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{{elementDocu| elementName = blockPartSequence

|semantics = The element <blockPartSequence> groups the referenced blockParts into a sequence of tasks.

In dem Element <blockPartSequence> werden die referenzierten blockParts als Einzelaufgaben zu einem "Dienst" gruppiert. Dafür wird deren zeitliche Abfolge inklusive Vor- und Nachbereitungszeiten festgelegt.

|parent = block

|childs = blockPartRef

|inheritedAttributes =

|ownAttributes =

  • dayOffset: This defines the day the [[TT:blockPart} starts if the block runs over midnight (even if it is not longer than 24 hours). First day is 0. If the attribute is absent all referenced blockParts start at the first day. It has to follow the constraints of xs:nonNegativeInteger.
  • preProcessingTime: This is the duration from the beginning of blocking of the ressource until start of blockPart. If this attribute is absent the pre-processing time is cero length. It has to follow the constraints of xs:duration.
  • postProcessingTime: This is the duration from the end of the chronologically last blockPart until the end of blocking of the ressource. If this attribute is absent the post-processing time is cero length. It has to follow the constraints of xs:duration.
  • basicBlockRef: This is the reference to id of the <block>. It has to follow the constraints of xs:IDREF.

_|blockPart} starts if the block runs over midnight (even if it is not longer than 24 hours). First day is 0. If the attribute is absent all referenced blockParts start at the first day. It has to follow the constraints of xs:nonNegativeInteger.

  • preProcessingTime: This is the duration from the beginning of blocking of the ressource until start of blockPart. If this attribute is absent the pre-processing time is cero length. It has to follow the constraints of xs:duration.
  • postProcessingTime: This is the duration from the end of the chronologically last blockPart until the end of blocking of the ressource. If this attribute is absent the post-processing time is cero length. It has to follow the constraints of xs:duration.
  • basicBlockRef: This is the reference to id of the <block>. It has to follow the constraints of xs:IDREF.
