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This page provides use cases specific to the IL-subschema. See Dev:Use cases to learn what is a use case, how to contribute to writing good railML®-Use Cases and where to find them in this wiki.

List of Use Cases for Interlocking

The following list provides links to the use cases related with interlocking:

Priority Description (EN) Description (DE) Description (FR) Abbreviation Reported by Status
how to interpret the status
1 Capacity Operational Simulation (routes) Leistungsfähigkeit Simulation Jernbaneverket Capacity Dpt consolidated
2 Data prepration for signalling Datenbereitstellung für Stellwerkssysteme [[IL:UC:EulynxDataPreparationInterlocking|]] EULYNX requirements
3 Interlocking engineering for signalling Stellwerkstechnik für Signalisierung [[IL:UC:InterlockEngineeringForSignallingWithinJBV|]] Jernbaneverket Signalling Dpt draft
4 Interlocking engineering Stellwerksprojektierung [[IL:UC:InterlockingEngineering|]] draft
5 Operation and Control Betriebsführung draft
6 Site preparation data for Signal Controlled Warning Systems Daten zur Standortvorbereitung für Rottenwarnsysteme SCWS Thales Austria draft
7 Hardware and cable plan Aussenanlage und Kabelplan draft