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Schema description / Schemenbeschreibung

Position of wagon in the XML-Tree / Position von wagon im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The element <wagon> contains all data with regard to possible payload of the vehicle.

Das Element <wagon> enthält alle Daten zur Beschreibung der Ladungsmöglichkeiten des Fahrzeuges. Dazu zählen z.B. Fassungsvermögen und Art der Nutzlast.

Attributes of wagon / Attribute von wagon

  • rotationMassFactor: This is the factor of increased running resistance due to the rotating masses of the wheels. It shall be given for the entire vehicle when there are only non-driven axles.
  • additionalRotationMass: This is the figure for increased running resistance due to the rotating masses of the wheels given in metric tons. It shall be given for the entire vehicle when there are only non-driven axles.
  • kinematicEnvelope (deprecated with version 2.3): This is just the name of the kinematic envelope to which is applicable for the vehicle.
  • auxiliaryPowerConsumption: This is the power consumption of the auxiliaries in Watts, which is continuously drawn by the vehicle equipment. This value shall be used in conjunction with the similar value of the locomotive in order to calculate the total power consumption within the train.
  • headShape: This is the rough description of the head shape, which may be used in case no details about running resistance are available.
  • angular This is an angular or blunt shape of vehicle front.
  • rounded This is a rounded shape of vehicle front.
  • streamlined This is a smooth and streamlined vehicle front.
  • other:anything: Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed. Please, apply Dev:usingAny accordingly.
  • headSurface: This is the surface area of the vehicle front in square metres.
  • bearingType: This is the principal type of axle bearing.
  • rollerBearing This is a bearing with cylindrical or spheric roller elements.
  • ballBearing This is a bearing with balls as roller elements.
  • plainBearing This is a bearing without roller elements like bushing.
  • other:anything: Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed. Please, apply Dev:usingAny accordingly.

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • auxiliaryPowerConsumption xs:decimal, 0 fraction digits, power value measured in Watt optional
  • headShape optional
  • headSurface xs:decimal, 3 fraction digits, square area value measured in optional
  • bearingType optional

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Notes / Anmerkungen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.