This template is designated for semantic constraints. It presents them in a standardized way and provides listing in Category:Semantic constraints.
Please, don't forget to hint at semantic constraints with template:semconHint!
The template has one unnamed obligatory argument and four named arguments:
- 1: The constraint.
- status: The status of the semantic constraint: proposed, approved or deprecated
- id: a unique designator for the respective semantic constraint with the rule "AA:NNN" where AA is the abbreviation of the subschema (e.g. TT for timetable, IL for interlocking, ...) and NNN a three-digit, ascending and unique number
- forum: Link to the forum entry, where the semantic constraint was proposed. Please, don't introduce semantic constraints (not even proposed ones) without former discussion. If the value of forum is anything other than a link to the railML® forum, an error message will appear.
- proposed: The date of proposal, obligatory
- approved: The approvement date, obligatory if status is either approved or deprecated
- deprecated: The deprecation date, obligatory if status=deprecated
The dates in parameters proposed, approved and deprecated have to be entered in format yyyy-mm-dd, as they are parsed by Template:Date!
Proposed semantic contraint
{{semcon|All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.|status=proposed|proposed=1980-10-16|id=AA:nnn|forum=}}
Approved semantic contraint
{{semcon|People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.<br>{{Deu|Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll nicht mit Steinen werfen.}}|status=approved|proposed=2019-06-04|approved=2019-06-05|id=AA:nnn}}
Deprecated semantic contraint
{{semcon|Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.|status=deprecated|proposed=2019-02-12|approved=2019-03-18|deprecated=2019-04-05|id=AA:nnn}}
Deprecated Semantic Constraint: Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Proposed on February 12th 2019 Approved on March 18th 2019 Deprecated on March 18th 2019 Deprecated semantic constraints may still be valid for older railML® versions! FIXME: add Link to discussion! Please, recognize our guidelines on semantic constraints