
From railML 2 Wiki
Revision as of 11:50, 14 May 2024 by RailML Coord Timetable (talk | contribs) (updated semcon documentation to match what is actually in the schema)
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Schema description / Schemabeschreibung

Position of operatingDay in the XML-Tree / Position von operatingDay im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The Element <operatingDay> gives a week based abstract description of an operating period for a normal day. Variations at certain types of days (e.g. public holidays) are dealt with in operatingDayDeviance. Two different elements <operatingDay> may be defined side-by-side to be valid on the same days (e.g. Modays). In this case the attributes startDate and endDate must be used to delimit different period parts in a non-overlapping fashion. For example one operatingDay element may describe the validity for January to May as Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, while another may describe it from June to December as Monday and Wednesday.

Das Element <operatingDay> gibt eine wochenbasierte Beschreibung der Verkehrsperiode für normale Tage. Besondere Tagestypen wie Feiertage werden im Unterelement <operatingDayDeviance> behandelt. Zwei unterschiedliche Elemente <operatingDay> können dabei gleichberechtigt definiert werden. In diesem Fall müssen diese über startDate und endDate zeitlich nicht überlappend voneinander abgegrenzt werden.
Please, be aware of the semantic constraint(s)!

Attributes of operatingDay / Attribute von operatingDay

  • operatingCode: a 7-digit bitmask (0/1) for the days of a normal week, Monday to Sunday
  • onRequest: (deprecated with version 2.5) needed for "runs Monday to Friday and additionally Sunday on request"
  • startDate: can be used to reduce the considered period Please, take notice of the semantic constraint.
  • endDate: can be used to reduce the considered period Please, take notice of the semantic constraint.
  • xs:anyAttribute(introduced with version 2.3) This provides an extension point for non-railML® attributes in a foreign namespace. How to use it?

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • operatingCode xs:string, mandatory
  • onRequest xs:boolean, optional
  • startDate xs:date, optional; shall be lower or equal endDate if both are used.
  • endDate xs:date, optional; shall be higher or equal startDate if both are used.

Semantic Constraints / Semantische Beschränkungen

Private-cloud-icon.png Semantic Constraint "TT:020":
Any starting time stamp (as it may result e.g. from a combination of startDate and startTime) shall be lower or equal any ending time stamp (e.g. endDate) if both are given. Must not overlap with other <operatingDay> validity periods of the same enclosing <operatingPeriod>.
Proposed on November 12th 2018
Approved on March 21st 2019
FIXME: add Link to discussion!
Please, recognize our guidelines on semantic constraints

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

Train is operating Monday to Saturday (with no exception on public holidays):

 <rail:operatingPeriod id="op16" description="Monday - Saturday">
   <rail:operatingDay operatingCode="1111110"/>

see also the example of the railML® developing partner (link to the railML® website) iRFP:

Notes / Anmerkungen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.