakePower}}: This is the maximum power in watts provided by the propulsion system for regenerative braking. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Doc|brakeCurrent}}.
* {{Attr|totalTractEfficiency}} {{RailMLType|tOneToZero}}, optional

* {{attr|totalTractEfficiency}}:This is the mean efficiency of the complete propulsion system in traction mode. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Doc|tractiveVehicleEfficiency}}.
* {{Attr|totalBrakeEfficiency}} {{RailMLType|tOneToZero}}, optional

* {{attr|totalBrakeEfficiency}}: This is the mean efficiency of the complete propulsion system in braking mode. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element {{RS:Doc|brakeVehicleEfficiency}}.
* {{Attr|tractionOffUndervoltageThreshold}} {{RailMLType|tVoltageVolt}}, optional

* {{attr|tractionOffUndervoltageThreshold}}: This is the threshold value in Volts for the propulsion system to be switched off when the supply voltage at the pantograph is below this value.
* {{Attr|zeroSpeedCurrentLimitation}} {{RailMLType|tCurrentAmpere}}, optional

* {{attr|zeroSpeedCurrentLimitation}}: This is the net current limit in Ampere for the propulsion system at zero speed.
* {{Attr|maxRegenerativeVoltage}} {{RailMLType|tVoltageVolt}}, optional

* {{attr|maxRegenerativeVoltage}}: This is the maximum allowed voltage at pantograph in Volts during regenerative braking.
* {{Attr|speedRange}} optional

* {{attr|speedRange}} {{vers|> 2.0}}: This is a flag, whether this propulsion data are valid for the '''normal''', '''slow''' or '''fast''' speed range of the engine.
* {{Attr|forwardSpeed}} {{RailMLType|tSpeedKmPerHour}}, optional

* {{attr|forwardSpeed}} {{vers|> 2.0}}: This is the maximum permissible speed in kilometres per hour for the vehicle to run with front ahead (normal running direction).
* {{Attr|reverseSpeed}} {{RailMLType|tSpeedKmPerHour}}, optional

* {{attr|reverseSpeed}} {{vers|> 2.0}}: This is the maximum permissible speed in kilometres per hour for the vehicle to run with tail ahead (reverse running direction).
* {{Attr|activationStandstill}} {{XsdType|boolean}}, optional

|backHome = RS:elements
|backHome = RS:elements

Latest revision as of 18:42, 5 October 2024


Scheme description / Schemenbeschreibung

Position of propulsion in the XML-Tree / Position von propulsion im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The element <propulsion> contains all data for the propulsion system of motive power related to a particular supply system, i.e. for each supply system including diesel a separate instance of <propulsion> is needed. The structure of its sub-elements conforms to the structure find on locos.

Das Element <propulsion> beinhaltet mit seinen Unterelementen alle Angaben zum Antriebssystem eines Triebfahrzeugs bezüglich eines Stromversorgungssystems. Somit wird für jede Speisevariante, einschließlich Dieselantrieb, eine Instanz dieses Elements benötigt.

Die Unterelemente spiegeln die Struktur eines Antriebssystem von der Energieentnahme bis zur Umwandlung in Bewegungsenergie im Fahrmotor wieder. Dabei sind unterschiedliche Detailgrade möglich. Zum einen kann der Antrieb sehr detailliert oder nur mit seinem "Klemmenverhalten" als Black-box beschrieben werden. Der Nutzer muss deshalb dafür sorgen, dass sich die Daten der unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsebenen nicht widersprechen.

Attributes of propulsion / Attribute von propulsion

  • id: XML-file-wide unique, machine-interpretable identity, required for later referencing that element internally. For a detailed explanation see Dev:identities.
    XML-Datei-weit eindeutige, maschineninterpretierbare Identität, die für die spätere interne Referenzierung dieses Elements erforderlich ist. Für eine detaillierte Erklärung siehe Dev:identities.
  • code (introduced with version 2.1): Machine-interpretable string (e.g. an abbreviation) used for identification of the object across exchange partners, usecase specific uniqueness constraints may apply. Please see our description of the differences between id, code and human-readable identifiers.
    Maschineninterpretierbare Zeichenkette (z.B. Abkürzung), die zur Identifizierung des Objekts auch bei Austauschpartnern verwendet wird, wobei spezifische Eindeutigkeitsbeschränkungen gelten können. Bitte beachten Sie unsere Erläuterung zu den Unterschieden zwischen id, code and menschenlesbaren Kennzeichnungen.
  • name: Established, human-readable short string, giving the object a name. Not intended for machine interpretation, please see our notice on human interpretable data fields.
    Etablierte, menschenlesbare kurze Zeichenkette, die das Objekt benennt. Nicht zur maschinellen Interpretation bestimmt, siehe Hinweise zu menschenlesbaren Datenfeldern.
  • description: Human-readable, more detailed description as addition to the name. It should give additional explanations or hints to the contents of this element. Not intended for machine interpretation, please see our notice on human interpretable data fields.
    Menschenlesbare, detailliertere Beschreibung als Ergänzung zu name. Sie soll zusätzliche Erläuterungen oder Hinweise auf den Inhalt dieses Elements geben. Nicht zur maschinellen Interpretation bestimmt, siehe Hinweise zu menschenlesbaren Datenfeldern.
  • xml:lang (introduced with version 2.1): This is a unique identifier of language. It uses basically the language standard IETF BCP 47 (external link) which may be different to ISO 639-1 (external link) or ISO 639-2 (external link). For mapping hints see relation to other standards (external link).
    This defines the language used for name and description. Use <additionalName> to provide a name and/or description in other languages.
  • voltage: This is the nominal voltage of the propulsion system in Volts for which it is designed for, i.e. the supply voltage at the contact line or third rail.
  • frequency: This is the nominal frequency of the propulsion system in Hertz for which it is designed for, i.e. the supply system frequency at the contact line or third rail. For DC systems the frequency shall be set to '0'.
  • power: This is the installed power of the vehicle for this supply system in Watts.
  • powerType: This is the principal type of propulsion system, i.e. the kind of power used to be transformed into kinetic energy. Possible values are:

Missinginformation.png In this article there is information missing with respect to the semantics of the enumeration items. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion pageFerri Leberl (talk) 16:03, 25 April 2018 (CEST)
  • electric
  • diesel
  • steam
  • other:anything: Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed. Please, apply Dev:usingAny accordingly.
  • transmission: This is the principal type of power transmission, i.e. the way to transmit and adjust the kinetic energy to the drive/wheel. Possible values are:

Missinginformation.png In this article there is information missing with respect to the semantics of the enumeration items. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion pageFerri Leberl (talk) 16:03, 25 April 2018 (CEST)
  • electric
  • hydraulic
  • mechanical
  • other:anything: Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed. Please, apply Dev:usingAny accordingly.
    This is mainly of interest for diesel cars.
  • controlType: This is the way the propulsion output is controlled. Possible values are:

Missinginformation.png In this article there is information missing with respect to the semantics of the enumeration items. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion pageFerri Leberl (talk) 16:03, 25 April 2018 (CEST)
  • unknown
  • camshaftControl
  • contactorControl
  • rectifier
  • thyristorControl
  • other:anything: Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed. Please, apply Dev:usingAny accordingly.
  • maxTractEffort: This is the maximum tractive effort achievable at the wheels by the propulsion system given in Newton. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element <tractiveEffort>.
  • rotationMassFactor:This is the factor of increased running resistance due to the rotating masses of the propulsion system and the wheels. It shall be given for the entire vehicle even including any non-driven axles.
  • additionalRotationMass: This is the figure for increased running resistance due to the rotating masses of the wheels given in metric tons.
  • rackTraction (deprecated with version 2.1): This is a flag, whether the vehicle comprises equipment for use on rack railways. The particular type of rack rail system is not included here. From now on the child element <rackTraction_propulsion> shall be used instead.
  • remoteControl: This is a flag, whether the vehicle can be remotely controlled, i.e. by radio or train lines from a driving trailer van. The particular type of remote control is not included here.
  • numberNotches: This is the number of notches the propulsion system switch gear comprises in order to control the vehicle speed. This value is only needed for old-fashioned systems using mechanical switch gear for adjusting traction motor voltage.
  • wheelDiameter: This is the nominal value of wheel diameter of the driven axles given in metres.
  • maxBrakeEffort: This is the maximum brake effort achievable at the wheels by the propulsion system given in Newton. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element <brakeEffort>.
  • maxBrakePower: This is the maximum power in watts provided by the propulsion system for regenerative braking. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element <brakeCurrent>.
  • totalTractEfficiency: This is the mean efficiency of the complete propulsion system in traction mode. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element <tractiveVehicleEfficiency>.
  • totalBrakeEfficiency: This is the mean efficiency of the complete propulsion system in braking mode. This value is to be used in conjunction with the element <brakeVehicleEfficiency>.
  • tractionOffUndervoltageThreshold: This is the threshold value in Volts for the propulsion system to be switched off when the supply voltage at the pantograph is below this value.
  • zeroSpeedCurrentLimitation: This is the net current limit in Ampere for the propulsion system at zero speed.
  • maxRegenerativeVoltage: This is the maximum allowed voltage at pantograph in Volts during regenerative braking.
  • speedRange: This is a flag, whether this propulsion data are valid for the following speed range of the engine:

Missinginformation.png In this article there is information missing with respect to the semantics of the enumeration items. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion pageFerri Leberl (talk) 16:03, 25 April 2018 (CEST)
  • slow
  • fast
  • dontcare
  • forwardSpeed: This is the maximum permissible speed in kilometres per hour for the vehicle to run with front ahead (normal running direction).
  • reverseSpeed: This is the maximum permissible speed in kilometres per hour for the vehicle to run with tail ahead (reverse running direction).
  • activationStandstill: This is a flag, whether the propulsion system can be activated only in standstill.

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • id: xs:ID, required
    a string, starting with a letter (a..zA..Z) or an underscore (_),
    followed by a non-colonized and non-spaced string consisting of letters, digits, points (.), dashes (-) or underscores (_)
  • code: xs:string, optional
  • name: xs:string, optional
  • description: xs:string, optional
  • xml:lang: xs:language, language identification, optional
  • voltage xs:decimal, 1 fraction digit, voltage value measured in Volt, optional
  • frequency xs:decimal, 3 fraction digits with minimum value 0, frequency value measured in Hertz, optional
  • power xs:decimal, 0 fraction digits, power value measured in Watt, mandatory
  • powerType mandatory
  • transmission optional
  • controlType optional
  • maxTractEffort xs:decimal, 0 fraction digits, effort value measured in Newton, optional
  • additionalRotationMass xs:decimal, 3 fraction digits, weight value measured in metric tons, optional
  • wheelDiameter xs:decimal, 6 fraction digits, length value measured in meter, optional
  • maxBrakeEffort xs:decimal, 0 fraction digits, effort value measured in Newton, optional
  • maxBrakePower xs:decimal, 0 fraction digits, power value measured in Watt, optional
  • totalTractEfficiency xs:decimal, range between 0 and 1 (inclusive borders), maximum 6 fraction digits, optional
  • totalBrakeEfficiency xs:decimal, range between 0 and 1 (inclusive borders), maximum 6 fraction digits, optional
  • tractionOffUndervoltageThreshold xs:decimal, 1 fraction digit, voltage value measured in Volt, optional
  • zeroSpeedCurrentLimitation xs:decimal, 1 fraction digit, current value measured in Ampere, optional
  • maxRegenerativeVoltage xs:decimal, 1 fraction digit, voltage value measured in Volt, optional
  • speedRange optional
  • forwardSpeed xs:decimal, 5 digits and 1 fraction digit with minimum value 0, speed value measured in km/h, optional
  • reverseSpeed xs:decimal, 5 digits and 1 fraction digit with minimum value 0, speed value measured in km/h, optional

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Notes / Anmerkungen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.