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Revision as of 15:19, 16 February 2009 by RailML Coord Rollingstock (talk | contribs) (Creation)
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Element rollingstock


The element rollingstock is the start of RailML tree used for data related to rolling stock, i.e. for individual vehicles, series of vehicle, train parts and complete trains. On top there are only management information for the RailML structure itself.

Das Element rollingstock ist der Einstiegspunkt in die Datensätze für einzelne Fahrzeuge, Fahrzeugbaureihen, Kombinationen von Fahrzeugen als Zugteile und ganzen Zügen, die in den Unterelementen abgelegt werden.






Unique identifier which is used to refer to this particular item. This ID is always required for the item. It is inherited as a common feature from the type tElementWithIDAndName.
A short name for the item can be given here, if wanted. It is inherited as a common feature from the type tElementWithIDAndName.
In addition to a short name a more detailed description can be given here. This shall allow a short overview or hints to the contents of this dat set. It is inherited as a common feature from the type tElementWithIDAndName.
This is the version number of the RailML release this XML file conforms to. It is not any internal numbering from an version control system for the data version.
Allows two part or three part version numbers, 1.0 up to 99.99, or 1.0.1 up to 99.99.99.
This is the reference to a timetable data set, which is identified by this 'id'.
This is the reference to an infrastructure data set, which is identified by this 'id'.

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