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This template displays the attribute dir and its possible values up and down. It allows for an English and a German comment on the attribute.


The template has one obligatory and two optional arguments:

  • Obligatory:
    • selfLink: The element name
  • Optional:
    • dir: English comment
    • dir_de: German comment
    • depr: Version number of deprication; calls Template:Depr.


The template depends on Template:Attr, Template:IS:Doc, Template:Enum and Template:AddAnn. No other templates build on it.


{{InheritStrictDirection|selflink=(some element)}}


  • dir: This defines the validity of FIXME along the track. Possible values are:
  • up This denotes the direction from the <trackBegin> to the <trackEnd> (increasing relative position values).
  • down This goes opposite to up (decreasing relative position values).
|selflink=(some element)
|dir=English comment
|dir_de=Deutscher Kommentar


  • dir: This defines the validity of FIXME along the track. Possible values are:
  • up This denotes the direction from the <trackBegin> to the <trackEnd> (increasing relative position values).
  • down This goes opposite to up (decreasing relative position values).
    English comment
    Deutscher Kommentar

The template is employed solely by TT:trackRef.