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railML® 3 WikiRailTopoModel® Wiki
Outdated.png Part of the article content is outdated since 2022. SVN is not longer in use; railML®'s Gitlab structure is different. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion pageCoordination (talk) 11:37, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
🗒️ The subject of this article is accessing, setting and naming developer versions. To learn about published railML® versions and about our release policy, see dev:versions.

Current stable release

In order to get the current stable railML® package, go to the Download section (link to the railML® website) whilst logged on.

Current stable releases are railML® 2.5 and railML® 3.2 respectively.

Exchange a railML® file based on unstable schemas

The following XML fragment shows how to exchange railML® files using unstable railML® schemas.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<railml version="2.1r416"
  • Use the last released version number plus the current SVN number: version="2.1r416"
  • Use the last released namespace
    • as default namespace: xmlns=""
    • as prefixed namespace: xmlns:rail="" (not shown above)
  • Use the appropriate web-based Schema location at xsi:schemaLocation=""

For local validation purposes, see Local versus web-based validation (XML catalogs and XML namespaces)

For more information on how to use version numbers and namespaces, see Recommendations on version numbers.

Note on legacy SVN commits

🗒️ In 2021 the railML® development was migrated from SVN (Wiki banner.png) to GitLab (Wiki banner.png). Identical commits have different numbers on SVN and GitLab respectively. Template:SVN still allows to find SVN commit numbers in GitLab via the search function. For instance SVN commit 416 corresponds to GitLab commit 5f735749. You will be directed to a search page, where the (usually unique) hit can be clicked or the commitment number can be copied. E.g. {{SVN|416|2}} [416] will present a page linking to the page of GitLab commit {{commit|5f735749}} [5f735749].