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railML® provides a number of XML codelists. From version 2.3 onwards, they are organized and actualized separately from the schema. Your railML® download will usually contain the codelists in a directory codelists, next to documentation and schema. The separation of schema and codelists allows actualizing the codelists in very short cycles.

Current codelists

The current codelists are:


The list contains infrastructure managing companies. The items are named <infrastructureManager> with the following specification:

  • Attributes
    • code: a code, that should be referred to from within an railML file, typically a short name for the infrastructure manager in latin letters. It links the railML® element <infrastructureManager> with the code list.
  • Children
    • <name>: The company name, with attribute
    • <isoCountryCode>: The two-digit country code of the company according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
    • <companyCode>: Company codes according TAF TAP TSI B.8 or UIC IRS/leaflet 920-1:2006.


A list of registers, databases, handbooks etc. The items are named <register> with the following specification:

  • Attributes
    • code: A code, that should be referred to from within an railML® file
  • Children
    • <name>: Internationalized name of the operation or control point register
    • <organization>: Organization name that is responsible for the register
    • <remarks>: Internationalized remarks for the operation or control point register


List of clearance gauge standards. It provides data related to a particular train clearance gauge. The items are named <trainClearanceGauge> with the following specification:

  • Attributes
    • code: A code, that should be referred to from within an railML file, typically a short name for the train clearance gauges in latin letters
  • Children
    • <description>: Internationalized name of the clearance gauge.
    • <validFor>: Gives indication, whether the clearance gauge is valid for only a national, several national or all TSI-compliant networks.