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Revision as of 11:14, 12 September 2009 by RailML Coord Rollingstock (talk | contribs) (Rename 'RefId' to 'Ref')
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Schema description / Schemenbeschreibung

Position of vehicle in the XML-Tree / Position von vehicle im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The element <vehicle> contains all data, which are related to a single vehicle or a vehicle family. The item is referenced via its attribute id. In case of a vehicle family all data can be stored, which are common for all vehicles of this family. The data set of a single vehicle can refer to the common values and define more or deviating characteristics valid only for this particular vehicle.

In dem Element <vehicle> werden alle Fahrzeug bezogenen Daten aufgenommen, um individuelle Fahrzeuge oder ganze Fahrzeugfamilien in informatorischer, organisatorischer, betrieblicher und technischer Hinsicht zu beschreiben. Die einzelnen Datensätze können über das Attribut id referenziert werden. Für eine Fahrzeugfamilie können die Daten einmal aufgeführt werden, die für alle Mitglieder der Familie gleich sind. Die Daten für ein Einzelfahrzeug können dann auf diesen Stand referenzieren. Die Applikation muss sicherstellen, dass bei abweichenden Daten diejenigen des Einzelfahrzeuges zur Anwendung kommen.

Attributes of vehicle / Attribute von vehicle

  • id: Unique identifier which is used to refer to this particular item. This ID is always required for the item. It is inherited as a common feature from the type tElementWithIDAndName.
  • name: A short name for the item can be given here, if wanted. It is inherited as a common feature from the type tElementWithIDAndName.
  • description: In addition to a short name a more detailed description can be given here. This shall allow a short overview or hints to the contents of this dat set. It is inherited as a common feature from the type tElementWithIDAndName.
  • vehicleFamilyRef: This is the reference to 'id' of another vehicle data used as definition of common features for several vehicles. The application has to ensure that the data of the current vehicle are formed from the referred family first. The content of the vehicle data set shall than overwrite any features with the values from the own data set. Thus the particular can have a subset of characteristics deviating from the common one of the vehicle family. In the data set of the single vehicle all values taken from the family definition can be omitted here.
  • axleSequence: This is the description of the vehicles axle sequence. As there a several semantics for the axle sequence in use this can be only an informative string. There is no restriction with regard to particular patterns.
  • numDrivenAxles: This is just the number of axles of the vehicle used to apply the tractive effort onto the running rails.
  • numNonDrivenAxles: This is just the number of axles of the vehicle not used for propulsion purpose.
  • trackGauge: This represents the track gauge the vehicle is designed for. This optional value shall be given as decimal in metres.
At the moment only one value can be given per vehicle. In case of vehicles with interchangeable track gauge the value for the gauge mainly used shall be given. Additional information may be inserted in description.
  • length: This represents the length of the vehicle over couplers. This optional value shall be given as decimal in metres.
The vehicle length will be used to calculate the entire length of a formation consisting of several vehicles in order to get the needed length of tracks or platforms for this formation. The total length is also required for simulation when modelling the train as band of masses.
  • speed: This is the maximum speed in kilometres per hour the vehicle is permitted to run.
  • bruttoWeight: This comprises the total weight of vehicle with full payload in metric tons.
  • nettoWeight: This comprises the total weight of the empty vehicle in metric tons.
  • bruttoAdhesionWeight: This comprises the portion of total vehicle weight with full payload resting on the motored axles in metric tons. This so-called adhesion weight is used to calculate the possible tractive effort which can be transmitted onto the running rails for a fully loaded vehicle and a particular adhesion factor.
  • nettoAdhesionWeight: This comprises the portion of total weight of an empty vehicle resting on the motored axles in metric tons. This so-called adhesion weight is used to calculate the possible tractive effort which can be transmitted onto the running rails for an empty vehicle and a particular adhesion factor.
  • resistFactor: This simple value represents the running resistance of vehicle in N/kN, which may be used in conjungtion with the trainResistance element.
It is just a rather simple estimation for the complex physics of any vehicle's running resistance. As there are dependencies of speed which becomes dominating at higher speeds, say above 100 km/h, this values shall only be used for slow vehicles like shunting units or so. In all other cases the more detailed possibilities of the trainResistance element shall be used, which is defined per train as a composition of vehicles.

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

An unlimited number of <vehicle> can be used. However, there is at least one such element mandatory, if its parent vehicles is used. The mandatory attributes are id, length, speed and bruttoWeight.

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Notes / Anmerkungen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.