TT:stopTimes stopDescription ocpTT ocpsTT trainPart: Difference between revisions

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elementName = times
|semantics =
The element {{TT:Tag|stopTimes}} describes the composition of the stopping durations a train spends in a station. The stop time as difference between arrival and departure should be: {{attr|minimalTime}} + {{attr|operationalReserve}} + {{attr|additionalReserve}}
{{deu|Das Element {{TT:Tag|stopTimes}} beschreibt beschreibt die Zusammensetzung und fachliche Aufteilung der Zeit, die ein Zug während eines Haltes in einem Bahnhof verbringt. Die Haltezeit als Differenz zwischen Ankunft und Abfahrt entspricht der Summe: {{attr|minimalTime}} + {{attr|operationalReserve}} + {{attr|additionalReserve}} }}
|parent = {{TT:Tag|stopDescription|stopDescription ocpTT ocpsTT trainPart}}
|ownAttributes =
*{{attr|minimalTime}}: minimal stop time.
*{{attr|operationalReserve}}: additional stop time for operational purposes.
*{{attr|additionalReserve}}: additional unspecified stop time, e.g. waiting for a connection.
*{{attr|shuntingTime}}: specifies the driving time inside a station. usually defined at first/last {{TT:Doc|ocpTT}}.
*{{attr|clearanceTime}}: time spent for closing the doors etc., this is sometimes considered as part of the running time.
|anyAttribute =
|anyAttribute_de =
*{{attr|minimalTime}}: {{xsdType|duration}}, optional
*{{attr|operationalReserve}}: {{xsdType|duration}}, optional
*{{attr|additionalReserve}}: {{xsdType|duration}}, optional
*{{attr|shuntingTime}}: {{xsdType|duration}}, optional.
*{{attr|clearanceTime}}: {{xsdType|duration}}, optional.
|bestpractice =
===Discussed within timetable meeting in Berlin 02.06.2016 ===
The participating developers declared that {{TT:Tag|stopTimes}} are currently used with the scope of scheduled times.
<syntaxhighlight lang=xml>
<stopTimes minimalTime="PT2M" additionalReserve="PT18S"/>
|backHome = TT:elements

Revision as of 17:02, 24 September 2023

Mass.png The element name TT:stopTimes stopDescription ocpTT ocpsTT trainPart is used several times within railML® in different contexts. See the list below for the different occurances.