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Semantic of type and mapping to national usage?
As to comply with our guidelines (the wiki discussion pages should be preserved to wiki issues), we moved the debate on principles that developed here to the forum to this place.
You can backtrace the discussion via the page history.
Thank you for your understanding.
Yours, Ferri Leberl (talk) 16:23, 6 June 2017 (CEST)
Summary of the national usage of type
This Table sumarizes the usage of type in different companies, as stated here. It is planned to transfer it to the best practice section of <track> as soon as it is completed. This place is intended for collection only, please put any remarks to the railML's discussion board.
Country | MainTrack | SecondaryTrack | ConnectingTrack | SidingTrack | StationTrack (deprecated with version 2.4) |
Other:Anything | Reported by |
Norway | hovedtogspor hovedspor |
øvrige not used |
øvrige forbindelsesspor1 |
not used sidespor |
togspor not used |
Jernbaneverket within stations “on path” | |
Germany | Durchgehendes Hauptgleis | nicht-durchgehendes Hauptgleis | Gleisverbindung | Nebengleis | not used | Netz Quelle: Ril 408.0101A01 | |
Switzerland | DE: Hauptgleis Signalisiertes Gleis FR: Voie signalée IT: Binario segnalato |
not used | not used | Nebengleis Nicht-signalisiertes Gleis FR: Voie non-signalée IT: Binario non segnalato |
not used | SBB Infra Quelle: SBB-Vorschrift I-22211 | |
Netherlands | Hoofdspoorweg | Lokaalspoorweg | not used | Raccordement | not used | ProRail Bron: Spoorwegwet | |
Czechia | Hlavní kolej | Spojovací kolej | Kolejová spojka | Manipulační koleje | not used | SŽDC Uvedení pramenů: Dopravní a návěstní předpis (D1) | |
1informally |
- Done it :)
Ferri Leberl (talk) 10:41, 19 January 2018 (CET)